Yule ball(2)

Harry and Ron showed up with Ginny and Padma Patil respectively as their dates and Harry and Ginny were singled out to stand to the side. After that followed the Beauxbatons students and their dates with Fleur and the captain of the Ravenclaw quidditch team being paired together and thus singled out along with Harry and Ginny. Madam Maxime was paired up with Hagrid unsurprisingly considering they had been openly flirting for months now. How anyone could appear surprised to see it was beyond Nick but a few pulled it off.-

Finally it was Durmstrangs time to arrive and more than a few people were surprised to see that Hermione was hung off the arm of Krum in a radiant manner. 'She really does clean up nicely.' Nick thought while giving her a grin and a thumbs up. Luna had somehow managed to slip in the hall without anyone noticing despite her wearing a flamboyant pink dress with added flowers and lots of puffy bits. It was just as unusual as it's wearer and Nick approved greatly as it suited her. The only accessory she had on was the bracelet that he had given her previously that allowed her to change her features to a minor extent which she was currently using to keep her hair braided.-

It was an interesting use of the magic and Nick approved of it. Soon enough the champions and their dates were taken to the dance floor and the band that was known as the weird sisters started playing. Watching Harry and Ginny dance was amusing since it was clear that they were both total amateur's at it that lacked the coordination to not constantly step on the others feet. Fleurs dance was much better as even though her partner was distracted by her veela allure the entire time she was clearly trained how to dance with someone under such a condition.-

The best dancers of the champions though went to Krum and Hermione hands down. They glided across the floor in perfect sync in a standard waltz. Once the first song ended it was finally time for the rest of the students to show off their dancing skills as well as order food for dinner. Unlike usual there was an actual menu for the meal this time but after looking it over Nick instead opted for some of his sweetened lembas bread instead.-

"Want a bit?" he offered Luna who looked like she didn't know what she wanted to order from the menu. "Isn't that just bread?" she asked confused. It dawned on Nick that he might not have ever actually explained what lembas bread was when he ate it so his friends were likely under the impression he just enjoyed bread. "This is lembas bread and a single bite is enough to fill someone for three days. I sweetened this one so that it is a bit like pound cake in flavor" he explained and she looked interested.-

After trying it she looked astonished to find that she did indeed feel full after a single bite. "So that's why you eat this stuff so much." she said in understanding. "Well with that out of the way , want to make everyone else jealous?" Nick asked with a grin. Lunas eyes lit up and she smiled happily before holding out her hand. Nick took it and gently lead her to a nearby wall before doing something that no one there would forget for quite some time. He stepped onto the wall and began to walk up the side of it like it was the ground.-

Luna was besides herself at the novel idea of dancing on the wall but Nick was much more of a braggart than that and eventually lead her upside down standing on the air itself overhead. Even the music stopped as the people in the room stared in amazement at them. "Play something upbeat won't you?" Nick said with a grin at the band that snapped out of it and complied. In time with the music Nick led Luna across the sky in a grand and flashy tango while everyone else could only watch in jealousy.-

Dumbledore had a grin of his own at the scene and mention something about being young again as he watched. The trick to what Nick was doing was that he was warping gravity in a small area around Luna and himself so that they were always falling in the direction of his choosing so they appeared and felt like they were on solid ground so long as he kept a hardened platform of air above them under their feet. Doing this was an absolute flex on his part and everyone who understood what he was doing knew it.