Zhu Mei's Success

Today is a holiday, so Xia Yu doesn't need to work. He, Xu Youxiang, and An Siyao spend the morning together playing games in the living room.

In the afternoon, Xia Yu lies in bed and logs into Wen Ziyin's body.

After a moment of darkness, he sees the familiar ceiling.

Wen Ziyin is also lying in bed, staring at the ceiling.

Sensing that Wen Ziyin's mood is low, Xia Yu nervously asks, "How's the new book?"

Wen Ziyin answers weakly, "The sales have flopped, flopped all the way to grandma's house."

"Oh," Xia Yu smiles, everything is going as planned.

Although Wen Ziyin has been saying that she wants her novels to flop, she still feels upset when the actual flop happens.

To distract her, Xia Yu says, "Shall we talk about the translation work?"

"It's not time yet," Wen Ziyin replies.

"What do you mean it's not the time?" Xia Yu is puzzled.

"Although the sales have flopped, the publishers are overjoyed," Wen Ziyin's voice sounds bitter.

"What happened?" Xia Yu is surprised.

"A famous director took interest in my book and is preparing to make it into a movie. The director just contacted the publisher, and negotiations are ongoing," Wen Ziyin sighs, feeling very helpless.

Xia Yu rubs his chin in confusion and checks Wen Ziyin's bonus list:

Inspiration Bonus LV2, Scriptwriting Bonus LV2, Language Bonus LV2

He looks at the list from every angle, but doesn't see any luck bonus.

How come Wen Ziyin's luck is always so good? Her previous thriller was supposed to flop but then got boosted by a famous award. Now this thriller-comedy has finally flopped, but a director wants to adapt it.

"Ah, what kind of book should I write to flop!" Wen Ziyin laments.

"People in the same industry will want to hit you if they hear this," Xia Yu says.

"But I really want to flop," Wen Ziyin sighs again.

"Since the sales have flopped anyway, can't you just hypnotize yourself into believing it's a flop?" Xia Yu suggests.

"But the publisher is still asking me for novels. This time they don't even require a specific genre; they're letting me do whatever I want," Wen Ziyin feels wronged.

"Then write a pure literature piece or an experimental novel, something as niche as possible," Xia Yu suggests, not believing that such a work could become popular or adapted.

"That seems like a good idea," Wen Ziyin thinks the suggestion is reliable.

She discusses the novel's topic with Xia Yu.

"How can I make this as niche as possible?" she asks Xia Yu.

"It's simple: just do the opposite of what people like," Xia Yu says.

"Hmm, adults aren't interested in animal characters, children aren't interested in adult stories, so I'll use adult stories to write a group of animals!" Wen Ziyin deduces. "They like comedies, so I'll write a tragedy. They like stories with a single protagonist, but I won't..."

Xia Yu notes these key points on the draft paper and looks at the paper contentedly, feeling that Wen Ziyin's flop is secured.

"No, I'm too excited about it; I'll tell you, and you write it down," Wen Ziyin spouts one plot segment after another.

These segments are scattered with no connection to each other. Xia Yu writes them down on paper and sees the absurd plots. He feels that this book is doomed.

Eight hours later, Xia Yu returns to his own body.

He walked out of the bedroom and poured himself a cup of coffee to drink.

Wen Ziyin said that she could finish writing this book in at most one week, and by then he could see her fail.

After the failure, he could complete the task, and after completing the task, he could get the star fragment.

What exactly could the star fragment be used for?

Xia Yu was looking forward to it.

Returning to the bedroom, he glanced at the time, it was ten o'clock in the evening, and there was still plenty of time, so he played a game.

In the gap between the game's start-up screen, Xia Yu glanced at his phone, there were five missed calls on the phone, all from Zhu Mei.

Xia Yu didn't care,

He put the phone aside, and ten minutes later, Zhu Mei called again.

Pausing the game, Xia Yu picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Can you come out and accompany me?" Zhu Mei's voice came through.

"No." Xia Yu said without hesitation.

"I want to go to the bar." Zhu Mei said again.

"It doesn't matter if you want to go to the moon." Xia Yu replied.

"I'm already at the bar." Zhu Mei said.

"..." Xia Yu turned off the game console, "Where are you?"

Zhu Mei gave her address.

Leaving the room, Xia Yu drove there.

With Zhu Mei's appearance, something was bound to happen if she stayed in a bar, and he couldn't ignore it.

Arriving at the bar, Xia Yu got out of the car and called Zhu Mei as he walked in: "Where exactly are you?"

"Opposite." Zhu Mei replied, her voice cheery.

"Opposite? What opposite, you're opposite the bar?" Xia Yu asked, confused.

"I'm at the coffee shop opposite the bar, Moon Nine Pearl Coffee Shop." Zhu Mei answered.

Xia Yu turned around and looked at the coffee shop across the street, and Zhu Mei was waving at him.

Was I fooled by a girl? Xia Yu couldn't quite accept this. If Zhu Mei had said she was in a coffee shop, he would definitely refuse.

He arrived at the coffee shop and sat down in front of Zhu Mei, "Didn't you say you were at the bar?"

"I said I had arrived at the bar, but I didn't say I went in." Zhu Mei played with her words.

Xia Yu didn't bother being polite with her and knocked her on the head.

"Ouch." Zhu Mei covered her head, looking pitifully at Xia Yu.

If An Siyao or Xu Youxiang had shown such an expression, one would want to hug them, but when Zhu Mei showed such an expression, one would only want to hold her down.

Adjusting his emotions, Xia Yu asked, "What's the matter?"

"They're all leaving, the day after tomorrow in the morning." Zhu Mei said dejectedly.

"What about you?" Xia Yu's mood also became depressed, as Zhu Mei wasn't returning home but heading to the battlefield.

"I don't want to leave." Zhu Mei grabbed Xia Yu's hand and looked straight into his eyes.

This made Xia Yu a little uneasy. He withdrew his hand and thought about the current situation.

"Can I stay with you?" Zhu Mei stood up from her seat and leaned forward, bringing her face close to Xia Yu's.

Xia Yu rubbed his forehead, wondering what kind of ghost story this was. When had his relationship with Zhu Mei reached this point?

"No," Xia Yu refused Zhu Mei, as he had a girlfriend.

Looking at Zhu Mei, he never thought that when he saw her as a friend, she would want to do something like this to him.

Zhu Mei, who was rejected, was not disappointed. She said to Xia Yu, "Can you accompany me to the bar tonight?"

Xia Yu didn't understand Zhu Mei's thought process, but as long as the previous incident wasn't mentioned, they could discuss other things.

Xia Yu and Zhu Mei got in the car together, and he took her back to yesterday's hotel.

"We're here, get off the car," Xia Yu said to Zhu Mei.

"..." After glancing at Xia Yu, Zhu Mei didn't say anything and got out of the car.

The following process was the same as last night. Xia Yu watched Zhu Mei get drunk, and then left her in the bedroom.

Yawning, Xia Yu went to another bedroom to sleep.

Not knowing how long had passed, Xia Yu suddenly heard a faint calling in his sleep: "Xiong Xiong, Xiong Xiong."

"Hmm?" Xia Yu managed to open his eyes, and saw Zhu Mei lying on top of him.

Reaching out his hand, Xia Yu patted Zhu Mei's head, the whole scene was just like when he had used the Brown Bear's body.

After patting her twice and seeing Zhu Mei's surprised expression, Xia Yu suddenly sobered up.

It was over; it seemed like something had gone wrong.

Damn it, he had been tricked again after being deceived earlier!