
Mineah sighed as she stood out on the balcony of her room, the sunset beyond flashing its dying rays onto her skin. It wasn't as hot as she was used to in Ebodia, but its beauty still stood out to her after all of the hours she had just spent meeting with the rest of the Royal Family.

"What an intriguing sunset," she whispered to herself. "It looks so warm, and yet the cool air almost makes it more like a light than anything else."

Letting herself relax, she allowed herself another sigh as she felt the exhaustion from the previous gathering set in. It had been tiring having to accommodate everyone, but somehow, she managed it without too much trouble. She supposed she could only thank her faithful Shadow Maidens for making sure that nothing would be amiss.

That, and for giving her enough space that she wouldn't be swamped by all of the people that attended.