Side Story 8: Overthrow the Cat Tyranny (Part 1)

Whose card should I flip today?

Opening the bookmark column and looking at the bodies inside, Xia Yu felt a bit troubled.

An Siyao is in her confinement, Xu Youxiang was visited yesterday, and Yan Wei has to cook for herself...

After eliminating them one by one, only Wen Ziying is left.

It's decided, it's you! Activate, Wen Ziying !

As he pressed the confirm exchange button, Xia Yu's vision went black.

Moments later, a light appeared.

What entered his sight was a row of iron railings.

Looking around in confusion, Xia Yu found that the railings were somewhat lengthy, as if they were enclosing a circle around him.

What's going on? Has Wen Ziying been imprisoned?

Walking with doubt, Xia Yu heard the rustling sound and felt a strange touch under his feet.

Lowering his head, he saw a layer of sawdust.

Stopping his steps, he analyzed and thought carefully, and came up with an answer.

Have I turned into a hamster?

Placing both hands in front of him, Xia Yu saw hamster claws.

Damn the game, it's bugged again!

He continued to observe the surroundings and found that the cage looked familiar, seeming to be his own pet hamster's cage.

So he ended up in his own pet hamster's body?

Sitting on the ground, Xia Yu held his head.

Moments later, he sighed.

Just let it be, wait for the eight hours to pass.

That being said, I wonder what kind of bonuses this hamster can give.

From a human body, one can generally only get common life skills, but from an animal body, they can acquire rare fantasy skills.

Intimidation, agility, soothing, strength, stamina – these skills all come from animal bodies.

Body exchange has been completed.

Generating bonuses based on the other party's body...

Bonuses generated.

You received the following bonuses: Storage Bonus Lv1, Acting Bonus Lv1, Reproduction Bonus Lv1.

Wish you a happy game!

Indeed, besides acting, the other bonuses were unusual.

The storage bonus is easy to understand, as hamsters can store many things in their cheek pouches, which is probably what this ability is.

Pressing and holding the bonus name, Xia Yu received a detailed introduction.

Storage: Can store more items in the body without being easily noticed.

This skill doesn't seem to have much use.

Xia Yu then looked at the reproduction bonus.

After pressing and holding it, a mosaic appeared, indicating that it's a bonus not suitable for display.

This bonus is not strange either, as the reproductive ability of rodents is famously strong.

I don't know the specific effect, whether it can be used with Stamina Lv3 to relieve recent stress.

Finally, Xia Yu looked at the acting bonus.

What's the deal with this bonus?

It's normal for rats with high intelligence to act, but has it reached the point of forming a bonus?

He had never noticed this talent in the hamster before.

Putting this matter aside, Xia Yu stood up.

Eight hours in a cage would be boring, so it's time to go out and play.

Can a cage even hold him in?

Arriving at the cage door, Xia Yu looked at the lock.

He fell into deep thought.

Logically, under normal circumstances, shouldn't an ordinary pin be used for a hamster lock?

Before, it was clearly an ordinary latch that could be pulled off as long as the right position was found, but now it had become a smooth electronic lock with a red indicator light. Why?

In his mind, a prime suspect's name surfaced:

— Yuxue.

The black cat and the hamster were being raised by the girl, so the lock on the cage must be her doing!

He would definitely deduct her allowance when he returned!

Xia Yu left the door, not vain enough to believe that he could handle an electronic lock.

He looked up, the top of the cage could be opened, but there was also an electronic lock there.

Looking around, the iron bars were flashing with cold light, looking very sturdy.

Coming to the bars, Xia Yu used his level 3 strength to try, but the cage remained motionless.

So, was he really going to stay in the cage for the remaining seven-plus hours?

Xia Yu glanced at the facilities in the cage: a slide, a roller, a swing, a grinding rod, a climbing ladder, a wooden house, and a shallow artificial river; everything was there.

However, this was only for the hamster, Xia Yu, as a human, had long outgrown such simple pleasures.

Why hadn't Yuxue thought of putting a cellphone in the hamster cage?

Did she disrespect hamsters?

Unable to entertain himself, Xia Yu tried to pass the time by practicing his skills, but there were no suitable props in the cage.

After turning around twice, Xia Yu lay down on the climbing ladder, feeling hopeless.

Turning over, he picked up a handful of wood shavings from the ground and threw them into the sky for self-entertainment.

A moment later, there came a sound from outside, it was Yuxue and the others coming downstairs.

Xia Yu didn't get up, he could use the hamster's body to speak human words for help, but the hamster's voice was too small to reach the living room.

Continuing to throw wood shavings, Xia Yu yawned.


The sound of the door opening suddenly rang out.

Was it the hamster's maid?

Xia Yu didn't bother to get up and look, he was already a little sleepy, and as long as he fell asleep, he wouldn't be bored.

The next moment, he heard another sound.



It was the sound of the cage being opened.

Immediately sitting up from the ladder, Xia Yu looked towards the door and saw the black cat.

The black cat held a magnetic card in its mouth and opened the door.

Good boy, you'll get an extra chicken leg for dinner!

Jumping off the ladder, Xia Yu walked out of the cage.


But he didn't walk far before he was stopped by the black cat.

"Meow!" the black cat reached out its paw to grab Xia Yu.

Xia Yu leaped away, avoiding the cat's claws.

What do you want!

He frowned at the black cat.

Seeing that the hamster had actually dodged its claws, the black cat's leisurely expression changed, it stood upright, revealing its sharp teeth.

You, a tiny toothed guard, dare to dodge my claws, are you trying to rebel!

The black cat reached out its paw again, this time with more force.

Xia Yu dodged once more.

"Meow!" The black cat was completely enraged and charged towards Xia Yu.

Xia Yu quickly sized up the gap between his and the cat's body, and without hesitation, he ran backwards.

A smart rat doesn't take immediate losses, strategically retreating now, and settling accounts with this black cat later!

However, having not yet become familiar with the hamster's body, he couldn't outrun the cat.

The black cat jumped in front of Xia Yu and struck him with a paw.

Today, I will let you know who owns this world!

The black cat didn't use much force, but the slap still sent Xia Yu rolling several times.

The pain in Xia Yu's heart was even deeper than the physical pain.

To be hit by his own cat was the greatest grievance he had ever suffered!

You're done for!

If I don't teach you a lesson today, my name isn't Cang!

After pondering a strategy in his mind for a while, Xia Yu lay on the ground, motionless.

At this moment, he suddenly understood the reason for the hamster's acting bonus.

The black cat stared at the lying hamster for a moment, then came over to Xia Yu with a puzzled look.

Why isn't this hamster moving? Did I accidentally kill it with a swipe of my paw?

The black cat felt a little guilty and lowered its head to check on Xia Yu.

Xia Yu squinted his eyes, waiting for the right moment, then leaped up forcefully, pouncing onto the black cat's head!