I'm Not, I Didn't

That was a middle-aged man with a somewhat plump body and a square face, looking very serious.

Hu Lianglu's face was cold, and she just sat silently, listening to the man speak.

Liu Manman poked Xia Yu's shoulder, "I never expected Liangliang to actually like older men."

Xia Yu turned his head and stared at Liu Manman.

"What are you doing?" Liu Manman felt a little uncomfortable being stared at.

"I never expected you to be such an idiot," Xia Yu replied.

"Who are you talking about?" Liu Manman slammed the table.

As Xia Yu was about to explain, he saw a new development over at Hu Lianglu's place.

A middle-aged woman also came to Hu Lianglu's table, and her face darkened when she saw Hu Lianglu.

The three talked together for a while before they started arguing.

Liu Manman excitedly poked Xia Yu again, "They're fighting! The original partner and the mistress are fighting!"

Her gossipy behavior made Xia Yu unable to bear it, so he pinched her face.

"Hu Lianglu has played with you several times, and you still enjoy her disaster?" Xia Yu looked at Liu Manman and asked.

"Where am I gloating?" Liu Manman slapped Xia Yu's hand away, "Isn't being caught by the original partner something very normal? After a wave of ten days, you can forget about this and start over!"

Xia Yu couldn't help but frown and looked up and down at Liu Manman, "I had no idea you were this kind of Liu Manman."

"I'm not that kind of person, but a childhood friend of mine likes to play like this. I have experience," Liu Manman patted Xia Yu's thigh and asked him not to speak, as there was a new situation.

Looking at Hu Lianglu's direction, Xia Yu saw the three arguing more fiercely. Previously, due to the distance, Xia Yu couldn't hear what the three were saying. Now their volume was loud enough to reach Xia Yu.

" ... We work hard outside to earn money, and what for? Why doesn't this girl understand ..."

" ... What am I to you, a dog? When you're happy, you pet me and feed me, when you're busy, you leave me alone ..."

After hearing a few sentences, Liu Manman tilted her head and looked at Xia Yu, indicating with her eyes: It doesn't seem like a love triangle?

Xia Yu responded with his eyes: You idiot.

Standing up, Liu Manman was about to take action but thought of Xia Yu's strength and silently sat back down.

She continued to watch Hu Lianglu's situation.

The quarrel of the three attracted a waitress. Upon the waitress's reminder, Hu Lianglu's father looked around and saw people watching them, his face became even more embarrassed.

"Let's go, go outside!" he said to Hu Lianglu.

The three went outside and continued to argue.

Xia Yu and Liu Manman switched to a position near the glass wall to watch the situation.

"Should we go help?" Liu Manman asked Xia Yu.

"What do you plan to do to help? Go over and beat them up?" Xia Yu asked.

Liu Manman stopped talking, as she didn't know how to help.

She had already determined that the middle-aged man and woman were Hu Lianglu's parents, and it was difficult for outsiders to help with their family matters.

However, while it was difficult to help, stopping the quarrel was relatively simple.

Liu Manman kept a close eye on the situation, watching if Hu Lianglu could resolve it. If she couldn't, Liu Manman would go up and pull Hu Lianglu away.

The three of them argued for another three minutes, and the situation escalated further. Father Hu grabbed Hu Lianglu's arm, trying to make her obey, but Hu Lianglu showed her unwillingness.

Liu Manman immediately sensed the bad atmosphere and hurriedly pulled Xia Yu outside, "Hurry, it looks like they are about to fight."

"Don't worry, Hu Lianglu will be fine," Xia Yu also walked quickly outside.

Hu Lianglu might not be in danger, but Father Hu could be in trouble since Hu Lianglu learned more about dirty tricks and couldn't control her strength.

Xia Yu and Liu Manman were still one step too late, and the short-tempered Father Hu had already embarked on the wrong path.

After struggling with Hu Lianglu for two seconds and facing the gaze of the passersby, a thick anger rose in Father Hu's heart. He forcefully pulled Hu Lianglu's arm, "Today, even if you don't want to leave, you'll follow us!"

"I'm not going!" Hu Lianglu was no longer the weakling who couldn't even fight a gangster. She twisted her arm forcefully and broke free from Father Hu's grasp.

"Don't come looking for me again!" Hu Lianglu walked away.

This made Father Hu, who had just issued a harsh statement, unable to save face in front of the onlookers. Fuming with anger, he took two big strides and reached out to slap the back of Hu Lianglu's head.

The onlookers couldn't help but cry out.

As a middle-aged man with a bulging waist and thick arms, Father Hu was too strong for the skinny high school student Hu Lianglu to withstand such a slap aimed at the back of her head.

Fortunately, Hu Lianglu was always on guard. Hearing the gasps from the bystanders, she ducked and avoided Father Hu's hand, and skillfully turned around to kick him.

All these actions had become Hu Lianglu's instincts, and by the time she reacted, Father Hu was already covering his crotch and kneeling on the ground.

Although Hu Lianglu had pulled back most of her strength at the last moment, the remaining half was enough to temporarily incapacitate Father Hu. He slowly lay on the ground, recalling the scene of Mother Hu cracking eggs in the morning.

The frightened Mother Hu came to her senses after two seconds and rushed to Father Hu's side.

Raising the bag in her hand, Mother Hu started hitting Father Hu, "You damned thing, do you want to kill Lu Lu?"

Even though Mother Hu had started the quarrel, she only wanted to scold Hu Lianglu and force her to go home, never thinking of using physical force. Recalling how Father Hu had exerted all his strength just now, she couldn't imagine what would have happened to her daughter if the slap had landed.

"What are you doing?" Father Hu grabbed his wife's bag and glared at her angrily.

"You dare to glare at me!" Mother Hu stepped on Father Hu's leg again.

She was wearing high heels, so Father Hu felt a pain no less than Hu Lianglu's kick just now.

When Mother Hu was about to stomp a second time, the arriving Liu Manman pulled her back, "Auntie, calm down."

While pulling Mother Hu, Liu Manman "accidentally" stepped on Father Hu's hand.

Father Hu's face twitched, but he couldn't say anything.

Xia Yu also pulled Hu Lianglu away. After the three separated, the scene became quiet for a moment.

In the end, it was Xia Yu who coughed, "Uncle and Auntie, what are you doing?."

Although Xia Yu had already eavesdropped on the causes and consequences, he still pretended not to know and asked.

As the pain on his body slowly dissipated, the anger in Father Hu's heart also gradually subsided.

Thinking back to his own actions just now, he was somewhat frightened, but he did not show any regret and said coldly, "Take this troublemaker girl home!"

"I won't go back," Hu Lianglu responded coldly.

"I'm your father!" Father Hu yelled.

"I'm still your mother!" Hu Lianglu unconsciously retorted, realizing after speaking that Father Hu didn't seem to be scolding her.

Father Hu pointed at Hu Lianglu, his hand trembling with anger.

Furious, he walked towards Hu Lianglu again.

Hu Lianglu moved her leg, taking on an offensive stance.

Father Hu looked at the foot that had just kicked him, thought for a moment about the delicious fried egg in the morning, and silently suppressed his anger.

Having nothing to say, he pretended to be aloof, making it look like he didn't want to speak.

At this moment, Mother Hu spoke up: "Lulu, it's almost New Year, come back home with us."

"No, I won't go back," Hu Lianglu's tone was not as sharp as it had been towards Father Hu, but it was still very firm.

"How can you not go back to your own home!" Mother Hu's softened tone became sharp again.

"That's not my home," Hu Lianglu's tone also became sharp.

"If that's not your home, then where is your home!" Mother Hu was about to question Hu Lianglu, but was held back by Liu Manman beside her.

There was no one holding Father Hu, who took two steps forward, then stopped due to the residual pain.

"That's right, where else is your home!" Father Hu could only verbally echo.

Hu Lianglu turned to look at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu instinctively felt that something was wrong and wanted to avoid it, but there was nowhere to hide nearby.

As expected, Hu Lianglu stretched out her hand and pointed at Xia Yu, "You ask him!"

Hu Lianglu had planned to say An Siyao's home, but remembering that her parents did not know An Siyao, this explanation would not solve the problem, so she pushed it to Xia Yu. She didn't realize there was a big problem with this response.

Father Hu and Mother Hu immediately turned their eyes to Xia Yu, and Mother Hu hesitantly asked, "Do you know each other?"

"We are friends," Liu Manman answered for Xia Yu.

"Oh," Father Hu and Mother Hu nodded, they had thought that Xia Yu and Liu Manman were just passersby but didn't expect that the three were friends.

They sorted out the situation in their minds: their daughter and the boy in front of them are friends, and when they asked their daughter where her home was, the daughter asked them to ask the boy in front of them.

In summary, what was the relationship between the daughter and the boy?

"Sigh," the onlookers around reacted first. No wonder the girl didn't want to go home, it turns out this was the situation.

Although Father Hu did not blame Xia Yu for Hu Lianglu's refusal to go home, he could feel there was a connection.

Moreover, his daughter was only a high school student!

Father Hu's anger surged once again, and he raised his fist, rushing towards Xia Yu.

Xia Yu wanted to explain, but Father Hu didn't give him the chance.

With no other choice, Xia Yu had to make the first move.

Xia Yu took a small step back, dodged Hu's father's punch, and grabbed his arm. With a twist of his palm and a trip under his foot, he pressed Hu's father onto the ground.

After being subdued by Xia Yu's skillful technique, Hu's father stared for two seconds, and then became even more certain of his guess.

I was wondering how Lulu suddenly became so powerful, her sweeping peach leg is as proficient as a monkey. It must be taught by this bastard!

He held Xia Yu accountable and threatened him, "Let me go quickly or I won't be polite to you!"

Xia Yu frowned, not understanding where Hu's father got the confidence to say this. If it wasn't for the fact that he was Hu Lianglu's father, Xia Yu would have continued to beat him according to his temper.

"I will never agree to your relationship with Lulu!" Hu's father threatened again.

Just as Xia Yu was about to explain, Hu's mother came over. She hit Hu's father twice with her bag and helped Xia Yu up, "Good child, are you alright?"

Facing Hu's mother's gaze, Xia Yu explained helplessly, "Things are not what you think. Hu Lianglu and my girlfriend have made an appointment to go to District 26 together, so she doesn't want to go back with you."

"Your girlfriend?" Hu's father and mother caught the point.

They looked at Hu Lianglu, who put her hand in her trouser pocket and coldly replied, "You're talking nonsense."

Hu's father and mother immediately labeled Xia Yu as a scumbag who abducted their daughter and didn't want to take responsibility.

Fortunately, Hu Lianglu wasn't slow to speak and immediately said, "You haven't confirmed your relationship with Yaoyao yet, and she told me that you two haven't confessed your feelings."

Hu's father and mother were confused: Is there any need to specifically state whether they have confirmed their relationship or not? Do you really like that girlfriend or this boyfriend?

In the end, it was Hu's mother who made the decision, "Going on a trip with friends is fine, just come back before the New Year, alright?"

Hu Lianglu nodded.

"That's good." After saying that, Hu's mother hurriedly pulled her husband away as he still had more to say.

In the car, Hu's father looked upset and said to Hu's mother, "What were you thinking? How can a girl from our family go traveling with strangers? It's so easy to take a loss!"

"How can she be at a loss? You men just like to make a fuss over nothing, thinking that only you can be happy," Hu's mother glared at Hu's father.

"No, at least I need to ask…"

"Ask, ask, ask, what can you get from asking? Go and inquire, does asking make it real?" Throwing the bag in her hand to the front, Hu's mother raised her leg, "Don't worry about that for now. What happened to you just now? You got provoked outside and took it out on your daughter? Are you going to pick up a brick someday and hit me in the back of the head?"

"No, listen to me…"

As Hu's father and mother reached a consensus and drove away, Xia Yu also drove back to An Siyao's villa with Hu Lianglu and Liu Manman.

Sitting on the sofa, Xia Yu pondered, his experience told him that Hu's father and mother would definitely not be so easily dismissed.

Fortunately, everything that needed to be explained had been explained.

Thinking about this, he looked at Hu Lianglu again, and decided that apart from fighting, he would have to teach her how to speak properly.

It was impossible for him to teach her personally, but it seemed feasible to ask Yu Ningmeng to do it.

While Xia Yu was pondering, Hu Lianglu came to his side.

Xia Yu looked at Hu Lianglu cautiously, preventing her from playing any tricks.

Hu Lianglu didn't do anything, she just sat down honestly for a while, and then got up to leave.

Before leaving, she whispered "Thank you".

This surprised Xia Yu, as he didn't really help Hu Lianglu with anything, he just casually mentioned that she should go to District 26, which shouldn't have warranted a thank you from the tough Hu Lianglu.

For ordinary people, saying thank you is just a simple expression of gratitude. But for some, saying thank you tramples on their self-esteem, because it is an acknowledgment of needing someone else's help, and they cannot accept needing help from others.

Xia Yu thought Hu Lianglu was such a person, but it seemed that she wasn't.

This girl's true character was much better than the ruffian appearance she displayed.

In comparison, Zhong Yunxin was truly beyond help.

Putting this matter aside, Xia Yu began to think about what Hu Lianglu had said earlier.

"You haven't confirmed your relationship with Yaoyao, she told me you two haven't confessed your feelings."

He recalled his memories after meeting An Siyao, indeed there was no confession scene.

What should he do? Make up for it? It felt a bit strange to do so at this point.

Xia Yu was lost in his thoughts.