Tree of Life

Zoran was bleeding hard the moment he teleported himself back to his safe haven.

"That bastard," he cursed under his breath as he removed his clothes and dipped himself into a pool of water inside his private chamber. With the tub having a rune for healing, he instantly meditated and used his magic to get himself better as soon as he could.

He needed all the help he could get. Nikolai gave him a wound deep enough that he had no choice but to flee from him unless he wanted to die. In fact, it was so deep that it took him almost a whole day of healing just so it would stop hurting.

A day later after soaking in his healing pool, Zoran opened his eyes. He was profusely sweating, and he was panting hard enough that he felt like almost of his energy had been drained.

"Zoran, are you inside? Open the door please."