Climax That Way*

Their journey went on uneventfully after that one exchange. Mineah wasn't in the mood to say anything. Instead, she thought hard and deeply about what to do. And thankfully, while they were still inside the carriage, an idea suddenly came to her.

'What if I just compelled Nikolai? Is it even possible for me to compel someone as powerful as him?' she couldn't help but propose to herself. 'I'm not able to read his thoughts though, so maybe my power to compel also won't have an effect on him?'

There was a deafening silence inside the carriage as this went on, and Mineah was only grateful that Nikolai didn't bother her during her solitude. She turned to him, and to her surprise, he was actually staring at her. 

"Are you still mad?" he asked. 

Mineah could only shrug. "I'm no longer mad, but I'm worried…"