Meeting Mei

Xia Yu, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a knock on the door.

Sitting up, he fumbled to turn on the light, got out of bed, and opened the door.

Outside was a maid.

Glancing at the blushing maid, Xia Yu wondered what she was preparing to do.

His confusion was soon cleared up when the maid said, "Mr. Xia Yu, Miss An Siyao would like you to come to her room."

An Siyao invited him to her room in the middle of the night?

Was it really that exciting?

"What's going on?" Xia Yu asked quietly.

"Some people are at the mountain road, and we don't know what they want to do. The housekeeper has already gone to check, I just came up to report it," the maid answered.

The two of them entered An Siyao's bedroom, where An Siyao, with her hair cascading down, was on the phone with the housekeeper.

The young girl's face was full of unease.

Seeing Xia Yu, An Siyao showed a happy smile and handed him the phone.

"What's going on?" Xia Yu asked the housekeeper after taking the phone.

"It's a local underground force; they say someone came to our beach, and they want to check it out," the female housekeeper replied calmly.

"Refuse them," Xia Yu said without hesitation.

"If you refuse, it would be better for you to come over. I'm from Area 26, they might not listen to me," the female housekeeper explained.

So people from Area 26 weren't okay, but those from Area 1 were?

Was it because of the status difference between the areas?

"Alright, I'll be right there," Xia Yu said, hanging up the phone and handing it back to An Siyao.

"I'll go too," An Siyao said, getting ready to put on her clothes.

Xia Yu stopped her, "Stay here, we don't know what's going on outside."

"Okay," the young girl obediently put her clothes down.

"Wake up Liu Manman and the others, as well as the bodyguards, and have them wait in the living room," Xia Yu added.

It was just a precaution.

Meanwhile, Xia Yu found the phone number that Yu Ningmeng had given him earlier, the one to call if there was any trouble, and dialed it.

The man who picked up the phone was polite, likely a secretary or something similar. Xia Yu informed him of the situation, and the man assured Xia Yu that he would handle it immediately.

Having prepared everything, Xia Yu and the maid got in the car and drove to the mountain.

On the mountain road, there was a roadblock manned by two security guards. The housekeeper was there, together with a maid and three armed guards, confronting three men.

There was a security booth beside the roadblock, and the security booth was lit up with a large searchlight, illuminating the surroundings.

Getting out of the car, Xia Yu approached the housekeeper and asked, "What's going on?"

He examined the three men in front of him. Apart from the skinny man who seemed to be their leader, the other two were bald, wearing beach shorts and T-shirts, and they didn't look armed.

As long as they didn't have guns, it wouldn't be a big deal. It wouldn't be a problem, even if there were thirty of them, especially when they were on the move.

Hearing Xia Yu's standard Mandarin, the three men suddenly seemed less imposing. The skinny man in the lead smiled ingratiatingly and explained in accented Mandarin:

"That's right, we found a person who entered your territory, so we came to remind you that the person might be a bit dangerous; she knocked one of our companions unconscious. If it's convenient for you, we can help you search for her. You can rest assured, we won't cause any trouble."

Looking at their posture, Xia Yu felt a bit more at ease, as a private landowner and a person from District One seemed to hold great deterrent power. As it is known, the gate can only block the road, if someone really wanted to sneak in, they could just go through the woods nearby. The fact that they didn't try to sneak in was because they were afraid of the consequences of getting caught, too afraid to even take a risk.

"No need, my security guards will conduct the search," Xia Yu refused.

The rejection did not affect the thin man's smile, he said: "Then, could you please hand over the captured person to us? One of our brothers had his head cracked open by her."

"We'll see when we catch her, who is she?" Xia Yu asked.

"A woman, very pretty, wearing long-sleeved pajamas. Wearing pajamas outside is already quite eye-catching, let alone long-sleeved ones," the thin man replied.

Xia Yu nodded and looked at the female housekeeper on the side: "Have the security guards in the villa search for her."

There were originally three security guards in the villa, who were now present, and after Xia Yu's arrival, three more were added, making a total of six.

"Should we send them all out?" the female housekeeper hesitated for a moment.

"I brought two bodyguards with me when I came here," Xia Yu indicated that sending all three security guards out wouldn't cause any problems.

The female housekeeper picked up her phone and started giving instructions.

With everything said, the female housekeeper took Xia Yu to the security booth. Although Haeming City was hot, the evening breeze was somewhat cool.

Drinking tea in the security booth, Xia Yu waited for news.

The three people from Gray Reef Company also stood on the road, anxiously waiting.

Before they could come up with an answer, the thin man's phone rang.

He answered the call and spoke respectfully: "Big brother! She ran into a private territory, and we are waiting here..."

The thin man thought his big brother was asking why they hadn't caught the person yet, so he quickly tried to explain.

"Come back!" his big brother interrupted him.

"Ah? Big brother, I've already communicated with the other party in a friendly manner and asked them to hand her over if they catch her."

"Are you deaf? Is that a place you're qualified to enter? Do you know that the navy called me just now?"

"Yes!" the thin man immediately answered.

After being scolded by his big brother for a few more sentences, the thin man hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

Glancing in the direction of the security booth, the thin man had known early on that someone who owned a private territory must be extraordinary, but he didn't expect the other party's influence to be so great.

People from District One really couldn't be messed with.

Fortunately, he had been cautious and didn't do anything bad.

His face showed a flattering smile again, and his body lowered even more.

Not daring to go over to Xia Yu, he said to the security guard in front of him: "My brother just scolded me. How to deal with that woman is entirely up to that master's mood. Our previous request was too presumptuous. Please forgive us."

After speaking, the thin man bowed in the direction of the security booth, and hurriedly left with his two subordinates.

The next moment, Xia Yu received a phone call informing him that the matter had been resolved.

After thanking the other party, Xia Yu got into the car and returned to the villa.

In the second-floor living room, An Siyao and the other four, along with the maids and bodyguards, were all together. When they saw Xia Yu return, they asked about the situation.

Xia Yu told them what had happened.

Kong Hanyue was somewhat disappointed: "Wasn't it an underground power? They are too cowardly!"

Liu Manman echoed: "That's right. If it were underground forces, wouldn't they have brought in tanks and planes, and directly bombarded this place?"

"You're not talking about underground forces, but terrorists. No, even terrorists can't do that!" Xia Yu retorted while tapping the heads of the two.

"It's not what I said, I just said they were cowards!" Caught up in the turmoil, Kong Hanyue angrily stood up and started chasing Xia Yu around the living room.

After three rounds, Kong Hanyue gave up and sat on the sofa to catch her breath.

"I'm sure you can't catch him, so why bother so seriously?" Liu Manman shared her experience with Kong Hanyue.

"It's about attitude!" Kong Hanyue replied.

"I think it's better to silently hold a grudge and find an opportunity for revenge." Hu Lianglu joined the discussion.

The atmosphere in the living room became lively, and after the discussion, they all started watching a movie together.

Just after the beginning of the film, the three security guards returned and reported that they had not found any intruders.

"They might have left." The housekeeper said.

"Still, be careful." Xia Yu looked at his mobile phone, which showed it was already 4 am, "You guys split into two groups and guard the area around the villa."

"Yes." The three security guards and two bodyguards agreed.

"Alright, let's go back to bed!" Xia Yu drove the girls back to their rooms.

After making sure they couldn't hear the conversation, Xia Yu asked the housekeeper, "Did you find out who the intruder was?"

"The people from Grey Reef Company who came over to chase didn't know either, only that it was a girl without any weapons on her." The housekeeper replied.

Xia Yu nodded, "Just keep an eye on it."


Xia Yu went back to his room and continued to sleep.

He didn't know how long it had been, but when Xia Yu opened his eyes and checked his phone, it was already 8 am.

Getting up from the bed, Xia Yu finished washing up and saw Yuxue and An Siyao playing the flute together downstairs. The other girls were still asleep.

After having bread and ham for breakfast, Xia Yu looked at the weather outside.

The sky was gloomy, the sunshine was dim, and the weather looked bad.

"I hope it's just cloudy. If it rains, it's going to rain for at least a day," the maid by the window said to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu nodded, stood up, and said, "I'm going out for a walk."

"Me too," An Siyao followed.

"Stay in the villa and play with Yuxue. I want to be alone for a while," Xia Yu stopped her.

Although Xia Yu said he wanted to walk alone, in reality, he couldn't wait to be with An Siyao in a place with no one else and do something else. However, with an intruder still at large outside, it would be bad if something happened to An Siyao.

Before Xia Yu left the house, the security guard said to him, "We have been searching the surrounding area nine times during this period. Although it is impossible for the other party to escape our search if they are still here, just in case, I will follow you."

"No need," Xia Yu did not like others following him, and he did not believe that a woman without any weapon could hurt him.

Apart from the ability to sense danger with his spiritual sense, skills such as agility lv5, endurance lv4, strength lv3, combat lv3, and intimidation lv2 were enough to protect himself.

However, he still took precautions and asked the security guard for a handgun.

With the gun tucked in his waist, Xia Yu left the villa.

The reason he came out was not only to walk around but also to search the surroundings again.

This was the result of watching too many movies, always thinking that if others couldn't find it, he could.

An Tianfeng's private territory was not large. It was a small triangle on the protruding part of the mainland into the sea, with two sides facing the sea. One side was steep, and the other was a sandy beach.

After ten minutes, Xia Yu reached the other side, but he didn't see any figures.

There are only a few tall coconut trees here, and there are no places to hide.

Feeling a little regretful, Xia Yu was heading back when he thought of something.

The security guards had only searched the shore, but what about the sea?

There was no place to stand on the sea, and equipment such as kayaks were locked in the cabin safely and could not be stolen. Without equipment, one could hide in the sea for a short while, but not for long... wait, there was a place where one could hide for an extended period.

Xia Yu thought of the artificial cave that An Tianfeng had dug out and had visited with the maid before.

The security guards might not know that place, and most likely, they hadn't checked.

That location was not far from his left side. Xia Yu came to the cliff and looked down, but he couldn't see the cave from the shore.

He'd go back and ask two security guards to check it out.

Just as Xia Yu was about to withdraw his head, he felt a strong malice.

The source of the malice was the cave below.

The intruder was indeed in the cave!

Should he go down and catch the other party or go back and call the security guards? Xia Yu hesitated.

From a safety perspective, it would be better to go back and call the security guards, but from an interest perspective, it would be better to do it himself.

Safety is essential, but so is fun, and Xia Yu found himself in a dilemma.

But soon, he found a balance.

Safety comes first, and life is the priority. Although his spiritual sense did not sense any danger, he decided not to go down, but to tease the person below from above.

So he squatted down and said, "I found you."

There was no response, as anyone with a bit of experience wouldn't respond, in case it was a trick.

"If you don't speak up in that cave below, I'll call someone to catch you," Xia Yu went on.

He was not afraid that the person below would be provoked to jump into the sea and escape. His gun and the shooting lv4 skill were not for decoration.

After two seconds, a voice came from below: "Are you a tourist?"

Xia Yu suddenly realized that he had been speaking in Mandarin. Because the three people from the Grey Reef Company understood Mandarin earlier, he had forgotten to switch to the language of Zone 26.

However, that wasn't the main point. Xia Yu frowned, feeling that the voice sounded familiar.

"What's your name?" Xia Yu asked.

Three seconds later, the answer came: "Mei Zhu."

Xia Yu's frown deepened. Although the voice was somewhat hoarse, it was definitely similar to Mei Mei's voice.

"Explain why you were being chased." Xia Yu asked the question in pretense, actually wanting to listen carefully to the voice below.

"My brother hit one of the Grey Reef Company's leaders, and they..."

Before the other person could finish, Xia Yu had already confirmed that it was Mei Mei's voice.

"Inside the cave, at the very end, knock on the ground. You'll find a board. Lift it up and throw the things inside out," Xia Yu bluffed casually.

Mei Mei, lacking experience, was deceived by Xia Yu. While pondering what the object could be, she followed Xia Yu's instructions and went to the deepest part of the cave.

She knocked on the ground but didn't see any anomalies. Just as she was puzzled, she saw a figure fall from above.

If she had been at the entrance of the cave, she could have taken advantage of the unstable footing to attack, but at this moment, she was inside the cave and had no time at all.

Tricked! Mei Mei despaired.