Tina LV3

There was also information about a barbershop under the video. The barbershop was owned by a couple, and the wife had health issues that required her to visit the hospital every Thursday, which coincided with the timing of these events.

Originally, romantic love wasn't much of an issue, but being involved with a married woman made it problematic.

Xia Yu put the information in his phone, and he didn't need to give it to Tina; mainly because Tina didn't have her own phone and couldn't receive any of this data.

In any case, simply speaking up would be enough to deal with the middle-aged woman.

A night passed, and the next morning, Xia Yu went to see Tina.

They read books together as usual for an entire morning, and by noon, the middle-aged woman had returned home with Qiao Ting.

Qiao Ting was somewhat afraid to look at Xia Yu, and she obediently sat on the sofa waiting for lunch.

After a while, Qiao Yang also came back, and the three of them were about to go out for lunch, but the middle-aged woman stopped them.

"You go to the burger joint every day, it's too expensive. I know a more affordable place; I'll take you there," the middle-aged woman said.

Then, without any further explanation, she brought Xia Yu and the others to the small shop she mentioned.

It turned out to be a shop in the urban village, with simple equipment and questionable hygiene.

At first, Xia Yu was slightly hesitant, wondering if it would be too much to threaten the middle-aged woman with her hairdressing secret, but after seeing that she wouldn't even let him eat a decent meal in peace, he became more determined.

There was no place to sit in the shop, so they could only take the so-called burgers back home.

Once they got home, the middle-aged woman quickly tried to make use of Xia Yu again: "Tina, pour me a glass of water."

Xia Yu didn't move.

"Can't you hear me?" The middle-aged woman raised an eyebrow.

"Barbershop," Xia Yu replied.

"What barbershop?" The middle-aged woman looked puzzled.

"Master Wang's Barbershop," Xia Yu said, naming the barbershop the woman frequented.

The middle-aged woman's expression stiffened, and she lowered her originally raised leg.

"Ah, there is a Master Wang's Barbershop on the way," the middle-aged woman replied, not knowing why Tina suddenly brought up the barbershop and decided to humor her.

"Yesterday, I also passed by there, and Master Wang was very busy," Xia Yu said with a smile at the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman was a little flustered as she felt that there was more to Tina's words, but she found it hard to believe that a little girl could be so circuitous.

Xia Yu stood up and headed towards the backyard. When he closed the door, he glanced at the middle-aged woman.

The woman hurriedly came up with an excuse to follow him.

Once they were in the backyard with no one else around, Xia Yu plainly said, "The opportunity to go to the hospital to see Master Wang's wife is great."

"How did you find out?!" The middle-aged woman was shocked. She thought she had been very secretive, even parking her bicycle not in front of the barbershop but opposite the stationery store.

"You don't need to know that," Xia Yu refused to answer, although the likelihood of the middle-aged woman finding out about the driver was extremely low, he still needed to be cautious.

"I just went to play mahjong!" the middle-aged woman tried to deceive Xia Yu.

"You can tell that to Master Wang's wife," Xia Yu said, and with that, he strode away, looking as if he intended to publicize the matter.

The middle-aged woman hurriedly stepped in front of Xia Yu and gritted her teeth, "What do you want?"

"I just want to be a good kid and live a peaceful life. As long as you obey, I won't tell anyone. But if you don't, there's no other way."

Looking at the little girl in front of her with a sweet smile on her face while uttering threatening words, a chill rose in the middle-aged woman's heart. She had no choice but to agree.

Pushing open the door, Xia Yu returned to the living room. He threw the dirty and messy burger from the small shop into the trash bin, then led Qiao Ting and Qiao Yang to get another burger. The middle-aged woman dared not object.

As the day passed, when Qiao's foster father came to pick up his daughter, a prompt flashed before Xia Yu's eyes.

Tina's bonus increased to lv3.

Finally, it went up.

This was Xia Yu's fourth and a half lv3, the other three being Xu Youxiang, An Siyao, and Yuxue. Half of it was from the rise and fall of the elderly lady, Yin Shulan.

With the experience of the old lady, Xia Yu first used the bonus-attached opportunity to raise a skill to lv3.

Tina's three bonuses were: combat, business, and acting cute. Since business was already lv3 and acting cute had no effect, he could only choose combat.

His combat skill became lv3.

Afterward, there was the same unlimited time benefit as the previous three and a half, and finally, the crucial part.

You can choose one of the following three options:

AI personality change

Blank slot 1

Skill upgrade card lv3

Xia Yu chose the blank slot. After the appearance of the brown bear, his slots were filled, and it had been a long time since he went to other women or wandered around on the black cat's body.

Now, he finally had another slot.

Reminded by this reward, Xia Yu also remembered the previous saved one-out-of-three reward.

He summoned the reward interface and looked at it. He had saved the reward before because there was a garbled code in the three choices.

Looking at it now, the garbled code had disappeared, replaced by:

Star Shard Clue 1

It was the same Star Shard as the mission with Wen Ziyin. Was the garbled code there before because the Star Shard mission had not appeared? Or did the game change the reward?

Xia Yu didn't know, and he wasn't ready to use it yet. He didn't even know what the Star Shard was, and there was no progress in Wen Ziyin's mission.

His serious thinking caught the attention of Qiao's foster father.

"What's wrong?" Qiao's foster father asked, "Tomorrow is Saturday, and I can take you out to play!"

Is it already Saturday?

Feeling Tina's joyful emotions, Xia Yu nodded and agreed to go out on behalf of Tina.

"How have you been these last two days? Have you adjusted?" Qiao's foster father asked about the temporary stay at the Qiao family's house.

"I've adjusted. It's been good," Xia Yu said.

He had put in so much effort to finally tame the Qiao family, and if Qiao's foster father suddenly changed his mind and didn't let him stay any longer, he would be very troubled.

Hearing Xia Yu's reply, Qiao's foster father laughed, "I knew there would be no problem."

Xia Yu sneered in his heart, thinking of Qiao's foster father as an adult's arrogance.

A bad thing turned into a good thing with his efforts, but Qiao's foster father believed it had always been a good thing.

When the car arrived at the apartment, Xia Yu logged out of Tina's body and returned to his own.

Picking up his phone, he looked at the Penguin messages.

Yuxue sent pictures of her drinking milk tea with her best friends, An Siyao sent a photo of Hu Lianglu pouring her water, and Xu Youxiang sent a photo of her feet.

Finally, the last one was the odd one out, Zhong Yunxin, who sent a text message: I will come to your place tomorrow at noon!

Xia Yu then sent a message to An Siyao, inviting her and Hu Lianglu to come over to play tomorrow morning.

He was looking forward to Zhong Yunxin's reaction.