My Limits

Nikolai did his best to focus as he rained punch after punch at someone that he once called a friend. He knew that he had already won, but it wouldn't do for him to let his guard down just because he had Zoran pinned down beneath him.

"Yield!" Nikolai shouted.

"N-Never!" Zoran shouted back. "I won't lose to someone like you!"

To his surprise, his enemy flashed a smirk as a shadow of darkness descended upon them. Nikolai knew enough to not rely on his eyesight whenever this happened, but it was still annoying as he all but stumbled around trying to see where he should land his next punch.

"On your right!"

His ears perked up at the familiar sound of Mineah's voice. Quickly heeding her advice, he threw a punch right at the pitch black nothing on his right. 
