Side Story 9: It's an Uncle

In the afternoon, the sound of a mobile phone ringing woke up the sleeping Xia Yu.

Xia Yan pulled his hand out from under Zhu Mei and picked up the phone.

In a daze, he didn't see who was calling and asked directly, "Who is it?"

A girl's voice came through the phone, "Uncle, I had a car accident, come pick me up."

"What's going on?" Xia Yan immediately woke up, got out of bed, and put on his clothes.

"I'm on Shakya Road, come over quickly." The girl hung up after finishing her sentence.

Xia Yan casually put on a coat and went to the garage.

He randomly picked a car and drove to Shakya Road.

At the intersection, next to an electric pole, there was a car parked. The front of the car was missing a patch of paint, apparently having scratched against the electric pole.

This didn't seem like a big deal at all.

As Xia Yan approached the car, he knocked on the rear window.

The car door opened, and a blonde girl crawled out from inside.

The girl held Xia Yan's hand, looking somewhat unhappy, "You took so long to get here!"

"I have a lot of things to deal with, too," Xia Yan excused himself.

Lowering his head, he looked at the girl beside him. She had grown a lot since their first meeting.

The girl frowned in dissatisfaction, "What's more important than coming to see Tina?"

She was Tina, the girl Zhu Mei had lured to District 24 with the temptation of helping her grandmother reduce her sentence years ago, and she became the financial minister of District 24.

Of course, she was an invisible minister, having never shown her face in public.

When the girl first came to District 24, Xia Yan had used her body to create business plans, but in the last three years, she had matured and taken on all the work.

Because he did not fully trust her, Xia Yu had also used his real identity to provide her with a lot of help, so Tina knew him and got along well with him.

"Forget it, it's all about those women anyway," Tina pouted, lifted her long skirt, twirled around, and said, "Uncle, look, summer school uniform!"

Her personality had become much more cheerful compared to when they were in the second district.

It was just that she had always called Xia Yu "uncle," which gave him a headache.

He would even be mistaken for being siblings with Yin Yin when they went out to play, yet he had suddenly gained a generation gap with Tina.

This would result in a two-generation difference when comparing!

"Hey, give some reaction!" Tina waved her hand in front of Xia Yu's face.

Gathering his scattered thoughts, Xia Yu focused his gaze on the girl's attire.

She was wearing a white shirt on her upper body and a pleated skirt on her lower body.

This was the uniform of the District 24 Royal School. Although Tina's skills were already enough to be an economics professor, her grandmother still wanted her to attend school properly.

"Is it sexy?" Tina lifted her skirt to her knees and threw Xia Yu a flirtatious glance.

Xia Yu sneakily glanced at the girl's chest, ha, even Xu Youxiang couldn't match it, let alone sexy.

But he couldn't say that out loud.

He replied perfunctorily, "Yes, yes, even the car was so dumbfounded by you that it crashed into an electric pole."

"The tire blew out!" Tina glared at Xia Yu angrily.

"So you're even more amazing, aren't you?" Xia Yu said.

Tina could tell that Xia Yu was perfunctory, and she mocked him angrily, "No girl would like you like this!"

"But I already have six wives." Xia Yu led Tina to his car.

Tina sat in the passenger seat, fastened her seatbelt, and retorted, "Those are all old women."

Xia Yu couldn't argue with her, as Tina was younger than Snow, and indeed had the right to call them old women.

Tina smiled triumphantly after winning the argument.

"Where are you going?" Xia Yu changed the subject.

"Pet hospital." Tina's mood lowered.

She was going to see the white cat.

The white cat's life was nearing its end.

This was something that Xia Yu couldn't intervene in.

Driving to the pet hospital, Xia Yu and Tina went to the ward together, and the white cat lay in its nest, no longer having the strength to move. When it saw Tina, it just opened its eyes and meowed once.

Tina sat beside it, combing the white cat's fur.

Xia Yu took the opportunity to ask the doctor and learned that the white cat didn't have much time left.

In the evening, the two left the hospital, and Xia Yu took the girl home.

The girl was living alone at the moment. Her adoptive parents and grandmother had gone to the 11th District for a trip. The white cat was still healthy before they left, and Tina didn't tell them about it.

"I'll pick you up for school tomorrow," Xia Yu told Tina.

The white cat's death was expected to happen in these two days, and Tina would definitely be very sad.

"What for? Are you trying to take advantage of me?" Tina said pretending to be cheerful.

"I'm afraid your grandmother would kill me," Xia Yu replied.

After saying goodbye, Xia Yu returned to the palace.

Entering the bedroom, Zhu Mei was still lying in bed. Seeing him return, she asked with concern, "What happened?"

Xia Yu told her about the white cat's situation.

Thinking of her own brown bear, Zhu Mei told Xia Yu, "Spend more time with her these days."

"Don't worry, I will accompany both of you." Lifting the quilt, Xia Yu crawled into bed.

In the middle of the night, the moon climbed halfway into the sky, and Xia Yu was sleeping soundly with Zhu Mei in his arms when his phone rang again.

This time he checked the caller, it was Tina.

Is this girl having trouble sleeping and calling me again?

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Yu picked up the call.

He decided that if the girl didn't mention anything important, he would go to her body and teach her a lesson.

Putting the phone to his ear, Xia Yu heard deep sobbing.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu was startled and hurriedly got dressed.

"Mimi died," Tina burst into tears.

Xia Yu's heart sank. Although he knew that the white cat wouldn't live long, he didn't expect it to die so soon.

"Where are you now?" Xia Yu asked.

"I'm, I'm outside the hospital, too scared to go in," the girl choked out the answer.

"Is the driver with you? I'll come right away." After getting dressed, Xia Yu told Zhu Mei and quickly went out.

Ten minutes later, he drove to the gate of the pet hospital.

Tina threw herself into his arms, tears streaming down her face.

Holding the girl, Xia Yu waited quietly.

After five minutes, Tina's emotions gradually stabilized.

Xia Yu asked, "Do you want to go in and take a look?"

"No!" Tina hugged Xia Yu tightly, "I don't want to see Mimi's dead body!"

"Let's go back home." Xia Yu put the girl in his car and drove towards her home.

Upon arrival, Xia Yu parked the car.

Tina grabbed his sleeve: "Is it bad that I left Mi Mi there?"

"It's fine, the hospital staff will take care of it." Xia Yu reached out and stroked the girl's head.

"I'm a little scared." Tina stretched out her other hand and hugged Xia Yu's waist.

"I'll be with you today." Xia Yu consoled the girl.

He picked up Tina, went to the door, and found that the girl had left without even closing the door.

Entering the house and putting the girl on the bed in the bedroom, Xia Yu went downstairs to do a simple check and made sure there were no unwelcome guests in the house.

This was a villa area for important officials with excellent security, and the check was just a precaution.

Returning to the bedroom, Xia Yu saw Tina sitting up, wiping tears.

"Don't stare at me." The girl turned her head, feeling a little shy.

"Go take a bath." Xia Yu noticed that Tina's clothes were dirty; probably from being concerned about the white cat and accidentally tripping.

"Ah!" The girl just realized and immediately headed to the bathroom.

The bathroom was in the room. Xia Yu sat on the edge of the bed waiting for the girl.

After a while, Xia Yu heard the water sound stopping. It seemed that the girl had finished washing.

But five minutes passed, and he still didn't see the girl come out.

It should only take five minutes to get dressed.

"Tina?" Xia Yu asked.

"Hmm." The girl replied.

Feeling relieved, Xia Yu continued, "What happened? Do you need any help?"

Half a minute later, a very small voice came from the bathroom: "Clothes..."

Xia Yu understood. The girl had forgotten to bring a change of clothes into the bathroom.

He skillfully opened the drawer under the bed, took out a nightgown that Tina often wore, and fetched some underwear. He would occasionally use the girl's body, so he was very familiar with the locations of these items.

Before approaching the bathroom, Xia Yu spoke loudly, "Go into the inner room first."


With the sound of the sliding door, Tina replied that it was alright.

Xia Yu opened the bathroom door, put the change of clothes in the outer dress basket, and left.

A minute later, Tina emerged from the bathroom.

He had seen her in this nightgown before, but it was the first time he had seen her wear it with his own body.

The girl's petite body, paired with the pink nightgown, looked extremely cute.

Lowering her head, Tina approached Xia Yu, held his hand, and lay down on the bed.

Xia Yu lay with her, neither of them said a word.

Xia Yu didn't know how to comfort the girl, perhaps bringing the black cat over?

Or taking Tina out to dissipate her sadness with adult indulgence?

Like binge eating and spending the entire night online?

As Xia Yu was deep in thought, he suddenly heard Tina ask, "Where are my socks?"

"In the drawer next to your underwear." Xia Yu replied without hesitation.

Upon answering, he felt a sense of impending disaster.

He shouldn't know where Tina's clothes are; that was something only Di Yu would know!

"I just found them earlier." Xia Yu nervously looked at Tina.

Tina didn't pursue the matter, she just hummed and said nothing more.

Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the ceiling above, and suddenly sensed movement from Tina.

The girl propped her hand on Xia Yu's ear and leaned in.

Her lips were somewhat cold.

Lifting her head, Tina looked into Xia Yu's eyes: "My cat god, so you're actually an uncle."

After saying that, the girl leaned in again.

Xia Yu held her head: "This is not something a child should do."

"I'm already an adult!"