Try Our Best

Zoran frowned, seeing Dahlia's eyes welled up with tears.

"I guess you didn't listen in through the bangle when Seer Tarah shared everything about the vision that day," Dahlia weakly muttered.

Zoran's frown deepened. Dahlia already told him about how Queen Mineah asked for Ebodia's Seer to check if a vision would come once she touched Dahlia. They were trying their best to look for ways to help him and Zoran truly appreciated their kind gestures. Yet, he could already tell that whatever this vision was something not good because of how Dahlia was reacting now. 

He purposely cut off his spell connection to hear her with the bangle because he had been inside of Devon's territory. He had decided that he would only activate the spell whenever he was in a safe location. He was fortunate enough that one night, he was able to hear Dahlia's words, saying how she missed him and even cursing him for not being able to see her.