The Chances

After making sure that Sibil wasn't following him, it was almost midnight when Zoran was transported back to the isolated place where he was keeping Dahlia. The first thing he did was to check on her in her bedchamber. Entering the room, he sat on the edge of her bed as he watched her sleep peacefully. 

"I'm glad that you'll be able to finally live your life away from the confines of this cave. You'll be able to see your real family and be with them now," he whispered as he reached out to gently remove the strands of hair covering her face. "I'm sorry that I took you away for five years, Dahila." 

Letting out a wistful sigh, Zoran leaned closer to give her one last stolen kiss on her lips. But then, Dahlia stirred, her eyes suddenly opened as soon as his lips were against hers. 

Startled, Zoran quickly moved back while Dahlia sat up on the bed.