Myles covered his nakedness with the robe, he was angry that he even made a mistake of not using protection.

"Damn you" He cussed and left the room;He came back a few minutes later with a whisky bottle in his hand.

Myles stared at Lola sobbing on the floor, her position was still unchanged. He took note of the blood and was a bit astounded.

He did not imagine her to be a v*irgin but he could care less anyways.

Myles walked close to her body and spotted her tattoos. She had tattoos on her back, all over her arms and her chest as well. Even in his decade of being an assassin, he didn't have this many tattoos.

"Good evening sir"

Hennessy gritted and walked in, she saw Lola's state but didn't look disturbed one bit.

Myles turned to her and instructed "I didn't use protection, so make sure she takes pills. Don't disappoint me Hennessy"

"Have I ever disappointed you?" She smiled while staring at his broad chest that was slightly exposed.

"Get on it" He ordered and she jerked out of the trance she was in.

"Yes sir" She smiled and walked towards Lola.


Slaves' quarters>

Lola sat lifelessly on the bathroom floor;water was splattering on her body.

Allison had taken it upon herself to wash her up.

"You both should get out of the bathroom fast, she isn't the first to get f*cked" Cherry hissed from outside.

"Can you shut up, Cherry?!" Allison yelled.

Lola hardly had the strength to whimper or bicker with anyone, her back was stinging unbearably because of its contact with water but what could she do? . She felt lifeless.

"Lola, I know how you feel and it's not easy to go through this sort of thing but I can assure you that it will pass," Allison encouraged her.

"You will be fine" Allison muttered, feeling extremely sorry for her though she didn't know Lola well but she figured her to be a strong woman.

"I won't… be fine" Lola burst into loud tears. Her life had fallen apart.

"Don't cry" Allison blinked rapidly;tears were forming in her eyes as well.

Lola couldn't control the pain or bottled up emotions, it was like they exploded that very minute. Her cries grew louder by the second.

Allison pulled her into a tight hug, they both cried getting wet in the shower.


Sully's house>

Jake was eating with his parents when they noticed something.

"Son, are you okay?" Scarlett asked, curiously.

"Why?" Jake asked.

"You have been smiling so much since you returned from school, was school that interesting?" Scarlett further probed.

Jake replaced his smile with a frown "Mom, the food is good; that's why I'm smiling"

His parents exchanged stares and burst into laughter.

"What are you both laughing at?" Jake pouted.

"Did you meet a girl you liked?" Eugene teased.

"Enough of this conversation, good night" Jake scoffed and excused himself.

He could hear his parent's laughter from the dining room and he could help smiling broadly. He rushed to his bed and fell on it.

Jake stared at the ceiling then picked up his phone.


Molly's house>.

Molly sipped from her packet of juice, she couldn't help smiling.

She recalled how he defended her and held her. No one has ever been kind to her apart from her family.

She recalled her constant panic attacks as a child but the panic attack today had a different resolution, it was amazing how she felt.

For more than seven hours, she hasn't thought of Nathaniel, which was unusual.

Her mind was instead preoccupied with someone else.

Molly's phone beeped on her bed and grasped it. She wore her glasses and kept her pack of juice aside.

The message was from Facebook. She checked it and her eyes widened to see a friend request from Jake Sully. It had his profile picture.

Molly's eyes widened, how did he know her name?.

She accepted it even though she was still surprised and perplexed, instantly a message popped into her messenger.

She felt her heart beating loudly in her chest.

' Hi,pretty '

"Pretty!!!" Molly screamed happily and rolled excitedly on her bed.

He just called her pretty.

She suddenly rolled over the bed and fell on the floor.

"Ouch!" She groaned and laughed.

"Molly, are you alright?" her mom asked from outside her room.

"I'm good, mom," Molly chuckled and gazed at her phone.


"I saw him, he's quite hot," Anna said over the phone.

"I know right?, but it is so annoying that Mollyanna is trying to lure him into her hands but she's mistaken, '' Summer yelled over the phone.

"I trust you, even though you are with Nathaniel. I doubt that adding Jake to the list would be bad" Anna smirked.

"I want to get rid of her" Summer's hate was sensed through her voice.

"Do what you can, Summy" Anna said and the call got disconnected.

Summer hung up and Anna cleaned her ears that hurt from her excess yelling.

"I love how she yells, it sounds satisfying, I wonder how good she would be in bed" Trent smirked. Trent had always had a crush on Summer but she never noticed him.

He wasn't among the least handsome guys in school. He was one of the ugliest and most bullied but it was his turn to teach them a lesson.

"Did you bring the candies?" Anna questioned and Trent put the bottle of illegal pills in her hand.

Trent placed his hand back on the car's steering wheel.

"You have the candies now, make sure you get me Summer, I would like to show her what hell is like" Trent gritted his teeth.

"Consider it done, hell is where that b*tch belongs" Anna sneered but it slowly changed into an evil smile.

[A week later]

Lola got into Atlas' room and began cleaning.

She cried that night like never before but the next day she sobered up. She might have lost her dignity but not her sanity.

She was given pills and even had something injected into her but she could not decipher what it was.

She was a bit relieved by the after pills because she wasn't ready to have a child for a beast. Her wounds were healing really well and she was making her plans.

Plans that only she knew.

Lola began mopping, she was busy with her thoughts and didn't realize when Atlas stared lustfully at her then moved close to her.

"Kitten" He said suddenly and it scared the life out of Lola.

"Oh my!" She gasped and slipped on the watery floor, straight into his arms.

Atlas caught her and their gazes met, he instantly liked her eyes;green like the forest.

She had already been r*ped once, she couldn't stand the touch of another man. Lola instantly stood straight and moved away from him.

"Kitten you don't have to be scared" He smirked at her, his smirk could be compared to one from the devil.

'Who's he calling a kitten, I'm a tigress the one who will chop off your balls; if you get any closer to me'

She had cat-like eyes, the shape of her face suited the name he had given her, he stepped forward and Lola scurried out of the room before he could come any closer.

"Kitten, come back" Atlas chuckled and released his towel from his waist.


Lola successfully ran downstairs but bumped into Allison.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Allison asked when she stopped her from running further.

"It was a man upstairs, I saw him for the first time and he made advances at me," Lola said, panting.

"You mean Master Atlas, well he is the second in command here" Allison said.

Lola wanted to ask about Lance but she stopped herself.

"They are all perverts in the house from Atlas to that stupid man!" Lola ranted and Allison understood her.

"The walls have war, don't talk about Sir Myles like that" Allison cautioned in a whisper.

"Who cares about him, he is such a bastard and a chinless good-for-nothing who sees molesting women as his only way of showing his manliness"Loms uttered hatefully.

" He is not only a piece of shit and a useless waste of reproductivity from his parents and also a foolish and idiotic scoundrel who should rot in hell for the rest of his life."


"I hope he dies and I get to see him die a painful, unbearable and horrendous death. I want his bones to be crushed by a moving train for all the agony he caused me. I want his face to be disfigured by some lethal acid because he doesn't deserve that handsome…ugh!... tormenting face "

" Lola… "

" Such a waste of s*men. I wish I could see him again so that I would cut off that thing wagging in between his legs "

" Lola… "

" What! "Lola snapped and finally noticed Allison's uneasiness.

Lola saw her eyes concentrating behind her and when she tried turning her back bumped into something hard. Lola raised her hands behind and felt something spiky like a beard.

She turned back to see Myles staring at her with a deadly look on his face.

'Did he hear what I said?' Lola shuddered in fear.

"So I am a useless waste of reproductivity…"Myles growled.

Lola felt her legs wobbly, she wished the ground could open up and swallow her.

'Oh no'