Brotherly Love

Mineah felt exhausted and overwhelmed at the same time. She and Niran had just finished their visit to another big province, Apus, and it was finally time for her to take a break. 

They currently were inside the room Niran booked in the biggest inn of the province, and it was already getting dark out as she waited for Nikolai so that the two of them could travel in his mist form back to Ebodia. Both of them would be traveling together with their spouses to attend Krisha's garden wedding tomorrow, and then Dani's chapel wedding the next day.

"You have to rest early, Milady," Niran advised her as she poured herself a cup of tea. "Take a short nap while waiting for His Majesty." 

"You should rest while waiting for Raul too," Mineah advised back. 

"Hmm… I will soon. Right now, I still feel a bit energetic," Niran shrugged. "So many weddings… And then Laura's exams…"