I Want to be the Queen

Xia Yuyuan originally thought that the star fragments might be useful, but it turned out that they were used to travel between worlds and couldn't help. He could only do it himself.

An Tianfeng wasn't interested in what Xia Yuyuan said next, nor was he a man who could be persuaded, but he already had a sense of An Siyao and Xia Yuyuan's determination, knowing that his resistance wouldn't change anything.

Furthermore, Xia Yuyuan kept bringing up his own immorality through words, so he couldn't continue to listen.

More importantly, if he kept obstructing them, wouldn't his grandson become part of the Yu family?

"Enough, I won't interfere with you anymore," An Tianfeng stretched out his hand to stop Xia Yuyuan.

He asked again, "When are you planning to get married?"

"Isn't it urgent to get married since you already have a child?" An Tianfeng glared at Xia Yuyuan.

Xia Yuyuan opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. After all, An Siyao said the child was a lie!

"Leave it to me, I'll choose an auspicious day for you." An Tianfeng sighed, feeling that the young people nowadays were not as reliable as his generation.

"By the way," An Tianfeng remembered something, "You can't keep your little lover in Yao Guang, move her to another city. And if you get exposed, don't blame me for turning my back on you."

"I don't plan to keep a mistress." Xia Yuyuan found out the problem hadn't been solved yet, and An Tianfeng thought he was planning to hide his lover.

"How else can you keep her if not as a mistress? Don't tell me you plan to have three wives and four concubines outside." An Tianfeng looked at Xia Yuyuan in astonishment.

Xia Yuyuan indeed had such a thought, but he also knew that An Tianfeng would not agree, and this was not a solution.

"I will never agree to that. If that's what you want, you might as well not get married. Having a chaotic private life sounds much better than being a fool," An Tianfeng said resolutely.

His main reason for opposing was other people's opinions.

"Besides, what will happen to my group and her grandfather's group when we move out of this area?" An Tianfeng added.

Without a doubt, a person from outside the area couldn't inherit the An or Yu family's groups.

"I will handle it." Xia Yuyuan said.

"You can't handle it at all. If I could..." An Tianfeng almost blurted out his true feelings but stopped himself just in time and changed the subject. "You must do it before the child is born!"

"Alright." Xia Yuyuan decided to be more careful in the future and not have any children for the time being.

An Tianfeng still didn't know that the child was a lie, and he was already calculating how to force Xia Yuyuan to follow his plan seven or eight months later.

After leaving An Tianfeng's ward, Xia Yuyuan gave An Siyao a thumbs-up gesture.

An Siyao went in, and the father and daughter were still sulking at each other silently.

An Siyao poked an apple for An Tianfeng, and he wasn't planning to eat it, but when he thought of the pain from the toothpick in his mouth, he opened it.

Xia Yuyuan held a fruit knife and peeled the apple.

In the evening, Xia Yuyuan and An Siyao left.

An Tianfeng's female secretary brought a large food box to the ward.

She opened the food box, and the food inside was abundant.

An Tianfeng glanced at the full garbage can filled with apple peels and said to the secretary, "Take it away, I can't eat anymore."

Watching the fragrant food leaving him, An Tianfeng lay on the bed, his expression painful.

He suspected An Siyao and Xia Yu were deliberately messing with him, one constantly peeling and the other constantly feeding; he ate apples for two hours!

On the other side, the complained Xia Yu had already hugged An Siyao and entered sleep.

He spent the nights holding An Siyao and the days working with Xu Youxiang's body, another two days passed like this.

In the research institute, a more mature medicine was finally developed, and next, they would begin the long clinical trials. These tasks were left to the experts, and Xia Yu temporarily gained some free time.

On this afternoon, while playing games, he received a long-distance phone call.

Wondering who the other party was, Xia Yu pressed the answer key, and Zhu Mei's voice came from the phone.

"How's it going?" Xia Yu asked.

In reality, he already knew the situation. Although he hadn't asked Yu Ningmeng, judging from An Siyao's lack of unhappiness these nights, Zhu Mei's chances of becoming queen were slim.

"It's fine," Zhu Mei answered.

"Then come back soon," Xia Yu said. It was not good to stay outside the area all the time in case of any accidents.

After a ten-second silence, Zhu Mei said determinedly, "I want to be the queen."

"…I don't have that kind of interest," Xia Yu said.

"???" Not knowing much about how the world worked, Zhu Mei didn't understand what Xia Yu was saying.

"Why do you want to be a queen? Come back and stay at home; is it the games that aren't fun or the snacks that don't taste good?" Xia Yu urged.

"I want to be," Zhu Mei's voice softened, "can you help me, Bear?"

"I'm not capable of helping you become a queen," Xia Yu refused.

"I see," Zhu Mei sighed and murmured, "then I can only resort to assassinating them."

"Wait, what did you just say?" Xia Yu sat up straight.

"As long as I get rid of the anti-king faction, I can become queen," Zhu Mei told Xia Yu her plan. "I plan to throw a party and then blow them all up."

"Is that feasible?" Xia Yu was shocked.

"Probably?" Zhu Mei replied with a questioning tone.

"Now is not the time to act cute!" Xia Yu had a headache, rubbing his head as he thought.

To decide whether to do something, he needed to consider two questions: the feasibility and the necessity.

It was necessary to help Zhu Mei since she was determined to go it alone. The remaining question was whether this plan was feasible.

Xia Yu opened his skill panel and took a look:

Pharmaceuticals LV6, Music LV5, Exam Education LV5, Dexterity LV5, Shooting LV4, Strength LV4, Programming LV4, Dressing LV3, Coquetry LV3, Business LV3, Painting LV3, Soothing LV3, Massage LV3, Endurance LV3, Inspiration LV3, Fighting LV2, Intimidation LV2, Makeup LV2, Driving LV2, Psychotherapy LV2, Flower Arrangement LV2, Buddhism LV2, Night Vision LV1, Elegance LV1, Video Games LV1, Telepathy LV1, Dexterity Bonus LV1, Exam Education Bonus LV1, Shooting Bonus LV1

There are no useful skills here, and the capabilities of the An family and the Yu family cannot interfere with the affairs of the 14th district. Although the 14th district ranks lower, it is still powerful as a country.

Fortunately, Zhu Mei possessed the necessary skills.

Exploitation, Speech, and Power tactics, she was a complete queen template.

The accumulated experience cards from before could help Xia Yu rapidly elevate these skills to higher levels in a short time. What followed would depend on the situation in the 14th district.

Heroes are created by circumstances; actions are futile without the right timing.