Chapter 6

The night of the full moon arrived, and Logan's troops gathered on the outskirts of Yahitsha's stronghold. The prince stood at the head of his army, his sword drawn and his heart pounding in his chest.

As they waited for the signal to attack, Logan couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. He knew that this battle would be dangerous, that many of his soldiers might not make it out alive. But he also knew that they had no choice but to fight.

Finally, the signal came, and Logan's troops charged forward. The battle was fierce and brutal, with both sides taking heavy losses. Logan fought with all his might, his sword flashing in the moonlight as he cut down Yahitsha's soldiers one by one.

As they pushed forward towards the heart of the stronghold, Logan caught a glimpse of Valery out of the corner of his eye. She was surrounded by a group of Yahitsha's soldiers, fighting desperately to protect herself.

Without hesitation, Logan charged towards Valery's attackers, his sword flashing in the moonlight. He fought with all his might, cutting down anyone who stood in his way.

Finally, they broke through to the center of the stronghold, where Yahitsha was performing the ritual to summon the demon. Logan charged forward, his sword raised high, and struck Yahitsha down.

As she fell, the ritual was disrupted, and the demon vanished with a howl of rage. Logan breathed a sigh of relief, but he knew that the battle wasn't over yet.

He turned to Valery, who was badly injured but still alive. "We did it," he said, a note of triumph in his voice. "We stopped Yahitsha and saved Latin America."

Valery smiled weakly. "Thank you, Prince Logan," she said. "I know that I have a lot to answer for, but I hope that I can make amends for what I've done."

Logan nodded, his heart filled with pride. "You've already done more than enough," he said. "Now let's get you some help."

As they made their way back to the kingdom of El Salvador, Logan couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They had won the battle, but more importantly, they had saved their people from a terrible fate.

And as for Valery, Logan knew that she still had a lot to atone for. But he also knew that she was a brave and honorable woman, and he had no doubt that she would find a way to make things right.