Golden Dragon

According to Mineah's mother, one major sign of someone being cursed by the heavens was the insatiable urge to draw more energy from a powerful entity. It was this uncontrollable need for power that led the cursed ones to bring abomination and chaos upon not just themselves but everyone around them.

Out of the offspring of a fallen angel, only one would be cursed and she was that unfortunate one, not her brother Ezekiel nor her sister Xenia. However, her brother was not considered cursed despite having a dragon soul inside him. 

Her mother and Wizard Lurio assumed that what happened to Ezekiel was nothing but an error that occurred when her mother cast a spell to seal all the dragon souls in the Forbidden Forest. Unfortunately, one dragon called Vulcan escaped and its soul was sealed inside Ezekiel's body.

"Are you sure about this? Taking more of his energy like this is…" her mother's voice trailed off as Mineah settled into a meditative position.