An Siyao: Mist

Liu Manman still didn't seriously listen to the guzheng, she was thinking about her own abnormalities.

When she first went to Area 232, this abnormality hadn't appeared yet. It wasn't until that night at the beach villa when Xia Yu was angry with An Siyao, and scolded her, that the outline emerged.

Was it because she saw the different treatment An Siyao received that sparked her thoughts?

Liu Manman thought back to her encounters with Xia Yu from the moment they met until now.

She first learned about Xia Yu from her grandmother, who considered Xia Yu as the inheritor of the flower style guzheng. As someone highly competitive, she was a little unconvinced. However, after seeing Xia Yu's performances, she had to accept the fact that he was more suitable for the flower style than herself.

Later, she used the excuse of participating in the Global Youth Performance together and went to meet Xia Yu. Xia Yu had even more talent than she had imagined, and his qin skills had greatly improved. Because of Xia Yu's talent, her fondness for him was high.

She took Xia Yu and An Siyao to participate in the Global Youth Performance, where she became even more certain of Xia Yu's giftedness. At this point, their relationship was relatively simple.

However, after Xia Yu composed original guzheng pieces like "White Horse" and "White Horse in the Rain," her feelings began to change, especially after her grandmother Liu Ronglan hinted that she could pursue Xia Yu.

Later on, there was the beach villa incident.

So, what to do now?

Resting her chin on her hand, Liu Manman thought about it from various angles.

She couldn't compete, since having someone physically but not emotionally was useless.

Maybe develop a little further? After all, everyone has a few lovers after marriage.

Although somewhat tempted, Liu Manman, who still has a long time before marriage, didn't have the courage to make a move for now.

She could only indulge her thoughts.

"How was it?" Xia Yu had finished playing, he asked.

"Ah, it was okay," Liu Manman answered.

"Which part was okay?" Xia Yu sensed Liu Manman's perfunctory response.

"All of it was okay, that's enough," Liu Manman said, although she did listen, but didn't remember anything as it went in one ear and out the other.

Her expression didn't deceive Xia Yu, who put his hand on the girl's shoulder and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Recalling the things she had just been thinking about, Liu Manman didn't dare to look directly at Xia Yu. She hurriedly stood up and said, "Anyway, that's it, I'm leaving!"

After saying that, Liu Manman ran out of the room.

Xia Yu scratched his head, puzzled, guessing that Liu Manman might have been affected by the events of the past few days.

He put the guzheng away and lay down on the bed.

An Tianfeng would arrive tomorrow, and he needed to be well-rested.

Covering himself with the quilt, he entered Yuexue's body.

Yuexue was playing a game in her room. Xia Yu turned off the game, controlled the girl's body, and helped her fall asleep before ten o'clock.

At 5:50 in the morning, Xia Yu returned to his own body.

He got out of bed, opened the curtains, and stretched lazily.

An Tianfeng would probably come by around eight in the morning, and he had to take the 3 p.m. high-speed train back to Ziyu to celebrate New Year's Eve.

That is, he would spend five or six hours with An Tianfeng.

Xia Yu thought about it, checking if there were any unmentioned business ideas, preparing to use them to get through the five or six hours.

However, after sitting on the edge of the bed and thinking for ten minutes, Xia Yu came up empty-handed. This wasn't because he had run out of business ideas, but because he couldn't concentrate.

Upon discovering this situation, Xia Yu began to reflect on himself and quickly found the problem.

A bad feeling kept coming from his mental senses, preventing him from focusing.

Could there be any twists and turns in the meeting with An Tianfeng?

Xia Yu frowned, realizing that it wasn't just him here; Kong Hanyue and Yuxue were also present, and any turbulence would cause them concern.

Xia Yu immediately changed his plan and decided to let the two of them leave first.

After some more thought, Xia Yu decided to talk with An Tianfeng about the business model of idol groups, of course, on the condition that they could continue the conversation.

After cleaning up, Xia Yu went downstairs to the dining room, where all the girls were already up and eating breakfast at the table.

Liu Manman had a flight at eight o'clock, so she had to get up early, while Kong Hanyue and the others got up to send her off.

All of them looked tired except for Yuxue, who had gone to bed early with Xia Yu's help and was full of energy.

Xia Yu sat next to An Siyao, drinking his hot porridge.

After breakfast, he said to Kong Hanyue and Yuxue, "You two should go back to your homes this morning, I'll go back alone in the afternoon."

"Eh? Why?" Kong Hanyue asked puzzledly.

"In case you get delayed by the snow outside, your grandparents might have to spend the New Year's alone." Xia Yu replied.

"How could we be delayed, we are taking the high-speed train, not a bus," Kong Hanyue pointed out the flaw in Xia Yu's statement.

Yuxue saw something from Xia Yu's expressionless face and pulled Kong Hanyue's clothes to stop her from asking further.

With Yuxue's intervention, Kong Hanyue stopped questioning and accepted the arrangement.

At seven o'clock, Xia Yu saw Kong Hanyue, Yuxue, and Liu Manman out of the house.

The snow in the sky had stopped, and the weather was even colder than yesterday.

An Siyao was amused by her own warm breath, exhaling in all directions playfully.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yu's heavy mood instantly became lighter. When An Siyao was exhaled halfway, he suddenly reached out and covered her mouth.

An Siyao, whose play was interrupted, looked at Xia Yu innocently.

He took back his hand, pinched her face, and smiled.

The previous An Siyao would never have been so playful. Last night in the backyard, she would have only run away out of shyness, not teasing him to keep him from kissing her.

This was a good change, and if she could straighten out her relationship with money at some point, it would be perfect.

"Let's go."

Xia Yu took An Siyao's hand, and the two of them returned to the villa together.

Once inside the house, An Siyao was disappointed to find that her breath no longer formed mist.

Xia Yu then led her to the window and drew a Pikachu on the foggy glass.

"This mouse looks so strange," An Siyao furrowed her brow.

"It's a Pikachu," Xia Yu replied.

"What's that?" An Siyao asked, tilting her head.

Xia Yu couldn't answer, as Pokémon did not exist in this world.

Perhaps he could create his own? Pokémon games did not have high requirements for performance, and they could run on mobile phones. Moreover, this world also had handheld consoles, and their performance was even more advanced than earth's Nintendo Switch.

Xia Yu suppressed the idea, as now was not the time to think about it. In about an hour, An Tianfeng would arrive, and pondering the response plan was the priority.

He looked at An Siyao, who was drawing on the foggy window, and asked, "What if your father doesn't approve of our relationship?"

"Then we don't need him," An Siyao replied.

Xia Yu smiled, tousled An Siyao's hair, and continued drawing on the window with her.

As time passed, at 8:05, a car stopped in front of the villa.

An Tianfeng got out of the car, followed by his secretary, and the two of them entered the villa together.