Strange Occurrences

Ning Qiuer looked at Xia Yu in disbelief.

Putting down the controller, Xia Yu also felt that his actions were somewhat inappropriate, and he made a little excuse for himself: "It was a reflexive grasp of the opportunity, this round doesn't count, shall we start over?"

Placing her palm behind her back and pinching it hard, Ning Qiuer said indifferently, "No need, let's continue."

Ning Qiuer focused all her attention on the game, and the previous stalemate suddenly became a one-sided beating on Xia Yu.

Xia Yu chose another strategy-oriented game and finally turned the situation around.

While playing the game, Ning Qiuer didn't mention anything about music, but Xia Yu was thinking about it in his heart.

He felt that Ning Qiuer had lied when she had said she couldn't find the right song.

No matter how difficult it was to collect those good songs, after so many years, Ning Qiuer should have at least completed one or two albums. However, the fact is, Ning Qiuer hasn't released an album for five or six years.

Unless Ning Qiuer's goal had something else besides music.

With his inspiration skill, Xia Yu quickly got an idea.

Ning Qiuer's previous songs were written and composed by her. Perhaps she wanted to continue this self-sufficient image.

So she targeted Xia Yu, who didn't rely on creation for a living and didn't care about music.

Liu Mantou might have told Ning Qiuer about him giving songs before, so Ning Qiuer knew there was a high possibility of letting him remain anonymous.

The more Xia Yu thought about it, the more plausible it seemed.

Touching his chin, however, he didn't care about Ning Qiuer's behavior. As long as the rewards were attractive, everything could be negotiated.

Looking at his phone, he saw it was already 9 o'clock in the evening, and he stood up to leave, while Liu Manman continued to lie on the sofa eating snacks, and Ning Qiuer escorted the three of them downstairs.

After the three left, Ning Qiuer rubbed her forehead, went upstairs, sat next to Liu Manman, and grabbed the potato chips from her hand to eat.

Liu Manman reached for another bag of potato chips and asked Ning Qiuer "What's wrong? You look unhappy."

"Did Xia Yu come back today just for my cooking?" Ning Qiuer questioned Liu Manman.

Liu Manman nodded, "Of course, what did you think?"

Ning Qiuer had nothing to say. She took out a handful of potato chips, stuffed them into her mouth, and chewed fiercely.

In this way, the two of them ate together for a while before Ning Qiuer couldn't help but ask, "Is Xia Yu's sexual orientation really normal? Does he have any problems?"

"He doesn't even have male friends, so his sexual orientation should be women, and he has no problems," Liu Manman replied.

Hearing this, Ning Qiuer couldn't help but start doubting herself.

The newly arrived An Siyao did indeed place some pressure on her, but besides An Siyao, she believed she could compete with anyone else.

"Wait a minute." She suddenly realized a blind spot.

Turning her head and grabbing Liu Manman's arm, Ning Qiuer looked at her seriously, "How do you know Xia Yu has no problems?"

"I just know occasionally," said Liu Manman breezily.

"You can't be sure, can you?" Ning Qiuer asked tactfully.

"I can't."

Liu Manman's words indicated that she hadn't really tried it, so Ning Qiuer was relieved.

On the other side, the driver first took Xia Yu and Yuxue back to the villa, and then drove An Siyao home.

Waving to the departing car, Xia Yu took out his access card and opened the door.

"I'll go get the bath ready, wait a moment, brother."

Yuxue went to prepare the bathroom, and Xia Yu lay on the sofa, taking out his phone and searching for Ning Qiuer's songs.

He bought all the digital albums in a bundle and started listening.

Indeed, Ning Qiuer's music was excellent, and her song styles were diverse, even including rap.

After Yuxue had prepared the bath, Xia Yu listened to Ning Qiuer's songs while soaking.

Coming out of the bath, he used today's gaming opportunity on Tina, picked up Joe's music player, flipped through it, and surprisingly found one of Ning Qiuer's English songs.

After listening to the songs for a while and hearing from Tina about the recent situation, Xia Yu went to sleep.

The next morning, Xia Yu, who got up from the bed, stretched lazily, placed the black cat lying on the side of the bed back into its cat nest, and opened the door to the living room.

After breakfast, he put on headphones, went to the club, and continued practicing.

After such an ordinary day, Xia Yu had almost listened to all of Ning Qiuer's albums.

Returning home, he suddenly felt a little restless, as if there was something wrong with a certain link.

"What's wrong?" Yuxue noticed Xia Yu's abnormality and asked with concern.

Taking off his headphones, Xia Yu sat on the sofa, touching his chin: "It feels like something was overlooked; anyway, it's a bit strange."

"Do you want me to call Yao Yao to accompany you?" Yuxue worriedly picked up her phone.

"It's just a bit strange, not really a big deal." Xia Yu said, rubbing the girl's head.

"Mm." Yuxue was relieved, and she went to the kitchen to continue preparing dinner.

Sitting on the sofa, Xia Yu began to think about the source of this strange feeling.

He started to recall the time when the feeling emerged and what he was doing at that moment.

It should have been around two or three in the afternoon when he was using the archery range, easily hitting the yellow circle at a 20-meter target without any disturbance. The range was a narrow indoor room... Was there something here that triggered the strange feeling?

He looked at the headphones in his hands, wondering if his uneasiness was because he hadn't listened to music for so long.

Unable to find an answer, Xia Yu clicked on An Siyao's penguin avatar and chatted with her.

An Siyao was not a talkative person, and neither was Xia Yu. Their conversations usually involved having their camera on, video chatting while doing their own things.

On the other side of the screen, An Siyao was playing the piano.

The tune was one that Xia Yu had given her before, titled "Tranquil Princess."

After listening to the completion of the piece, Xia Yu suddenly remembered the reason for the strange feeling.

He took out his phone, opened the music player, and flipped through the history records.

Estimating the songs he had listened to at around two or three in the afternoon, Xia Yu put on his headphones and listened to them one by one.

Soon, he locked onto one part of one of the songs.

Pausing the music, he walked into the bedroom, fetched a notebook from the cabinet. On the notebook, it recorded the chain of melody sections he initially conceived to create the atmosphere of the wilderness.

Looking through those sections, Xia Yu found what he wanted in the latter part of the notebook.

Returning to the music room, he played that section from the notebook with his guitar, using Ning Qiuer's song for comparison.

It wasn't nearly the same, it was exactly the same.

It wasn't just a few notes, but a melody that lasted for more than ten seconds. The probability of such a long collision happening was extremely low.