Dragon Souls

Mineah felt her head would burst open soon at what she just witnessed. They were currently back in her residence in the Amaranth Palace, and in front of her, Dani was still crying at everything that happened due to her actions.

"I really don't remember what happened last night," Dani sniffled. "I was so drunk back then... I mean, I remember I said something along the lines of what the Chancellor mentioned, but everything else is blurry to me. I'm not getting the whole picture of anything at all."

Mineah let out a resigned hum. She supposed that there was nothing else to be done for now. What's done was done. All they could do now was to try and spin things to their favor once more.

"Get changed and grab something to eat. Let's talk about all this after you've composed yourself," Mineah smiled at Dani with a soft hum. She turned to Krisha and said, "Go and accompany Dani. I'm sure she'll appreciate the help."