An Siyao: You Crave My Car

The young girl's heavy mood improved somewhat.

"Alright, don't think about this troubling matter anymore. I'll resolve it for you within three days." Xia Yu got up and got off the bed. "Let's do something happy."

The two played games together.

Eight hours passed, and Xia Yu returned to his own body.

Today was Monday, and Xia Yu had just finished class.

Outside the classroom, An Siyao and Hu Lianglu were standing there, waiting for Xia Yu.

Xia Yu's classmates were already familiar with An Siyao, so they waved goodbye to Xia Yu without any surprise.

Stepping out of the door, Xia Yu took An Siyao's hand.

"I have a favor to ask from you," Xia Yu said directly.

If it had been someone he wasn't familiar with, Xia Yu would have started with small talk, trying to make the atmosphere more pleasant before asking for help. But Xia Yu and An Siyao were already very familiar with each other, so there was no need for any pleasantries.

An Siyao thought for a moment and asked, "Do you want a Lamborghini or a Maserati?"

Xia Yu didn't understand: "Why would you think I want a sports car?"

"Isn't that what you want?" An Siyao was surprised. "Lianglu mentioned that you're taking your driver's test now and want a car."

Xia Yu shifted his gaze to Hu Lianglu, who stood up straight and looked at him provocatively.

Xia Yu was considering if it were time for Hu Lianglu to know that he was her master.

When the time was right, and An Siyao wasn't paying attention, he would make his move on Hu Lianglu.

"I want your father or grandfather to help Wen Ziyin," he changed the topic back.

"Okay," An Siyao agreed.

Seeing that the young girl had stopped talking but seemed to want to say something, Xia Yu wondered if she was finally starting to care about his relationships with other women. He felt a sense of relief.

Xia Yu told An Siyao, "If you have any questions, just ask."

Nodding her head, An Siyao asked, "Do you like Lamborghini or Maserati, or something else?"

So are you still worrying about which car to give me?

Xia Yu sighed and refused, "I'll buy it myself."

On Duan Yi's side, the mobile game production was going smoothly, and it would be released soon. Xia Yu would soon be able to make a large amount of money.

Upon hearing Xia Yu's words, An Siyao's mood visibly dropped.

"Oh," she said, sounding disheartened.

Rubbing his head, Xia Yu helplessly said, "Give me a comfortable car, not a sports car, and one that can accommodate you and Yuxue."

"Okay!" The girl brightened up again.

Rubbing her face, Xia Yu explained his relationship with Wen Ziyin, "I have something to get from Wen Ziyin, so I need to help her first to gain her favor, which will make it easier to get that thing later."

Xia Yu was referring to both the mission of the Star Shard and the reward for Level 3 Enhancement.

An Siyao still didn't understand why Xia Yu had to explain himself, but her mood improved somewhat.

In the evening, she told Yu Ningmeng about Xia Yu's words, and Yu Ningmeng relayed them to Yu Liang.

The night passed, and when Xia Yu woke up in the morning, he checked the forum and saw that Yu Liang had already taken action against Bao Huijia.

At the moment, the hottest post was about this incident.