Legacy: Another World - Chapter 3

Shun POV:

「The City of Fayhaven」

I stood in the middle of a wide road and watched various people walk by. They wore a blend of traditional adventurer armour with clear futuristic elements.

It was the same with the city itself; a fusion between typical medieval-like designs and a nice dose of futurism. Though the latter was far more emphasised, it didn't look odd—it just somehow worked.

'...Ah! Wait, wait, wait...!'

I stopped observing the detailed buildings that varied in size and examined myself. The neck brace, bandages, hospital gown, and casts were completely gone. They were replaced with clothes that had a regal appearance; gold stripes lined the seams of my exquisite garments and a small cloak fluttered behind me.

'Hehehe... Let's just clarify it first...'

"Status window."

[Name: Shun Kurosawa

Age: 17 Gender: Male

Title: Traveller of the Worlds (Legendary)

• Prodigy beyond Understanding (Legendary)

• Knowledge of the Secret Arts (Legendary)

• Master of the Darkness (Legendary)

• Magi (Legendary)

• The One who can't be Touched (Legendary)

??? ???: ???

Health: 999,999 KP: 999,999 Strength: 999, 999

Stamina: 999, 999 Agility: 999,999 Charisma: 999,999...

Skills: Elemental Mastery (Max), Sword Mastery (Max), Prodigious Talent (Max), The Flames of Darkness (Unsealed), Secret Arts Insight (Max), HoTS (Acquired), Elemental Insight (Max), Unmatched Knowledge (Max), Arcane Insight (Max), Knowledge of the Unknown (Max), ...

A young man who has finally revealed his talent to the world. Brimming with unstoppable confidence and charisma, his growth sees no end and his skills have no match! He is the hero of this world!]

My vision grew blurry as I wiped the tears overflowing from my eyes away. I was elated at the fact that my moment had finally arrived and it truly felt good. I stared at the floating blue window for a while before reaching a decisive decision on what my next step should be.


I smacked my open palm with my fist. It was the staple of any isekai story for the main character to have his own harem and to be honest, I always wanted to try picking up girls as easily as it was in those games.

I ignored the painful throbbing of my head and surveyed the street once more when my eyes stopped. A young woman with light, long blonde hair that reached down to her wide hips captured my heart. She had a slender hourglass figure and had the most beautiful, bright fuchsia eyes I had ever seen. Her long dress concealed her breasts but failed to hide their size, which was only a little smaller than Joanne's.

'...I love her.'

It was love at first sight. My heart thumped with every step that she took and I couldn't help but put her on the same level as Amelia?... My thoughts came to a stop as another wave of pain assaulted my mind. I brushed it aside and continued on, no; it was possible… I was certain that she was even higher than that.

She was a beauty beyond words.

'If it's here... I can be confident. I don't need to be afraid. I can do this!'

The gap between us closed, and my arm wrapped around her waist. I lifted her chin up while parting my lips to speak.

"I'll take care of you, just depend on me."

I watched her cheeks go bright red as stars sparkled around my eyes. She bit her lip in a rather seductive manner before nodding her head—this was the power of having max stats.

'It's actually working?! Damn, I'm going to have a lot of fun—'

Two black lines jutted into my vision, cutting off what I could see as I observed the woman's soft lips. They grew closer to each other like a pair of blinds and once they met, my consciousness disappeared along with the world I had just entered.



A mouthful of blood splattered across the wooden floor as my knees grew sore from being forced to kneel on the hard surface for so long.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't know she was a noble!"

Two large fists crashed into my cheek, causing my head to snap to the side as blood spewed out of my nose. I panted heavily while a mixture of sweat, dirt, and blood made thick clumps of my hair cling to my forehead.

'S-status w-window...'

[Name: Shun Kurosawa

Age: 17 Gender: Male

Title: Hopeless Bookworm

Skills: Book History (C), Fast Reader (C)

A young man who has read too many books and, as a result, often loses himself in his own imagination. He lacks confidence and has no charisma. He is a pitiful person.]

My head went blank as I stared at the system information in front of me. I wanted to deny it; I wanted to shout that it was a system error—a glitch in the matrix, but... I knew that wasn't it.

The system... Had just legitimately played me? Was that possible? My denial and confusion were quickly replaced with a burning rage that exploded inside myself. I clenched my teeth so hard, the veins around my mouth popped.

"You little s—"

A fist smashed into my jaw, crushing my head into the wooden floorboards as my blood dyed it a darker colour. I gnashed my teeth together while shifting my gaze up towards the young woman peering down at me with a wide smile.

[This is not a game. Welcome to the world of Ayadell.]

I stared at the floating blue window that blinked a few times before one of the two guards beating me lifted me up by the hair, causing me to wince in pain.

"Do you even know who you touched? This honourable lady isn't just any noble. She is a member of one of the Ten Families of Xera. To be more specific, her family is within the top 5. She is a Ravendawn, you little punk!"

My head crashed into the broken wooden floorboards again. Sharp fragments of the shattered floorboard sliced through the skin on my face as another pained moan left my mouth.


'...I should have known better...'

It was the only way I could console myself in my current predicament, even when I knew the result would have been the same in the end. If I had checked her information before approaching her, who's to say the system wouldn't have altered it for the sole purpose of teaching me a lesson?

"You little rat, say something!"

They took turns beating the life out of me as my consciousness faded in and out. I had already spent the past couple of hours apologising to her profusely, but she refused to speak; she simply stood there and watched.

Over time, her expressionless face faded. Her lips spread into a thin smile and then a wider one, making her look borderline sadistic as she gazed at my beaten body.

As for the clothes I was wearing, turns out they were just ordinary rags. There wasn't any gold lining the seams. Apparently, it was just the sunlight that made the material shine like that.

'Can my day... Really get any worse than this?...'

I questioned how long this beating was going to continue for. It seemed like it wouldn't stop unless I received her pardon, but that brought me back to the original issue; this twisted little pervert didn't want to open her damn mouth!

'...I might actually die at this rate...'

I sighed inwardly as another mouthful of blood splattered across the floor. If she wasn't going to make a move, then I had no choice but to double down on what had got me into this mess in the first place.

"...I love you!!"

I screamed at the top of my lungs and the fists raining down on me came to a halt. The sadistic smile on the young woman's face grew wider before she took a step towards me.

"Are you sure you love me?"

Under any other circumstances, I would have admired the softness of her voice that was laced with a honey-like texture, but right now I just wanted this damn beating to end.

"Yes! I guarantee it. Your beauty overwhelmed me from the moment I first saw you, so I moved without thinking. I apologise."

'Was that too much?'

The same sadistic smile rested on her face, making it hard to get a read on her thoughts. I wasn't entirely lying either; it was true that her beauty had indeed captivated me... Hm? I kept feeling like I was forgetting a lot of important things—it was a strange feeling.

'...Hospital... Injury... Right... A truck?...'

"Become my servant or die here."

Before I could explore the strangeness further, she broke the silence lingering in the room. Seconds later, a blue window popped up in front of my eyes.

[Mission: Life or Death.

Difficulty: F

A young Ravendawn has offered you an opportunity to survive the predicament you have caused.

[Accept – Your life will be spared.]

[Refuse – The guards will beat you to death.]]

I bit my lip in annoyance at the mission blinking in front of me. Judging by the low difficulty, it was obvious that I could always run away later, so there was no need to hesitate. I shifted my gaze back to her and looked her in the eyes.

"I accept."

"Beat him."


I stared at her in confusion as she licked her lips. I had accepted her offer, so why was she telling them to beat me? I didn't understand. It didn't make any sense.

"W-wait! I agreed, so w-why are you doing this?!!"

I stretched out my hand towards her, only for the world around me to spin. My head crashed against the opposite end of the abandoned room and I slid down the broken wall. The two guards wearing dark armour grinned while smacking their fists together before charging in.

"N-no... Please... No more...!"

My words fell on death ears as the beating ensued. I raised my guard to protect myself, but it was pointless. Their punches rattled the very bones within my arms, blasting them away and leaving the rest of myself exposed.

Somehow, I managed to take advantage of an opening and slipped past the guard's wide swing. I tripped over my own feet and landed in front of the crazy noble, but I didn't stop moving. My hand grabbed hold of the ends of her dress and I opened my mouth to ask for help, only for no words to come out.

A faint glow appeared in her bright fuchsia eyes that curved into thin slits. She covered the sadistic smile plastered across her face with her slender fingers as she went a darker shade of red. Her eyebrows quivered with what seemed to be... Pleasure?

I was stunned.

Stunned to the point, I didn't notice the guards dragging my body away from her as I stared into the spiral swirls in her eyes. After that, all I remember is my blood decorating the inside of the room and out of my hazy vision, I saw that same crazy noble blushing an even deeper shade of scarlet as I reached a life-threatening state.


Blood poured out all around me, and the beating finally came to an end. My hands were dyed a dark shade of red and cold shivers ran across my body.

[You have become the servant of Chloe Ravendawn.]

[You have salvaged your life.]

I glanced at the floating blue windows and smirked. From here, things could only get better. All I needed to do now was escape from her and then enjoy life here properly.

[Mission: Escape from Chloe Ravendawn

Difficulty: Calculating...

Chloe Ravendawn has chosen you to be her servant. Escape from her grasp as soon as possible.

Time Limit: -

Rewards: Freedom.]

'Heh. Even the system knows.'

Considering accepting her initial offer was only a Rank F mission, it was obvious that escaping from her would only be graded around Rank C at best. A second later, another blue window flashed into my vision as expected.

[Mission: Escape from Chloe Ravendawn

Difficulty: S...]


I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh before opening them again. The beating I had taken had without a doubt affected my cognitive abilities, so a short breather was needed to regain my sens—

[Difficulty: S]

'Ah. I'm screwed.'