Beach and Swimming

Eight hours later, in the middle of the night, the plane finally arrived at its destination. Xia Yu and his companions walked out of their respective compartments and disembarked the plane under the guidance of the stewardess.

Xia Yu, An Siyao, and Hu Lianglu were in good spirits, but Kong Hanyue, Liu Manman, and Yuxue were somewhat listless.

This was because Kong Hanyue and Liu Manman had been causing a commotion on the plane, and Yuxue, who had been with them, had not rested well.

"I can't walk anymore. Xia Yu, carry me," Kong Hanyue groaned as she leaned on the handle of her suitcase, looking sleepy.

"No way," Xia Yu replied, and bought three cans of coffee from a nearby vending machine, handing them to the three people.

The coffee would take some time to work, but its cold temperature slightly revitalized the three people.

Xia Yu turned off the flight mode on his phone and saw a message from Yu Ningmeng. Yu Ningmeng asked him to call her immediately after disembarking the plane.

Wondering what she wanted to discuss over the phone call, Xia Yu dialed Yu Ningmeng's number.

"Where are you guys right now?" Yu Ningmeng asked.

"At the airport, just got off the plane," Xia Yu replied.

"You guys don't need to go to the hotel, someone will come to pick you up. They will be wearing white clothes and holding a sign."

Following Yu Ningmeng's instructions, Xia Yu scanned the surroundings and successfully found the person she mentioned.

The sign in the person's hand read "Miss An Siyao."

Not going over to the person immediately, Xia Yu first asked Yu Ningmeng, "What's going on?"

"I found out from the local government of Area 26 that An Tianfeng has a piece of land there, so I got it for Siyao," Yu Ningmeng answered.

"…Let me confirm, it's a piece of land, not a delivery, right?" Xia Yu felt a bit stimulated.

"Yes, I heard it's near the beach. When you get back, let Siyao go to An Tianfeng to handle the paperwork. Of course, you can go too if you want," Yu Ningmeng said indifferently. She meant for Xia Yu to take the land from An Tianfeng on behalf of An Siyao.

As long as it was An Tianfeng's property, no matter how expensive it was, Yu Ningmeng would dare to give it away.

Xia Yu, of course, wouldn't be blinded by a piece of land. Going to An Tianfeng wasn't like visiting Yu Ningmeng; he might get beaten up instead.

Ignoring Yu Ningmeng's suggestion, Xia Yu noticed another point, "You still have a connection with the government of Area 26?"

"Don't you know the surname of the president of this area?" Yu Ningmeng replied.

Xia Yu immediately searched online and found that the president of Area 26 had the surname Yu.

Very well, very powerful.

"I'll tell you, this president and our Yu family," Yu Ningmeng paused and continued, "have no relation at all."

"There are quite a few people with the surname Yu. How could any random person be related?" Felling successfully teased by Xia Yu, Yu Ningmeng sounded pleased, "However, our Yu family does have several cooperation projects with the government of Area 26, so we can be considered as old friends; there is a bit of a connection."

Xia Yu didn't respond, thinking about how to take revenge when he returned.

"This is what it is. I sent you a phone number on Penguin (a communication app). If anything happens, just call that number." After saying that, Yu Ningmeng hung up the phone.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Xia Yu dodged Kong Hanyue who wanted to take the opportunity to lean on his back, and led the others to the white-clothed man.

The white-clothed man seemed to have seen their photos and recognized them immediately.

Under the guidance of the white-clothed man, the group boarded a bus and headed for An Tianfeng's private land.

The airport in Haiming City was not far from the city center. Half an hour later, the group arrived at the edge of the city, under a small hill.

According to the white-clothed man's introduction, on the other side of the hill was An Tianfeng's private territory.

After the white-clothed man said goodbye and left, a middle-aged woman with a beard came to the group. She was An Tianfeng's housekeeper, and now she was An Siyao's housekeeper.

Following her, Xia Yu and the group crossed the hill and arrived at a flat land.

The moonlight was bright, and they could clearly see the scenery on the flat ground.

There was a small villa on the flat land, with a modern style. Overall, it looked like a few metal plates stacked together, simple and technological.

In front of the villa, there was a large golden beach. Moonlight fell on the undulating waves, shining with a little silver light.

"This is awesome!" Kong Hanyue pulled Liu Manman and said excitedly.

Liu Manman looked at the reefs on the sea and, while planning how to occupy them, nodded and said, "It's more interesting than our island."

Kong Hanyue turned her head, amazed at Liu Manman. She didn't expect Liu Manman's family to be rich too.

"Which district is your family's island in?" Kong Hanyue asked cautiously.

"In the second district, on the Taiping Ocean," Liu Manman answered.

Kong Hanyue nodded, knowing that it wasn't one of those cheap islands in any estate. What a pity that Xia Yu could only marry one. With a sigh, Kong Hanyue was somewhat disappointed.

Soon the car arrived at the villa, and the first thing Xia Yu saw were the servants on both sides of the door: four maids, a chef, an assistant, and two drivers.

The female housekeeper introduced them to the group, and then led them into the villa.

The inside of the villa was as modern as the outside, even more technological than An Siyao's villa. At least in An Siyao's villa, they hadn't used iris-recognition automatic doors.

"Why are there so many maids here?" Xia Yu asked the housekeeper.

"The master liked to come and play with his friends a few years ago, and there were six maids at that time," the housekeeper replied.

While marveling at An Tianfeng's playfulness, Xia Yu went upstairs to choose a room.

The villa was not large, with only five rooms on the second floor, while there were six people in Xia Yu's group.

Either two people shared a room, or one person stayed in a bedroom downstairs.

As servants and bodyguards lived downstairs, putting one of them downstairs would be a bit awkward.

"I want to live alone with Xue Xue, Man Man, and Lu Lu." Kong Hanyue pulled the four people together, trying to create an opportunity for Xia Yu.

Xue Xue and Liu Manman had no objections, Hu Lianglu looked at Xia Yu, took half a step forward, but then retracted it, not objecting.

An Siyao raised her head and looked into Xia Yu's eyes, waiting for his answer.

Xia Yu really wanted to agree, but considering that everyone in the villa was An Tianfeng's people and that traveling would probably change the taste of the trip, he could only painfully refuse.

"Yuxue, you can stay with Manman," Xia Yu said to Yuxue.

"Eh? Okay." Yuxue and Liu Manman agreed.

"Why, Yuyu, if you don't want her, let Xue share a room with me!" Kong Hanyue protested.

"Actually, I can share a room with someone else too," Hu Lianglu stared at An Siyao, making a hint.

Xia Yu pretended not to hear the two of them and settled the matter this way.

Looking at the depressed Hu Lianglu and Kong Hanyue, Xia Yu secretly chuckled in his heart.

How could Xia Yu agree to Hu Lianglu wanting to be with An Siyao?

As for Kong Hanyue wanting to be with Yuxue, it was also impossible. Kong Hanyue wasn't a considerate fellow – sometimes, Xia Yu himself couldn't help but want to teach her a lesson.

When Yuxue had stayed at Kong Hanyue's villa before, Xia Yu had noticed that Kong Hanyue liked ordering Yuxue around. Back then, Yuxue didn't mind and was even a little happy, so Xia Yu went along with it.

But now, Yuxue had finally become somewhat independent, no longer trying so hard to please others. Last time, she even left Ning Qiuer's photo equipment behind. Xia Yu wasn't about to let Kong Hanyue step in and ruin things.

"Go tidy up your rooms and then come downstairs for dinner," Xia Yu waved his hand.

Everyone chose their respective rooms and went in to organize their luggage. Xia Yu chose a room that overlooked the beach through the window. Yuxue chose the room opposite his, and An Siyao chose the one next door to him.

After tidying up their things and having a late-night snack, the tired group went back to their rooms to rest.

The next morning at nine o'clock, Xia Yu woke up from his sleep.

The morning sunlight shone on his face, slightly dazzling, as he had forgotten to pull the curtains the night before.

Getting out of bed, Xia Yu opened the door and saw Yuxue, who had also just opened her door. Yuxue, still half-asleep and yawning, seemed to have been woken up by the alarm clock.

She walked with her head down and eyes closed, following the steps she had practiced at home.

Due to being in a different place, the steps that would have taken her smoothly to the bathroom went awry, and Yuxue walked straight into the corridor wall.

Xia Yu quickly grabbed the girl's shoulder and steered her in the right direction.

Following Yuxue to the bathroom, Xia Yu watched as she stood in front of the sink, still dazed. The girl reached for the right side, where at home she would have found her cup and toothbrush – but here in the villa, they were on the left.

Seeing Yuxue groping twice but not finding anything, she looked confused and was about to open her eyes when Xia Yu handed her the toothbrush and cup.

Xia Yu deliberately turned the toothbrush upside down, head down, tail up.

Yuxue, with her half-open eyes, didn't notice anything wrong with the toothbrush, as she grabbed the toothbrush's head, squeezed toothpaste onto the handle, and put it in her mouth.

After brushing for a moment, the girl felt something was wrong. She took out the toothbrush and looked perplexedly at the toothpaste-covered handle.

Xia Yu took a picture with his phone.

Finally waking up, Yuxue heard the sound of the camera shutter and saw Xia Yu. She knew it was Xia Yu's doing and angrily threw her toothbrush into the cup: "Bad brother!"

Xia Yu didn't care at all. He reached out to mess up Yuxue's hair, then sent the photo he had just taken to the penguin group chat.

This group was created for the trip, and soon there were responses.

Yuxue was trying to brush her teeth with the toothbrush in her mouth? Hu Lianglu replied.

That's not good for the toothbrush, Liu Manman replied.

Cute, An Siyao followed up.

666 was Yu Ningmeng's reply.

Wait, Yu Ningmeng?

Xia Yu glanced at the number of people in the group. There were supposed to be only six people on the trip, but there were seven in the group.

How did this guy get in?

With a grudge, Xia Yu used the group owner's authority to kick Yu Ningmeng out.

Feeling relieved, he put his phone aside and began brushing his teeth beside Yuxue.

They went downstairs to the restaurant for breakfast before Kong Hanyue got up.

When she finished eating and grooming, everyone sat on the couch, looking at each other hesitantly.

The girls were hesitating over whether to wear their swimsuits out. Xia Yu and Kong Hanyue were affected by their hesitation.

Finally, Kong Hanyue tentatively asked, "Go to the beach?"

The four girls sprang into action, going back to their rooms to change.

Xia Yu returned to his room as well, eager to change his clothes.

Soon, he put on his swimming trunks, wore a big T-shirt, and came down to the living room to wait.

Kong Hanyue was the first to come down. She wore a plain black swimsuit with a large black coat over it.

"How do I look? Still got it, right?" Kong Hanyue swayed in front of Xia Yu, pleased with herself.

"You're blocking my view, old woman," Xia Yu replied.

Kong Hanyue: "???"

"I'll fight you!" Kong Hanyue grabbed a fruit plate from the coffee table and chased after Xia Yu.

Xia Yu quickly ran out of the villa, taking advantage of the open space to dodge.

Kong Hanyue, despite keeping up with her exercise, couldn't match Xia Yu's stamina and soon squatted down, exhausted, on the beach.

By that time, the rest of the girls were ready.

When Xia Yu heard their door opening, a smile appeared on his face. But as the girls emerged, his smile gradually faded.

First out was Liu Manman, wearing a purple swimsuit. The color wasn't the main focus; it was the swimsuit's style.

It was a flat-angle one-piece swimsuit.

Basically, it was like wearing a vest and a pair of flat-angle shorts, tightly covering everything except her arms and legs.

However, seeing Liu Manman dressed like this, Xia Yu felt a bit disappointed. But An Siyao, who followed Liu Manman, was also dressed like this, only in white.

Looking at the third girl, Hu Lianglu, Xia Yu noticed she was even more conservatively dressed, covering even her upper arms.

Where was the promised beach treat?

Xia Yu's gaze turned to Liu Manman. A few days ago, Liu Manman had called Xia Yu and threatened to recommend conservative swimsuits to An Siyao. Xia Yu thought she was just talking, he never expected her to put it into action!

Knowing what Xia Yu was thinking, Liu Manman quickly explained: "It's not my fault, I just chose this one myself, and didn't tell your family's Yaoyao anything."

Hearing this, Xia Yu took a deep sigh and squatted down on the ground with a lost expression. Looking at the beach under his feet, he appeared to have nothing to cling to.

Yuxue came to his side and comforted him.

The girl was wearing the swimsuit that Xia Yu had imagined, which gave Xia Yu some mental consolation.

The originally shy girls, seeing Xia Yu's exaggerated disappointed expression, relaxed and went to the beach laughing and playing.

It was already ten o'clock, and the sun was getting hot. Everyone, under the leadership of Kong Hanyue, did a set of exercises and then got into the water.