Every Full Moon

Mineah quickly turned to Dani and the rest. "Quickly prepare a bath!"

The three moved in haste to do as they were told. By the time they were done, Taro had already returned from his task.

"I will help His Majesty get cleaned up," Taro said the moment he arrived. He then turned to Mineah and said, "Princess Alexa would like to have a word with you, Your Majesty. Marlo and Luis will lead you to her cabin."

Despite what she just heard, Mineah weakly stared at Nikolai who seemed to be in a daze still. His eyes were unmoving, staring blankly as if he was in his own world.

Taro probably sensed her hesitation as he added, "He's going through withdrawal right now. He'll be fine given enough time, and he'll quickly come to seek you, I'm sure." 

He then reminded, "Now come. Princess Alexa will explain everything to you, for now, Your Majesty. Please…"