Star Fragment, Acquired

Secondly, Xia Yu took leave and entered Wen Ziying's body.

Wen Ziying was watching an animated film about a love and magic story of three magical girls.

"Why did you decide to watch an animation for young kids?" Xia Yu asked.

"What young kids' animation? The one played on CCTV, can it be called an animation for young kids?" Wen Ziying's defense was somewhat pale.

"It is true that it was broadcast on CCTV, but it was on the children's channel," Xia Yu said.

"How do you know it was broadcast on the children's channel?" Wen Ziying asked with some surprise, "Are you a fan too?"

Wen Ziying was now watching the online version without channel watermark, so it was impossible to tell which channel it was broadcast on unless you had seen it before.

"Because my sister used to watch it," Xia Yu paused for a moment and then repeated Wen Ziying's words meaningfully: "She's also a fan."

Wen Ziying gave up defending: "What's wrong with me watching a young kids' animation to relax? You have to believe that the animations created by those 40-50-year-old otakus are not only for children to watch!"

"Do you want me to buy a magic wand for you? It can glow and play the theme song," Xia Yu continued to tease Wen Ziying.

"Forget it," Wen Ziying chose to admit defeat.

The conversation moved to the main topic.

"Do you want to rest or start a new job directly?" Xia Yu asked. Although he didn't actually want Wen Ziying to rest, if she did, his mission would be delayed.

"No, I feel too uncomfortable doing nothing. Let me get back into the intense and exciting work as soon as possible," Wen Ziying said.

Xia Yu then sat up and wrote down Yu Ningmeng's phone number.

"When I get back, this number will call you, and you can just go to work with her," Xia Yu explained.

"Isn't it your phone number?" Wen Ziying asked.

Wen Ziying's words made Xia Yu think of Zhu Mei, who also kept trying to find out his real identity.

He coughed and said to Wen Ziying, "I'm an alien, living in the M78 Nebula. You can't see me."

"But you said you were a stand-in messenger earlier," Wen Ziying exposed Xia Yu's lie.

"Alright, actually, I'm in space," Xia Yu changed his story.

He made up some nonsense about being ejected into space by a volcanic eruption, enlivening the atmosphere, and then watched the animation with Wen Ziying.

Eight hours passed, and Xia Yu returned to his own body.

He took out his phone, called Yu Ningmeng, and informed her about the matter.

"That Wen Ziying who quit writing? I knew you two were involved long ago," Yu Ningmeng said.

"We don't have that kind of relationship, don't reveal me when you're with her," Xia Yu reminded Yu Ningmeng.

"Are you being a good Samaritan?" Yu Ningmeng was surprised, "Don't tell me she hasn't met you yet."

"We're from the same school, how could she not have met me? But she really doesn't know that I am me," Xia Yu replied.

"Wow, you young people really know how to play," Yu Ningmeng hung up the phone, called her secretary, and asked her to check the company's job positions.

Then she called Wen Ziying for an interview.

Translating jobs can't be faked. Titles and certificates are useless. Only real talent and skills are true.

Originally, Yu Ningmeng was ready to give Wen Ziying a position based on their relationship. However, Wen Ziying turned out to be exceptionally talented. Yu Ningmeng directly recommended Wen Ziying to Yu Liang, who often attended international conferences and events, so it was perfect to have Wen Ziying accompany him.

After a week had passed, Xia Yu finally received the prompt that his mission had been completed. After extracting the mission reward, Xia Yu looked at the star fragment in his hand. It was a palm-sized semi-transparent shard, emitting a sparkling glow, with golden powder seemingly flowing inside it.

Star Fragment: A treasure possessing incredible power and produced by the interstices of the star world.

The introduction was so mysterious that it was as if he hadn't read it at all. Holding the shard, Xia Yu tried placing it on his forehead, gripping it in his palm, holding it in front of his heart, and even using it as glasses to see, but he couldn't find anything extraordinary about it.

While he was fiddling with the fragment, Yu Ningmeng was reporting to An Siyao. "I'm sure that Xia Yu has never met that woman, but she frequently asks about him," Yu Ningmeng mentioned, talking about Wen Ziying 's actions.

"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm," An Siyao replied absentmindedly. She was in the middle of arranging flowers, having been praised by Xia Yu the day before after showing him the flowers.

"By the way, there's one more thing you should tell Xia Yu," Yu Ningmeng said, noting An Siyao's disinterest and moving on to the next topic.

"What is it?" An Siyao's attention shifted to Yu Ningmeng when she heard Xia Yu's name.

"It seems that there's been a change in the situation with Zhu Mei. The pro-monarch faction didn't lose before; they were just hiding. Now, public opinion in the 14 countries has been redirected, suggesting that Zhu Mei should inherit the throne," said Yu Ningmeng.

Yu Ningmeng sighed. Although District 14 wasn't as powerful as District 1, it was still a top-ranked country. Zhu Mei's story was quite legendary, as she had gone from being a fugitive princess in District 232 to potentially sitting on the throne of District 14.

"So, Zhu Mei is going to be a queen?" An Siyao asked, somewhat stunned.

"Maybe, it's not certain yet. It depends on the struggle between the pro-monarch faction and the anti-monarch faction. However, it's more likely that the anti-monarch faction will win, and a queen is out of the question. Tell Xia Yu that we'll ensure Zhu Mei's safety, so he doesn't need to worry," Yu Ningmeng briefly explained the situation.

"Okay," An Siyao agreed, and then she ended the call.

She went to Xia Yu's room and knocked on his door. "Come in," Xia Yu's voice sounded from inside.

Upon opening the door, An Siyao saw Xia Yu fiddling with the star fragment. She walked up to him and silently hugged him.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu asked in confusion, putting down the star fragment and looking at An Siyao.

"Zhu Mei might become a queen," An Siyao said somberly.

"A queen? How did that happen?" Xia Yu was quite surprised.

An Siyao repeated what Yu Ningmeng had told her. "I see," Xia Yu nodded, stroking An Siyao's head. "Don't worry, even if she becomes a queen, I still like you."

Having experienced it before, Xia Yu could accurately guess what An Siyao was worried about.

"No matter how much money she offers?" An Siyao looked up and asked.

"It's not a matter of money," Xia Yu tried to explain, but he didn't know where to start. "Just relax, alright?"

An Siyao became excited: "I'm almost done arranging the flowers, do you want to come and see?"

"Call me when you're done," Xia Yu answered.

Returning to the study, An Siyao continued arranging the flowers. After finishing, she looked at them with satisfaction for a moment, made sure there were no issues, and then ran to open Xia Yu's door.

There was no one in the room.