A warm welcome

A the front of the group was a man with grey hair wrapped in a similarly colored fur outfit. "Dumbledore!" he called heartily as he walked up the slope. "How are you , my dear fellow , how are you?" the man asked clearly in a good mood. "Blooming , thank you professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore answered with a smile. Karkaroff was tall and thin like Dumbledore himself but had his hair short and neat while his facial hair was styled in a goatee that curled under his chin slightly. "Ah and you must be the infamous Nicholas Ravenclaw , it is good to finally put a face to the name I have been hearing so often recently." Karkaroff said with a smile as he held out his hand for a shake.-

Nick took it "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Karkaroff I have always been curious about Durmstrag and the different approach to magic that it holds compared to most of the rest of the world." he said honestly and Karkaroff looked pleased to hear it. "Durmstrag has always believed that while there is indeed a chance for wizards to go bad that fear of such an outcome was no good reason to deny the curious knowledge." Karkaroff said proudly.-

"Within moderation yes?" Nick asked and the man nodded "Of course , but as much as I'd love nothing more than to chatter away like a squirrel about my school I really should be getting my student Viktor here into the warmth , he has a bit of a head cold I'm afraid." Karkaroff said with a regretful expression. "I happen to know a bit about medimagic so I can take a crack at curing him if you'd like?" Nick offered and the man looked surprised.-

"Truly a man of many talents as promised it seems , by all means please." Karkaroff said as he stepped aside to reveal Viktor Krum who indeed looked a bit ill at the moment. Using a diagnostic spell Nick found that he had a bit of scurvy and a slight bit of inflammation in his sinuses. Waving his hand over Krum he cleared up the problems instantly which showed immediate results as the boy livened up. "I thank you." Viktor said with a deep but clear voice. "A small matter , think nothing of it." Nick said casually. -

"He had a minor case of scurvy beyond the sinus inflammation so I suggest having your students consume foods with vitamin c over the next couple of days." he said to Karkaroff who nodded "I will see to it , thank you for the assistance." he said gratefully. "Now that both of the schools are here I believe we should get the welcome presentation started professor Dumbledore." Nick said and Dumbledore looked amused but gave the go ahead. Raising his wand into the air a pulse of magic flared out from it's tip and loud booms echoed out from each of the high towers of the castle as colorful sparks shot up into the air high above the school.-

They then exploded since they were fireworks but unlike normal fireworks these ones look the shape of the crests of each of the schools in vivid detail with them seeming almost alive. The three glowing crests then congealed together before shooting towards Nick who had at some point taken out three silver heater shields. With a blinding flash the congealed crest fireworks split into three parts and slammed onto the faces of the shields. When the light vanished everyone saw that the previously blank shields now had all three of the schools crests on them with a goblet in the middle of all of them.-

"In recognition of this moment in history I have a single shield for each school to posses that will forever show our schools bond in this moment in time." Nick said dramatically as he levitated the shields in front of each of the headmasters for them to take. There was a loud applause from everyone as they took them and held them up proudly. "Magnifique! A wonderful thing Dumbly-dore!" "Truly a grand welcome!" Madame Maxime and Karkaroff said highly pleased with this welcome.-

Nick couldn't help but snicker when he saw the helpless look on Dumbledores face as these thanks when he realized he couldn't admit that he had no clue this was even going to happen. The old goat just smiled and nodded while choosing to remain silent which was clearly taken as affirmation that he was behind all of this. Nick didn't doubt for a moment that the old goat was cursing him in his head if the look he gave Nick was any indication.