Velgarth Perks

Human: Baseline - You should be familiar with everything there is to

know about being human... This is the default option regardless of nation/starting location.

Guildhall (-200 CP): You're the proud owner of a guild hall that matches

your chosen profession (not available for heralds). It will automatically be

inserted into the city of your choice. (It will follow you to other worlds where

such a thing fits, or if you've purchased a similar hall, take it for free). Brakebills is imported in this slot.

Inn (-200 CP): You are now the proud owner of your very own Inn. This building is designed to be however you like, but can not go beyond its

function as an Inn. Your Inn will always make enough gold or cash to be more than profitable. It will follow you to future Jumps and will retain any

changes you make to it during and after this Jump. (free if you picked up an

Inn in another jump. Will follow you to other worlds where it fits) My inn from alterworld imports into this slot.

Blasted open gifts (+400)

You were part of a magical accident that blasted open some gift channels. (When you get to Velgarth your magic from the magishians opens your gift paths baced on your level of mastery, giving you equivlent magic cpasity in this world as what you masterd in the others.) This will give you the manna shock debuff making you and all afflicted unable to use magic or skills for a minimum of 6 months you however get 12 it also comes with pain like your mana channels are touching a hot pan that thankfully doesn't get any hotter kinda like a sunburn. You also have a constant migraine. A healer would recommend bed rest and observation. Additionally, any gifts/talents beyond mind speech level 1 will be inaccessible until after you've completed

the downtime for this drawback. Any perks

or items from previous jumps that would normally help with reducing this downtime may not be used to negate this drawback. as long as you don't use magic or outside world skills, it is tolerable.

War Never Ends. (+200 CP)

Your chosen starting location will be at war with a neighboring nation from the start of the jump. Should you manage to wrangle a peace

treaty, another neighboring country will declare war.

- take this automatically if you've chosen the mage wars timeframe or Valdemar insert option as Valdemar is at war with Karse until the mage storms time frame.

Colddrake (+100 CP per each, limit 3)

Less like a lizard, and more like a snake with short, stubby legs... From nose to tail, it was easily as long as six carts placed end-to-end. Colddrakes live in groups called a clutch and are

ruled by a queen drake. Despite their formidable physical capabilities, their primary weapon is the power to hypnotise prey, enthralling the unwary with a mesmerizing stare, it's power is such that creatures caught within the gaze will willingly

walk to their doom. Colddrakes are weak to heat and become lethargic during the summer months. If you take this perk, you will have to overcome this enemy within the first 2 winters of arrival. Cold drakes will only be available if you start in one of the northern nations on the map, above Karse. These beasts are intelligent to a point and will observe and then strike.

Looking For More (Free): You may import up to 2 existing companions from prior jumps for free. They will receive 500 CP and your chosen race

for free or may select a race that is free, or they can purchase with their CP a race. You can import/create more companions at 50 CP per imported companion. You may choose to recruit locals for the same terms.

Urtho's Library (-300 CP): Your warehouse will be outfitted with a complete library detailing all the experiments and knowledge of the Mage of

Silence. While not on the level of a God, Urtho was fully capable of reshaping life to his whim (with some room for error). Urtho is the father of

griffins and is held in high regard by the Hertasi as the one that completed their uplift from solitary swamp dwelling lizards to the thriving

community that supports the Tale'edras today. This also includes works and information from affiliated mages so you have the information

regarding the Kyree. Additionally, Urtho made something of a study of gift-talents such that he was very close to being able to bestow the ability to use them on others. If you choose to install a heart stone in your warehouse, this library will be uploaded into the heartstone for your use.

Sleepgiver Talisman (-100 CP): You inherit or find one of the original non-cursed SleepGiver talismans, they're a repository of distilled assassin techniques and knowledge passed down from the greatest of the nation of

SleepGivers and give you an instinctive understanding of how to train yourself to peak performance and perform many feats of daring acrobatic skill that would normally have people declaring trickery or some form of magic being required to accomplish. The Talisman is a training tool only as practice of the skills is still required to become proficient. But it can be reused as many times as desired in training others.

Hardmode founding (+100)

If you're participating in the founding of Valdemar for the first 5 years, your warehouse will be on lockdown, and perks from other jumps will

be suspended.

Wyrsa (+50 CP per animal, per pack of 2 or more, limit 3 packs) incredibly deadly creatures that can be conjured by spells. A

mad cross between a viper and a coursing-hound, they hunt in packs, taking down their prey with stunning efficiency. They appear to flow, more than move like a normal animal. They have poison fangs and talons. They are mana-vores and will eat your spells. The wyrsa were intended to be an answer to the Kyree. Unfortunately, the Adept that designed them was a darwin award

winning idiot and in the process of giving them defences against other mages, made them impossible to control. These hounds can sense magic users and will chase until killed. The saving grace is that they are incredibly slow to procreate. You will encounter and narrowly escape after being bitten by one of these within the first year of arrival.

Rogue Mage-creatures (limit 500 CP total from all mage-creations) At some point, you will have to deal with and overcome dangerous leftover creatures from the mage wars.

The world bones - rebuild a significant area (roughly a country the size of Valdemar and then some) of the world's ley-lines following the mage storms or first cataclysm after urtho's weapon tears them apart. Reward: Ley-lines (free)