
After all was said and done, everyone present for the trial slowly filtered out of the public courtroom. Most of the high officials still had jobs to do, and so too did the public leave to continue with their lives. Surprisingly, both the King and Queen quickly disappeared on them without a word, leaving Abel to scratch his head as both he and Fritz were left to deal with all of the cleanup and make sure that none of Haman's nonexistent remains lingered in the vicinity.

"Of course, it ends up being me cleaning up the place," Abel groaned as he watched both men and women alike leave him to his lonesome. "Aren't there supposed to be cleaners to do this stuff for us?"

"It's not like they wanted to be here in the first place," Fritz scoffed as he casually lounged by the side of the now empty courtroom hall. "Some of the men are still here, you know. You can always just tell them to do your job for you."