It Is Your Fate

Mineah scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. Biting her lower lip, she couldn't help but turn to the Seer. Unfortunately for her, the older man simply smiled at her, causing her to feel unsettled. Despite this, she still trusted the older man's judgment and his gift of foresight. 

She blinked as she watched her sister Xenia enter the great hall. She could only hope that her sister had a good explanation for everything that happened to avoid worsening the already chaotic scene.

Xenia bowed deeply before saying, "I humbly apologize for the mess I've caused today."

Mineah held her breath as Xenia explained herself. 

"I visited my sister's personal garden at dawn to clear my head, trying to calm the worries plaguing my mind before my upcoming marriage. Not wanting to worry my family, I went there without informing anyone. I saw some berries in her garden, so I decided to eat them out of hunger, not knowing they were poisonous. Our mage later found and saved me. I heard about what happened from her and came here as soon as I could. Please forgive me for the worry and chaos I caused."

Silent murmurs echoed from Valcrez's side of the hall. She then frowned when she noticed how the Werewolf King of Cordon, King Darius, who quietly arrived a few moments prior, had suddenly stepped forward.

"King Stephan and King Nikolai, would you be so kind as to allow me to interrupt this discussion?" the foreign King spoke, reminding everyone of his presence in the room.

"Of course, King Darius. Please speak freely." Mineah's father replied, whereas King Nikolai simply nodded his approval.

"I believe that you invited me here to discuss an important matter. Though this might sound rude, I have no intention of witnessing this pressing matter between Valcrez and Ebodia unfold. I don't mind discussing your intention with me in the presence of everyone in this hall." 

Clearing his throat, her father cautiously spoke. "I apologize that you had to witness this mess. King Darius, I invited you here to also discuss a potential alliance between my kingdom and yours. My son and I came up with a proposal that is advantageous to both of our kingdoms…"

As quickly as he started, King Stephan signaled the Great Chancellor Corpus to hand King Darius the documents of the proposal. King Darius took it and looked at it with a blank face.

"Hmm, all this is fine, but why is there no marriage mentioned in this alliance, King Stephan?" King Darius nonchalantly asked, his eyes darting to her sister Xenia as he scoffed. "Why is it that the King of Valcrez was given the offer and not I?"

Hearing his words, a dim expression descended on Mineah's father as he replied, "You must be mistaken, King Darius. I never offered my daughter to King Nikolai. It was their side that insisted that I marry my daughter to him in order to secure the alliance."

King Darius didn't bat an eye as he firmly said, "If that's the case, then I would also like to marry your daughter to secure this alliance."

Mineah watched her father's stunned expression as he followed the Werewolf King's eyes that were now firmly locked to her sister Xenia. 

"My eldest daughter?" Her father's eyes widened, looking to make sure that the Werewolf King was pointing at the right woman.

"Yes. I want Princess Xenia to be my wife to secure this potential alliance you want between our kingdoms," King Darius reiterated himself. 

He then firmly announced, "I won't ask for any other thing except for your daughter. In return, I am willing to comply with all of your demands so long as it is within reason and won't be against the principles, rules, and laws of my kingdom."

There was a pause. Everyone was stunned at the Werewolf King's words.

"Time is ticking. War is coming to your kingdom, and I am willing to fight alongside you once you give me the answer I want," King Darius pressed on. "The hand of your eldest daughter, Princess Xenia, in exchange for my assistance…"

As expected, commotion filled the hall. There were unpleasant reactions to King Darius's words.

"Heavens!" her father burst out as weakly touched his forehead.

"This is absurd, Your Majesty! The Werewolf King is disrespecting us right before our faces!" one of the Elders from the Valcrez exclaimed. 

"This is an insult to our kingdom! Let us ignore such drivel. The Princess is back, and we can now proceed with this marriage alliance as initially planned."

Mineah looked at King Nikolai, who had a stoic expression on his face before shifting her gaze back to King Darius, who was determined to get her sister Xenia. Both Kings seemed to simply stare at each other for quite some time without so much as moving an inch.


It was the only word that King Nikolai uttered, his eyes keenly staring at King Darius as he waited for an answer.

"Xenia. Is. Mine," King Darius firmly declared, his strong voice booming as if he was proudly announcing it to everyone inside the hall. "She is my mate."

There was no other explanation needed once the word mate slipped through King Darius's lips. Everyone in the room knew about how werewolves had their destined mates that only they could recognize. There was no further need to argue.

"Do you know the grave consequences your actions might have, Darius?" King Nikolai calmly addressed. "What you are suggesting right now is that you wish to make an enemy out of my kingdom by stealing my bride-to-be."

"I wish nothing of the sort, Nikolai, and you know that I want nothing but to be a good friend to you. We both want to ensure lasting peace between our kingdoms," King Darius promptly assuaged. 

"I am willing to compromise with your terms as long as you hand me my mate, who is Princess Xenia. If you won't allow it, then I will have no choice but to use the Beholden Law."

Mineah could only watch from the sidelines, biting her inner lower lip as she waited for how things would unfold. With her shoulders slumped, she felt invisible, as though her presence didn't matter. Yet, when her focus shifted towards her sister's plight, she brushed off the sting of neglect, her brows furrowing with concern about her sister's well-being.

"Alright, the Beholden Law it is. I will concede and let you have Princess Xenia. In return, I am beholden no more to the Werewolf King of Cordon."

Minister Rory of Valcrez was too quick to complain. "But Your Highness! This is-" 

"My decision is final!" the Vampire King announced, using a gesture of his hand to stop his Ministers from speaking up. 

"But she's the cursed Princess, Nikolai!" Princess Ezme exclaimed. 

"No one is to question my word. I will accept the second princess, Princess Mineah, as my future wife to seal the marriage alliance with the Kingdom of Ebodia. We will proceed as planned. My marriage with Princess Mineah will happen today." King Nikolai firmly declared.

Mineah turned to their Seer Beirut and could not help but recall the conversation they had about her getting married today.


"But I am cursed. There's no way the Vampire King would accept me. He will consider it a disgrace to our agreement, and it will look as if it is an attempt to belittle him," she reasoned.

"It is what I saw in my dreams, Your Highness… you getting married to the Vampire King… It is your fate," Beirut stated with finality.




A/N: If you're interested to read King Darius and Princess Xenia's story then search and add their standalone book entitled, The Crown's Entrapment. Their story was already completed. Hope you have fun and a great reading experience. Keep safe and take care, everyone. *kisses&hugs*