Beauty Eagle's Famous Scene

Pressing down on their necks, Xia Yu forced the two men to relax. He used a calming technique to put them to sleep, and then dropped them off in a secluded place before heading back.

According to the hoarse man's estimation, the car would not reach Xia Yu's desired location until noon, so there was no hurry.

Back at the villa and on the second floor, Xia Yu saw the girls sprawled out on the couch and carpet. The original plan was for them to eat out, come back to pack up their things around 1pm, but it was only 12pm now.

"Weren't you guys out shopping?" Xia Yu asked, puzzled.

"Forget it, most of the stuff inside can be found in the first district, there's nothing interesting about it," Liu Manman replied.

"I bought this," Kong Hanyue raised a wooden carving of a skull.

"This is the only thing that's somewhat interesting," Hu Lianglu also brought out a wooden skull.

Xia Yu turned to An Siyao, who took a wooden bow out of the bag next to her and handed it to him.

It was a gift for him. Xia Yu patted the girl's head in appreciation and accepted the wooden bow.

"I was going to buy a crossbow, but Lulu said I couldn't bring it back," Liu Manman sighed regretfully.

Bows weren't considered contraband, but crossbows were regarded as lethal weapons.

"Are you guys still planning to go to the countryside this afternoon?" Sitting next to An Siyao, Xia Yu thought about what excuse he could use to get out of the afternoon's activities.

"Forget it, I ran into a tourist who had been there, and he said there was nothing interesting and there were lots of bugs," Kong Hanyue tapped on the skull, venting her frustration.

"What are you doing this afternoon then?" Xia Yu asked.

"Continue swimming!" Kong Hanyue had already made the decision.

"I won't go," Xia Yu said.

Using the excuse of sudden discomfort, Xia Yu managed to bluff his way through. Only Yuxue guessed that he would spend the afternoon in someone else's body.

After eating lunch, Xia Yu opened up the slots.

Now, the marked characters in his slots were: Xu Youxiang, Ning Qiuer, Wen Ziying, Diao, An Siyao, and in addition, Yuxue, who didn't occupy a slot.

Tina's slot had been temporarily replaced with Diao. Xia Yu knew where Tina lived and could add her back at any time.

He used Diao's slot.

After a moment of darkness, he saw a goat standing right at his feet. Diao was about to attack the goat which was in a dive.

The speed of the dive was very fast. Anyone else would not be able to react in time, but Xia Yu had Agility LV5, which allowed him to easily flutter his wings and soar high, avoiding the fate of colliding with the goat.

He didn't grab the goat, but frightened it instead. The goat lost its footing and slid down the cliff.

The nearly 90-degree cliff caused the goat to tumble all the way down and land at the bottom, lifeless.

Looking at the goat's body, Diao-Yu claimed he hadn't even touched it, calling the whole situation a fluke.

With no other choice, the justice-minded Diao-Yu helped the goat's body, grabbing it and placing it next to Diao's nest.

Having completed the task, Xia Yu flew high up, determined the direction, recalled the map he had previously seen on his phone, and flew toward Route 11.

From Haiming City to District 232, Route 11 was the nearest road. The hoarse man judged that the car would definitely take this road.

Standing on a lamppost on the 11th Avenue, Diao Yu watched the traffic below.

The hoarse man didn't deceive him; an hour later, he saw the van.

Xia Yu didn't immediately take action; it's easy for an accident to happen on a highway. He followed the van from behind, watching as it drove off the highway and onto a mountain road.

It seemed that the people from Grey Reef Company wanted to smuggle into Area 232 through a small road.

No need to hurry, let them drive a while longer.

Diao Yu leisurely flew, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing through his feathers when he suddenly felt a pang in his heart.

With a turn, Xia Yu flew to the side, and at the same time, a gunshot rang out, a bullet whizzed by the edge of his wing.

"Damn, I didn't hit it!" The bald man in the van regretted.

"Can't you even shoot a bird down?" The driver with a buzz-cut whistled, expressing sarcasm.

"Enough, it's no big deal if we can't shoot it, just don't get discovered by the border defense troops," the man with the parted hair in the passenger seat said.

"It's fine, even if we are discovered, we can force our way through." The man with the chicken-nest hair in the back seat, combing his hair, said.

"Right, look at this, tsk-tsk-tsk, a machine gun!" The bald man patted the package in his arms.

"I think it's a golden eagle, a rare sight! Shoot it down, and we'll have eagle soup tonight!" The buzz-cut man, who had just mocked the bald man, chimed in.

The parted-hair man didn't speak again. He felt that the others were jealous of his regular haircut, so they all went against him.

He vented his anger on the two underlings in the back, "Wake up!"

The two drowsy underlings hurriedly opened their eyes, looking at the three hostages beside them.

The hostages were handcuffed, including Zhu Mengbing, Lihua, and the butler.

The remaining irrelevant people had already been dealt with by the people from Grey Reef Company.

"Damn, that eagle flew too high, I can't hit it." The bald man retracted his head from the window, frustrated.

The others didn't take it seriously, thinking that the golden eagle in the sky would leave after following them for a while.

However, another hour passed, and the dark figure in the sky was still there.

"What's up with this eagle? Is it really planning to attack us?" The bald man scratched his head, puzzled.

"It might be that one shot of yours that provoked it. It'll stab you to death when you get out of the car," the driving buzz-cut man laughed.

"I've heard that eagles hunt by using their claws to claw into the prey's head. Your head is perfect for clawing," the chicken-nest hair man joined in.

The group of people continued laughing, not taking the eagle in the sky seriously.

Half an hour later, the bald man realized something was wrong.

"Hold on, isn't the eagle getting closer and closer to us?" He pulled out his gun and aimed it at Diao Yu.

Diao Yu raised his wings and flew to the other side of the van. The bald man squeezed to the other side's window.

The chicken-nest hair man who was squeezed by him pushed him away, "Enough, it's just an eagle, what's the fuss about? When we get back, we'll ask a hunter to catch one for you."

"It's not about that, I feel like that eagle is indeed coming for us," the bald man frowned.

"It's coming towards us, just a carving, what can it do? Can it even lift our car?" Before Chicken Coop Head could finish comforting Baldy, they heard a bang. A stone fell on the windshield of the van, smashing it into a spider web of cracks.

The driver, Flathead, was startled and almost drove the car into the ditch beside the road. He quickly stepped on the brakes and stopped.

"What's going on?" The people in the car were still in shock, looking around for the cause.

Chicken Coop Head looked ahead, puzzled, but saw Baldy staring wide-eyed at the window to the left.

He quickly looked to the left as well, his eyes widening.

What did he see? That golden eagle had picked up a stone from the ground!

Looking at the golden eagle flying into the sky and aiming again, Chicken Coop Head and Baldy shouted, "Drive quickly!"

Flathead didn't know why, but he immediately started the van.

Because of the sudden movement, the stone thrown by the eagle did not accurately hit the windshield, but landed on the roof, denting it slightly.

"What the hell?" The people in the car were terrified.

"It's that eagle! It's throwing stones at us!" Chicken Coop Head revealed the truth.

Everyone in the car, including Flathead, who was driving, turned their heads to look at Baldy.

In their eyes, that golden eagle was provoked by Baldy.

Putting themselves in the eagle's shoes, they would also fight back and retaliate if they were flying peacefully in the sky and suddenly got shot at.

Faced with the hostile gazes of his companions, Baldy cracked a smile. He opened the window and stuck his head out, "Let me see what's going on - Holy crap!"

Baldy quickly withdrew his head, and at the same time, a stone fell, grazing the body of the car. If Baldy hadn't withdrawn his head in time, the stone would have hit him.

Baldy was glad for his agility, while the eagle was unhappy.

Baldy's words, shouldn't they be all about strength? Why did he choose agility?

Picking up another stone from the ground, the eagle flew high into the sky, calculating when and where to drop the stone.

It wasn't an easy task, considering the speed of the van and the winding road, but it was still manageable for the eagle.

Because it had Shooting LV4 skill.

After calculating, the eagle moved ahead of the van and let go of the stone.

The stone could have accurately hit the cracked part of the windshield and shattered the glass. However, the van braked, causing the stone to land on the hood instead.

The van was not only hard to target, but it also reacted fast, making things difficult.

"Quick, don't let the eagle grab any more stones!" Baldy and the other guy both leaned out of the car window, shooting at the eagle.

The eagle dodged their attacks by flying higher and headed for the distance.

"Did it leave?" The other guy asked while fiddling with his hair, relieved.

"It seems so." The remaining people in the car breathed a sigh of relief.

The three people handcuffed in the back, including "Li Hua," were somewhat regretful.

They had been hoping to take advantage of the chaos and escape, but they hadn't expected the golden eagle to leave so easily.

"Hey, you two, go and move the stone from the hood." Baldy directed the two followers behind him.

The two underlings stood up, carefully got out of the car, and looked up at the sky. After confirming that they couldn't see the Golden Eagle, they walked forward.

At the edge of the cliff, Xia Yu sighed at the other party's vigilance as he saw that only two underling-like people got out of the car. He spread his wings, grabbed a new stone, and flew into the sky.

At the moment when the two underlings were lifting the stones, the people in the car couldn't help but look at the stones, failing to notice Dia Yu in time. By the time they finally noticed, it was too late.

Xia Yu had already thrown the stone from his claws, hitting the windshield's crack accurately, smashing the glass, and landing in front of the steering wheel, cutting the bald man's hand.

"Damn it!"

Amidst the bald man's cursing, Xia Yu swooped down, grabbed one of the underlings' shoulders, and forcefully pushed him towards the edge of the cliff.

A man and an eagle fell together.

Even with his strength, Xia Yu couldn't lift an adult with the body of an eagle; he could only use the pushing method.

"Ah—" Seeing the cliff below, the underling screamed in terror. There was no possibility of survival if he fell from here.

Xia Yu didn't plan to kill. He flapped his wings forcefully to slow down the fall, allowing the underling to successfully grab onto a tree in the middle of the cliff and sit there.

Then, he returned to the top.

The group of evil forces below, not knowing the situation, believed that the underling who fell had no chance of surviving and didn't bother to help. Instead, they started the car and sped away, with one taking the injured bald man's place at the steering wheel.

Facing the speeding van again, Xia Yu wasn't worried; this was all part of his plan.

He had already completed the first stage of his goal: smashing the windshield.

Picking up two smaller stones, Xia Yu flew above the van. On both sides of the van, the bald man and the chicken-like man were shooting at him, but Xia Yu was flying high, and with his telepathy, they had no way to hit him.

Xia Yu dropped the two stones in his claws onto the roof of the van, then grabbed two more stones, throwing one at the bald man and one at the chicken-like man.

The bald man and the chicken-like man immediately shrank back into the car. By the time the stones fell and they stuck their heads out again, Dia Yu was nowhere to be seen.

At this moment, Dia Yu had already landed on the roof of the van, falling into the blind spot of the two men's vision.

He picked up the stones that he had just dropped on the roof and moved to the front of the car, extending the claw holding the stone.

The man driving the car saw a stone suddenly appear above his head and was shocked. However, a moment later, he determined that the stone would fall in front of the steering wheel since the glass was already broken, and it wouldn't hit him.

He felt smug about his own intelligence.

"Are you stupid? Stop the car!" The bald man beside him cried out in alarm.

At the same time, Dia Yu let go of his claws.

Seeing the stone getting closer and closer, the driver realized something: he was in a fast-moving car; he was moving. The stone that was supposed to land in front of the steering wheel now had its destination — his head.

"Ah!" The driver, who was hit by the stone, passed out rather cleanly.

The bald man quickly grabbed the driver's leg and stepped on the brakes.

After the piercing sound of tire friction, there was silence.

Ignoring the already unconscious split-head, Bald and Chicken Nest looked at Flathead: "What should we do?"

At this point, no one dared to drive, the position was too dangerous.

"Get out of the car! Fight with that eagle!" Flathead endured the pain in his hand and pulled out the gun from his waist.

Flathead, Chicken Nest, and Bald carefully opened the car door, threw their only remaining little brother down first to test the way, and then jumped out together.

They looked up at the sky, searching for the trace of the Golden Eagle.

"There!" Bald discovered the Eagle in the air, and they pulled out their guns and shot at it.

The height of the eagle was just right, not letting the four of them think they couldn't hit it, and not really getting hit.

He deliberately consumed the four people's bullets, constantly making false diving moves.

As the four of them were shooting happily, Flathead's phone rang.

While shooting, Flathead answered the phone.

On the phone was a senior executive from Grey Reef Company. The executive wanted to ask about the situation, and upon hearing the gunfire on Flathead's side, his expression became serious: "Can you hold on?"

"Yes!" Flathead was confident in defeating an eagle.

Upon hearing this, the executive was relieved and asked, "Which team are you fighting against?"