
"If you wanted me to add an adjustable level of power to these golems as well as realism that would cost even more money. Then of course there is the other factors you can add on such as weather , in built scenarios , reactive adaptation from the golems and environment and a long list of other possible features and is it any wonder that the price is so high?" Nick said without holding back any detail. "That all seems rather unnecessary though." Bagman said seriously. "It's a matter of perspective actually as for Miss Bones the more realistic the better since the training in the chamber would translate to real world skill better while for recreational use like you are thinking it is indeed way over the top." Nick pointed out.-

"Beauxbatons would like von with no expense spared." Madam Maxime said in her heavily accented english. Nick wasn't surprised considering she had the Flammels backing her school financially and thus basically had a near endless budget so long as she could convince them it was worth it. Nick had no doubt at all that convincing Nicolas Flammel of the value of such a chamber would be an easy matter.-

Due to Beauxbatons lacking defensive and offensive education the French schools students are especially ill prepared for the world after the mana recovers. During the few years of chaos after it starts such a chamber will prove a massive boon in ensuring the safety of the students graduating from the school. The gods that would reappear on earth were not the sort to bother with those inconsequential to them and thus shouldn't attack the schools unless there was someone there they were after. It was why Nick was planning on applying for early graduation towards the end of this year.-

He was a big fish in a small pond and those around him were starting to suffer because of his insistence on staying there. He used any magic and his mana would briefly suppress those around him which heavily limited the amount of progress he could make while in the school. "Is it possible to upgrade a chamber in increments rather than having to pay so much all at once?" Amelia asked seriously. "It would cost more over the long run since it would take more work from me but yes that is possible." Nick admitted freely.-

After that the entire meeting devolved into a back and forth session of haggling between Nick , Amelia and Karkaroff to see how much they could afford at the moment. Madam Maxime stood by her previous words and thus didn't have anything to add and Dumbledore was perfectly happy with his donated chambers current model as it sat firmly at the middle price point. Nick had made it specifically for the task after all so it had additional features that would normally not be there but translated over to DADA teaching perfectly. After about an hour of pure back and forth the deals were finally struck and Nick walked away quite satisfied with them.-

Amelia had ordered a highly detailed urban environmental chamber with basic everything but the human golems that were all to be programmed to have adjustable levels of power and difficulty. Karkaroff on the other hand got a multiple environmental chamber with various scenarios and randomized enemies within it. Amelia's was the cheapest while Karkaroff's was the most expensive of the two. Nick made it clear that he could start construction on the chambers but that they shouldn't be expected to be finished before christmas for those two while the one for Beauxbatons would take even longer due to the sheer amount of stuff he needed to do to it.-

The next morning the revolving door of people signing up for the tournament started which of course included all of Nicks friends minus Luna who pouted at being left out. Nick didn't really care about it though and instead was focusing his time on copying every book in the library thanks to a nifty ability that came from being a realm lord , avatar creation. It was basic instinct for daedra to know how to create a vessel to house them but Nick took this one step further to have a body under his control both in the realm and out of it.-

There was a slight problem however in that the body he made was what his true form would be after shedding his old one. The appearance was mostly human or elvish however the daedric nature of it was apparent. The whites of the eyes were instead inky black while they were also slits like a snakes and still golden in color. The skin of the body was pale white while the arms , legs , back and shoulders were covered in soft grey , white and golden feathers much like those of his Animagus form.