The Only Option

Ebodia Palace

Mineah and Nikolai didn't take long after seeing Taro and Krisha's wedding. As soon as the newlyweds went away, they too also left to return to Ebodia castle. Currently, they were walking in the hallways of the palace to have dinner with her family. It had been a while since she got back here, and both she and Nikolai decided to sleep for the night in her previous bedchamber since they still had yet another wedding to attend tomorrow.

"I feel bad for those two," Mineah murmured with a pout. "Couldn't you extend Taro's vacation for a bit longer?" 

Smiling, Nikolai kissed her knuckles as he replied. "I really can't risk it. I need Taro to look after Jayra as soon as possible," he reasoned. "She's still in danger. Devon might try to get her again soon. After all, she still bears the demon blood inside her body. In Devon's eyes, she's still a possible threat to him."