The New Minister of Justice (2)

It was Teresa who would go first so Laura was escorted to another room to wait.

"Now, hear the case…" Milo said as soon as Laura was no longer in the courtroom.

Mineah watched eagerly as the two candidates clearly leaned in to listen. 

"There are two mothers who go to the high court to settle a dispute. Both of them are fighting over a single baby, saying that they are the real mother of said child," Milo began. "Before you ask any questions, know that the two mothers lived in the same home and both gave birth to newborn daughters at the same time and that one of these had died. Each of the mothers claimed that the remaining baby girl alive was her own."

The candidates clearly mulled over their thoughts at the information given. Seeing as she also didn't know the case, Mineah couldn't help but try and solve the problem with the candidates.