The Departure of Zhu Mei

The nomination for the Morning Award was not the end of Wen Ziying 's nightmare.

Half a month later, Xia Yu saw the news of Wen Ziying winning the Morning Award from the push news.

He mourned for Wen Ziying for two seconds and closed the news.

Compared to Wen Ziying 's matter, the current issue with Zhu Mei was more headache-inducing for him, not because Zhu Mei was dishonest. In terms of behavior, Zhu Mei had no ill intentions, and other than the bear-squeezing behavior that left people somewhat helpless, she was very honest.

What gave Xia Yu a headache was the attitude of District 14. In terms of public opinion, the storm of the king's assassination has passed, but the pressure from District 14 has increased. They were determined to bring Zhu Mei over for an investigation.

Xia Yu took out his phone and called Yu Ningmeng to inquire about the situation.

"At present, the Anti-Royal faction has completely crushed the Pro-Royal faction. They are eager to finalize Zhu Mengbing's charges, so they want Zhu Mei to go through the process, assuring that nothing will happen to her," Yu Ningmeng explained the other party's demand.

"What do you think?" Xia Yu was not good at handling such matters.

"I suggest letting Zhu Mei cooperate with the investigation. We will send an embassy along, and there won't be any issues," Yu Ningmeng answered.

Xia Yu frowned. Although they said there wouldn't be any issues, who could be certain about the actual situation?

Zhu Mengbing was too good at running away. If District 14 caught him, they wouldn't need to go after Zhu Mei. Still, he couldn't blame Zhu Mengbing, given that he was wrongly accused.

"Haven't they ever considered that it might have been the reactionary forces of District 232 that did it?" Xia Yu asked Yu Ningmeng.

"They will only focus on those they can capture," Yu Ningmeng hinted to Xia Yu that the Anti-Royal faction did not want to cause external conflicts.

"Can we continue to stall?" Xia Yu negotiated the terms. "The medicine is already in clinical trials."

"Clinical trials already? What are the results like?" Yu Ningmeng's attention was drawn.

After listening to Xia Yu's introduction of the medicine, she consulted someone and assured Xia Yu that stalling would not be a problem.

Hanging up the phone, Xia Yu relaxed.

He walked out of the bedroom, asked a maid to make a cup of coffee, and browsed through the latest games, pondering which one to play.

By the time he finished his coffee, An Siyao and the others returned.

They had been out shopping.

Zhu Mei pushed Xu Youxiang into the bedroom, while Hu Lianglu dragged An Siyao in as well.

Two minutes later, Zhu Mei came out and walked up to the sofa. She leaned down and hugged Xia Yu's neck from behind.

Xia Yu didn't react, continuing to browse the game store and searching for live videos on video websites.

When Zhu Mei felt the timing was right, she reached for Xia Yu's lower abdomen.

Xia Yu grabbed her hand and said, "No."

Xia Yu didn't understand why she would want to touch his stomach since it wasn't as soft as a bear's.

"Why not?" Zhu Mei asked, leaning closer to Xia Yu's face.

"Physical contact determines intimacy. I can switch to my Golden Eagle body for you to touch," Xia Yu explained.

"So An Siyao and Xu Youxiang can touch it?" Zhu Mei stared into Xia Yu's eyes.

"Because they are different from you," Xia Yu replied.

"An Siyao might be different, but Xu Youxiang can't be different?" Zhu Mei muttered.

What Zhu Mei meant was that An Siyao could be a wife, but Xu Youxiang couldn't.

Xia Yu was also troubled by this. After hearing Zhu Mei's words, he immediately lost interest in the game.

Sensing Xia Yu's disappointment, Zhu Mei reached out and touched his head: "It would be nice if you were in Zone 232."

There were no restrictions on marriage in Zone 232.

"It's not a matter of the zone, but the attitudes of the people around us," Xia Yu explained.

"So, we need to make the people around us accept this situation?" Zhu Mei pondered.

"That's pretty much the idea." Xia Yu put his phone back in his pocket and stood up.

He went back to his room.

Zhu Mei didn't follow him. She sat in the spot where Xia Yu had just been sitting and thought about it.

Looking out the window, she saw two white clouds floating in the sky. The clouds drifted from south to north, disappearing from sight as the sun set and night descended.

At dinnertime, Xia Yu came out of his bedroom and saw Zhu Mei with her suitcase.

"I think it's better for me to go to Zone 14," Zhu Mei said.

"Did Yu Ningmeng tell you?" Xia Yu rubbed his forehead.

"It's not that she wanted me to go, I just feel like it's better to go and solve the problem," Zhu Mei said, looking at her suitcase and touching the handle.

Xia Yu contemplated for a moment. Since Yu Ningmeng said there was no problem, there probably wouldn't be any problem, and even if something did happen, it would normally just be detention, with no harm to their lives.

When the time came, he would use the Golden Eagle's body to intimidate those who had illegally detained Zhu Mei and successfully rescue the girl.

He nodded in agreement with Zhu Mei's decision and drove her to the airport.

Using his psychic sense, he observed the bodyguards protecting Zhu Mei, making sure there were no traitors among them before returning home.

It was already eleven o'clock at night. He took a quick shower, used his daily gaming opportunity, and went to Wen Ziying's place.

After a moment of darkness, Xia Yu saw a stack of blank drafts.

Xia Yu looked around and saw only blank drafts. Wen Ziying hadn't written a single word.

"How do you feel now?" he asked Wen Ziying.

"I'm having a hard time," Wen Ziying answered listlessly.

"Maybe you should focus on writing the book?" Xia Yu thought. Perhaps he should change his approach to completing the task, guiding Wen Ziying's life, not just toward escaping from writing, but also toward positive writing.

He picked up a pen: "You're thinking about a new book right now, shall we discuss it?"

"The publisher hasn't made any specific requests, just wants it to be more meaningful and adaptable," Wen Ziying said.

"How about writing a story about a muggle becoming a wizard?" Xia Yu casually plagiarized the idea.

"How so?" Wen Ziying cooperatively asked.

Taking five minutes, Xia Yu briefly talked about "Harry Potter."

"It won't work, it's too shallow," Wen Ziying vetoed this proposal.

"Meaningful? How about a legendary story of seven generations, showing a fictional history?" Xia Yu brought up the story of "One Hundred Years of Solitude."

"It seems too boring. Who among today's readers would be willing to read this kind of stuff?" Wen Ziying vetoed this one as well.

Something best-selling as well?

Xia Yu then talked about "The Three-Body Problem."

"Science fiction, but I don't understand it!" Wen Ziying complained once again.

Xia Yu mentioned some more books, but they were all rejected by Wen Ziying .

"How exactly do you want it!" Xia Yu was so annoyed that he wanted to take a shower.

Wen Ziying was silent for a moment, her words filled with confusion: "I think it's probably better for me to stop writing. Can you still get the translation job you mentioned?"

Xia Yu was surprised, he had already prepared to change direction, but after going around in circles, they were back to where they started?

"What are you thinking?" Xia Yu asked, puzzled.