Engaged with the Chancellor

Back in the camp, the Valcrez reinforcements were starting to arrive just as Nikolai had scheduled them. Slowly but surely, soldiers trickled in, all of them up and ready to fight  Helion's seemingly endless hordes of monsters and demons.

Among these reinforcements, Krisha and Zaila arrived, and they both immediately made their way to Mineah's side.

"Your Highness," Krisha and Zaila dutifully greeted as they knelt in front of Mineah. "We've finally arrived."

"As I can see," Mineah chuckled. "Also, you two shouldn't be kneeling to me anymore. You two should know that better than anyone."

Chuckling back, the two shadow maidens smiled as they stood up to their full height. With their return to their liege, they could finally fulfill their duties to her once more.

"It was only proper, Your Highness," Krisha remarked as she dusted a bit of dust off her knee. "We are your sworn handmaidens, after all."