The Real Truth

Dani, Zaila, and Krisha all gathered in Dani's bedchamber as soon as they were dismissed by the King.

"I still can't believe how things turned out. Have you all felt it inside Her Majesty? Something very powerful is inside of her," Zaila muttered with a frown. "That divine dagger in her is very powerful, but there's something more there that I can't explain…"

Dani frowned. She wasn't as good as Zaila was in regard to healing and matters pertaining to inner energy. Among them, Zaila was the one gifted with the talent for it, so she ended up being the one who was most involved in regards to checking on the Queen's health. She had a healing ability comparable to Lady Jayra, who was one of the best royal mage healers in their kingdom.

However, among all the Queen's Shadow Maidens, Dani excelled in spellcraft and magic. 

"She has angel blood," Dani pointed out, drawing from her own expertise and knowledge. "That must explain it…"