Good Progress

Zoran let out a sigh as he found himself staring out of the window of his room. While he was currently not allowed to go outside just yet, he was already good enough to not really need as much observation as when he was first turned into a vampire. It wasn't much in terms of freedom, but it was still more than what he had back in the earlier days when he couldn't control himself. In fact, he could already casually walk around inside the castle provided that he had someone watching over him. Add to the fact that he was also practicing his self-control more often, and he was sure that even Nikolai would give him the go-ahead to leave his care the moment he saw him. 

Unfortunately, that last part of his wishes was currently impossible since apparently, Nikolai had gone and died on them without so much as a warning.

"It's a fairly nice day today, isn't it?" Dahlia asked him as she casually sat by his side. "It's not too hot, but not too cold either."