Vulcan’s Soul

Mineah remained cautious as she held the dagger close to her chest. Looking around, the Nikolai clones were all staring at her expectantly, all of them seemingly waiting for her to move close to them. She didn't know what to do at the moment, however. All she knew was that she had to kill Vulcan, and she was pretty sure that only one of these Nikolais would be the right person to stab.

"Do you, now?" she carefully asked, moving closer to the middle of the room as if to give herself more room to look at all of its occupants. 

"You're here to kill me, obviously," Vulcan scoffed through the clones' mouths. "Seeing that dagger in your hands is all the confirmation that I need to know that."

She raised a brow at his words. So he knew what was happening here, but why was he still here?