Too Easy

Days passed, and the time for Ezekiel and Nikolai to infiltrate Helion castle had finally arrived. Of course, they couldn't do such a dangerous mission with just the two of them. No, they had Zoran with them to help guide them through its halls along with the occasional spellcasting to help them remain hidden throughout this endeavor.

And… that was pretty much it, something that Zoran was honestly pretty apprehensive about.

"Look, I know that we have more than enough firepower to fight off everything with just the three of us, but are we sure we're not going to take anything else with us?" Zoran couldn't help but ask even as he prepared himself for the journey. "Are there any other failsafes that we can use?"

"Look, weren't you the one in charge of that stuff?" Nikolai pointed out as he donned his usual battle garb. "You're here to help us through this, so shouldn't you know what to do in case something goes wrong?"