Who Will You Save?

Nikolai dared not move while he basked in the afterglow and stunning view before his eyes. She was in a deep sleep, and the faint light inside their room was just enough for him to have a full view of his sunshine. Yes, Mineah was the sunshine that unexpectedly came into his life, and it seemed that today was yet another beautiful day he could look forward to. 

"Who would've thought that I'll end up being blessed like this by following that prophecy?" he murmured with a content smile. "Despite me not believing in it, I still reaped its benefits." 

Truly, he had no intentions of marrying or even being in a marriage alliance before. It was only his mother and his officials that pushed him into it. Then again, his father did follow the prophecy, and he ended up being gifted with a son that harbored the Mark of Eternity. He supposed it was now his turn to follow the prophecy given by their kingdom's prophet.