Keep Your Hands Off

"It's too bad that we were left behind," Krisha sighed as she stared at the balcony where their King had just turned into mist along with their Queen. "I feel so bored doing nothing here, Dani." 

"Well, only someone with Exordium blood in them has the ability to safely bring someone with them in their mist form," Dani reminded her as she fed Nik. "We're not even close to anyone that has the requirement, let alone having to make a request for them to bring us to the encampment."

"It seems that only Zaila's the one that gets to enjoy having fun here with another suitor in line," Krisha scoffed, her face twitching as she sat on their snack-filled table.

Dani chuckled. Indeed, Zaila was now with Admiral Sixto. The two seemed to be getting along rather well. Poor Vassal Gregory… Well, Zaila was still a single lady, after all, so there was no harm for her to mingle around with men so long as she wouldn't give anyone her hand in marriage yet.