An Siyao: Digging One's Own Grave

At eleven o'clock, Xia Yu and the other three returned.

Xia Yu looked at the living room where An Siyao was playing with an old gaming console, while Xia Keke was lying on the sofa, looking as if she had nothing to live for.

"What's wrong?" Xia Nianhong asked with concern.

"I'm just unhappy because I keep losing," Xia Keke found an excuse.

"Ah, you child, you even get emotional over a game," Xia Nianhong frowned. In her opinion, games were meant for relaxation, and it was completely counterproductive to let a game make one feel depressed.

She waved at Xia Keke, "Stop playing then, come help grandma."

Xia Keke obediently stood up and began to help Xia Nianhong prepare lunch.

As there was nothing for Grandpa Xia Ye to do, he went to the master bedroom, where there was also a TV for him to watch his favorite shows.

Xia Yu and Yuxue sat down next to An Siyao.

Picking up another controller, Yuxue looked at the pixel-style game screen and disdainfully said, "What's so fun about these old games?"

As she said that, she began to play the game with An Siyao.

At twelve o'clock, Xia Nianhong called her to eat, and she reluctantly put down the controller.

"Didn't you just say that these old games are nothing special?" Xia Yu teased Yuxue.

Yuxue's movements stiffened for a moment, but she didn't address the topic. She picked up a piece of red-braised pork and put it in her mouth, "So delicious."

Xia Nianhong listened happily, "This is cooked in a big iron pot from the store. Only this way it tastes great!"

Xia Yu gave a curious An Siyao a piece, and watched as the girl bit into it and nodded repeatedly.

Xia Nianhong became even happier.

Normally, Xia Keke would also praise this dish, but at this moment, she just didn't have the heart.

After lunch, while An Siyao and Yuxue were playing games, Xia Keke approached Xia Yu.

"Brother, what do you plan to do for work after you graduate?" Xia Keke asked directly.

If she were an adult, this would be somewhat inappropriate, but Xia Keke was a primary school student with some privileges.

Xia Yu didn't answer immediately, thinking as Xia Keke asked this question trying to figure out her intent.

Wanting to inquire about his future financial situation? Didn't grandpa and grandma tell her about his company?

Wait, it seemed that he hadn't told them either.

However, his grandparents knew about the music thing.

"Didn't grandpa and grandma tell you about me?" Xia Yu asked.

"No, we didn't touch on that topic," Xia Keke said. Her response was also carefully weighed, indicating that it wasn't that Xia Nianhong and Xia Ye didn't want to talk about it, but rather that there was no opportunity.

After marveling at Xia Keke's precociousness once more, Xia Yu replied: "It's impossible for me to work."

He was telling the truth; why work when he finally had money? Letting others handle things while he just lay back and counted the money was the real way to live.

Hearing his answer, Xia Keke couldn't help but take a step back. Although she had already learned about it from An Siyao, her heart still felt a sense of despair when it was confirmed by him.

"Isn't not working equivalent to not having money?" Xia Keke still held on to a glimmer of hope.

"It's okay, I can just use this house as collateral for a loan and I'll have money," Xia Yu deliberately provoked the girl.

Xia Keke leaned against the wall, feeling weak all over. She was thinking about moving out of the house now, as they would definitely come looking for her later!

"Money is always going to run out." Xia Keke tried to let Xia Yu know that being self-reliant and self-sufficient was necessary.

The girl had been waiting for a reply for a long time when she looked at Xia Yu and found him smiling at her.

"Don't I still have you then?" Xia Yu said.

Xia Keke's heart suddenly tightened, as the Xia Yu at this moment was more evil than any villain she had ever seen in a movie.

He was not only planning to live off his parents but also off his sister!

Xia Keke originally thought that Xia Dongyang was the worst man, but now she knew that the younger generation could surpass the older one in many ways.

If she had another chance, she would definitely follow Xia Dongyang obediently and run away instead of sneaking here.

Sitting dejectedly on the sofa, Xia Keke tried hard to think of a solution, but as a primary school student, what could she do?

By one in the afternoon, a sudden idea flashed through her mind.

In this family, she wasn't the only sister!

Xia Yuxue was already a middle school student and would be an adult in three or four years. She could team up with Xia Yuxue and run away together in three or four years!

Standing up, Xia Keke was excited for her intelligence. She scanned the living room.

Xia Nianhong and Xia Ye had gone to the shop downstairs, Xia Yu and An Siyao had gone for a walk, and she and Xia Yuxue were the only ones left at home, making it the perfect time to discuss their plans!

Arriving at Yuxue's door, Xia Keke knocked on it.

"Come in," Yuxue said.

As Xia Keke opened the door, she saw Yuxue lying in bed, playing video games.

Xia Keke's eyes suddenly paused on the brand-new handheld console in Yuxue's hands, which was worth more than 2,000 yuan. Xia Dongyang had promised to buy one for her a year ago but never did.

Shaking her head, Xia Keke told herself this wasn't the point - Yuxue must have borrowed it from Xia Yu to play.

"What's up?" Yuxue paused her game, opened her character's backpack, and looked at Xia Keke.

Xia Keke sat down on the bed and said to Yuxue, "I just asked my brother what he plans to do after graduation."

"Oh, and then what?" Yuxue asked, puzzled.

"My brother says it's impossible for him to work." Xia Keke looked into Yuxue's eyes.

"Oh, that's it?" Yuxue lowered her head and continued playing her game.

"What do you mean, 'that's it'? My brother doesn't want to work! What should we do?" Xia Keke felt Yuxue hadn't understood the crux of the issue and looked at her with a frustrated expression.

"What does it have to do with us if he doesn't work?" Yuxue furrowed her brows, not understanding.

"If he doesn't work, where will he get money to spend?" Xia Keke asked anxiously.

"The company earns money. If his company is not enough, there's also Yaoyao sister's company," Yuxue said, puzzled.

"…Huh?" Xia Keke froze.

"What did you think?" Yuxue looked at Xia Keke.

"Have company?" Xia Keke tilted her head.

"Yes, a game company, and several other companies given by Yaoyao sister," Yuxue replied.

"But not working…" Xia Keke's mind was a complete mess.

"Just have your subordinates handle it, why do you need to work yourself? My brother made several hundred million a month from the game he developed before, but he felt that it was wrong to deceive people for money, so he stopped the project," said Yuxue proudly.

"Several hundred million." Xiakexiao couldn't imagine what that string of numbers looked like.

She looked at Yuxue's handheld game console and asked, "So this game console is..."

"My brother bought it," Yuxue answered and proudly showed off her camera, phone, computer, tablet, headphones, and more to Xiakexiao.

After showing off her belongings, she continued, "My brother is also proficient in many musical instruments. Do you know the high school musical instrument competition? Yaoyao was the champion and my brother came in second place. They even participated together..."

Half an hour later, Xiakexiao walked out of the room in a daze.

After standing in the living room and pondering for half a minute, her eyes slowly became resolute.

Entering the master bedroom, she took out her locked diary from a drawer and crossed off the goal: Win over Grandpa and Grandma's love and get part of their inheritance, changing it to: Hold onto my brother's leg.

After thinking for a moment, she added another line below:

Replace Xia Yuxue and become my brother's favorite little sister!