The Fake Couple

Even as Mineah smiled and giggled with her friends, she was still aware of what was happening around her. People came and went, and she kept a close eye on a few notable men and women who went by. At least, those that looked to be a threat based on their stance and gait.

And of course, that was how she noticed a couple that looked far too uncomfortable to be a real couple in the first place.

Unlike her shadow maidens, Mineah easily recognized her husband and Raul among the other patrons in the diner where they were eating. No matter how much they acted like it, the subtle differences and the aura between the two just looked way too off if someone knew what they were looking for. And besides, even if the two were disguised, she could still see their life force radiating off of them. Nikolai had this bright gold color inside his body, while Raul had a faint one, but still recognizable nevertheless.

'They're really committing to their cover, huh…'