World Seed Perks

A World of leftovers (+600):

As the days go by and people become more familiar with the System, something strange might come to your notice. How are seemingly none of these people able to exploit the vast amount of potential given to them? In truth, the hard reality is that all the brightest souls of the galaxy, all these men and women with intellects and abilities capable of changing the universe, have ascended one after another in the innumerable timelines that came before this one. Everyone you see still left here, and all their prior versions, haven't managed to do so. It wouldn't be wrong to say that now, you are one of the smartest and most capable people in this universe, if only through a lack of competition. And throughout your time here, you will most definitely feel this burden, as most of the time, you are the only one able to deal with any problems coming up in your vicinity. A city you're staying in is having monster problems? You'll need to deal with it, or else it'll fall. A psychotic Soul Artist is absorbing a vast amount of souls? If you don't put an end to him, you'll soon wake up on a ghost world. A rogue God is trying to kill everyone in the galaxy? Better hope that you're up to it, because nobody else is. The last example isn't hypothetical, by the way. You WILL have to defend the galaxy in the time you're here.

Two girls don't make a harem, I swear! (+100): You, Jumper, truly are cursed… cursed to get a harem wherever you may go, that is. It truly is a painful existence, the life of a harem protagonist.

Space Travel Woes (+300):

Space travel isn't exactly safe, even with all the advances in technology common to Neolife. From subspace horrors hanging onto the windows of your spaceship to garden-variety pirates or even simply parts of your ship breaking down, there's no lack of threats that might befall one in space. And you are going to experience every single one of them. You'd better make sure that the escape pods are polished and ready to go before you start a journey through space.

Drop-In(-1000): You have no history or past in this world. You'll simply appear in a house at your starting location, right before the Seed that just got delivered and installed. Don't worry too much about things like IDs and the government being surprised that some guy just popped up out of nowhere, it's all been taken care of. Oh and for the initial cp you get all the drop in perks and the warehouse becomes a personal dimension.

The Rune is Mightier than the Sword (-100):

The one thing putting people off the runic language is its sheer volume. Considering that there are ninety-nine million, two hundred and thirty thousand, seven hundred and sixty nine of them, representing every single word and concept in all known languages, even things such as "watering the grass every week", that's no surprise. Because of that, even learning the runic language can be a challenge, requiring either a brain implant or some other form of perfect memory. Anyone who doesn't have access to these things needs to spend time and effort to search for those runes they'll actually use and transcribe them into a book or save them to their computer. Luckily, you won't have to do with such shortcuts: as of now, you are fluent in the entirety of the runic language, and will never forget it. Furthermore, as you will undoubtedly encounter words and concepts foreign to the people in this universe throughout your travels, it will update itself to include runes for anything you might come upon in the future.

More than a Code Monkey (-100):

Through hours upon hours of slaving over a keyboard, or simply going to a university, you've mastered the art of programming. If you put your mind to it, you could program anything you could think of, within reason of course. And with some further work, there's be nothing stopping you from learning and applying your skill to Neolife's own programming language, which isn't too different from the ones people on Earth know, besides some new terms to compensate for the presence of magic and some other gimmicks. Your hacking skills aren't too shabby either, being able to get you in and out of the local police and government databases without the AI protecting them even knowing that you were ever there.

Please don't be a Xianxia game (-100):

Even if you don't need to sit in a cave and cultivate for a few hundred years, with space travel times being at least a few months long if you want to get anywhere, there's a lot of time for one to get bored. But this doesn't concern you, does it? No matter how much time passes with nothing interesting going on, and no matter how long you need to train one specific thing, you'll never get sick of it and are able to bear it with a smile on your face. Even if you were stuck in a runic circle speeding up time a few hundred million times inside of its confines, you'd come out of it none the worse for wear, having used the free time to work on your skills or just to relax for a few years. The lack of people won't bother you either. After all, why would you want to carry on a conversation when you can cultivate instead?

Ordinary Expertise (-100):

With how special your circumstances are, would it be any surprise that you have some skills to back them up? You may pick any mundane hobby, skill, or science: anything from football to drawing, physics, or medicine. Within that field, you can be considered one of the very best on Earth. Now, don't go thinking that this is underwhelming: you didn't think people haven't advanced at all in the last two centuries, right? An artist could make any of his historic predecessors look like monkeys throwing shit at a canvas, and a programmer would make any 21st century developer weep at how much of a inefficient, bug ridden mess even their best code looks like compared to yours, if only they could understand it. This skill will also carry over to Neolife and grant you a Skill at the appropriate level, which would be Expert. You better not slack off if you wanna continue to be at the top there, it's a big universe after all. Though your prior expertise will definitely give you a few dozen legs up compared to your competitors.

Aura Surgeon (-400):

One thing that all beings and objects in Neolife possess, and soon those in the real world as well, considering that exposure to mana leads to its manifestation, is an Aura. You could consider it a magical blueprint of how something works. And it truly shows everything: skills, abilities, physical makeup, personality, memory, and much more. Animals and plants have flowing auras, full of twists and turns, whereas processed items like machines have jagged auras, full of hard lines like a 3D circuit diagram. One peculiarity of Aura is that any of its changes are reflected in the being or object possessing the Aura. Xeno-shifters, an advanced Druid class, make use of that to mimic the aura of lifeforms they have studied in order to gain both their forms and abilities, for example.

It is also how Technomancers are able to replicate the effects of implants within themselves, by simply copying their Auras into their bodies. But for all of its potential advantages, tampering with your own Aura can also go incredibly wrong if you mess it up, especially when it involves your brain, such as causing brain damage, death of personality, or just the normal kind of death. It's good, then, that with your skill at manipulating and changing Auras, yours and those of others, mistakes like that won't ever happen. It wouldn't be wrong to call you an Aura Artisan. So long as you have an example to study, you'll be able to safely and successfully apply any of its abilities or peculiarities either to yourself or somebody else, and even combine parts of the Auras of many beings to create truly powerful forms. After studying a massive amount of different Auras to get a feel for how they work, you'll even be able to go so far as to create original Auras and beings, or change parts of your Aura to give yourself entirely new abilities.

Personal Dimension (free it is your wherehouse/castle):

"With great power, come even greater powers" - God of Madness

Ever wanted to be God? Play out any narcissistic tendencies you have? Just a place where you can be alone for a while? Well, look no further! Right here you have the opportunity to gain your very own pocket dimension, tailored to your specifications. Whether it is a Grove, an illusionary world whose contents cannot exist outside of it, a dimensions where physics are a bit funky, or something even stranger still, it's all available here. And no matter how you choose to design it, eventually your dimension will be able to grow to the size of a whole universe, and beyond even that. Though, depending on its specifications, that might not even be a good thing or do anything at all, negative or positive, so it's up to you if you want to work on growing it. Still, that's something to think about in the future. For now, your dimension will start out at the size of about one square kilometre.

This dimension even grants you some power outside of it, depending on its nature. If you made a realm with physical laws allowing reality to be decided by the thoughts of its inhabitants, for example, making everyone in it a minor reality warper, one possible ability would be to superimpose this effect out into the real world in a radius around you, allowing you to fight enemies in a battle of minds and creativity instead of just raw power. And a demesne intended to be an afterlife for wayward souls might let you draw people who died near you into it, or those who you marked beforehand. Or perhaps a dimension psychic in nature, with everything in it part of a vast hivemind, could allow you to tap into it to gain vastly increased intelligence and processing power. Unlike any of the similar abilities you might be able to gain in Neolife, you can actually play the role of a God if you so choose, instead of just being a half-assed one: you are nigh-omnipotent in your dimension and in how you can affect it, though you still won't be able to change how the dimension works after you've set it up and can't do silly shit like making an item that will turn you all-powerful in the real world as well. Other than stuff like that though, go nuts! Oh, and if you want to, you can still get other pocket dimensions the old fashioned way once you're in Neolife, this one taking up no real estate in your soul. You may also import a pocket dimension already in your possession into this option to give it the same qualities.

Pokemon of a different variety (-200):

With so many different races and cultures existing in the galaxy, is it really a surprise that some of them go in a direction that is, let's say, uncommon on earth? Simply put, you seem to attract girls and other people (they don't actually have to be people, ain't nobody gonna knock you for loving a squid) that you would be romantically interested in, and not just one of them. Strangely enough, nobody seems to mind if you have many different lovers at the same time, neither the girls themselves nor any people around you, even if they would normally condemn such a thing. And instead of soon falling apart like they tend to do when it concerns other people, any polyamorous relationships you are part of will always thrive instead, each member either simply continuing to love you or coming to love and cherish the other ones as well, depending on your preference. And to reassure you, no, this is not mind control. Just you having, uhhh, such a great personality, yes.

Mass Import (-200):

I guess it's not surprising for a Jumper to have a lot of friends to bring along, right? I just hope they aren't all female again… erhm, anyway. With this option, you'll be able to bring as many active companions as you want into this world, acting the same as the normal Companion Import for them.

The Companionship of a Companion (free):

Ah, I see that you are a fellow patrician. Splendid taste, my friend! With this, you will be able to turn your companion AI into an actual companion, who will also gain an origin and 800 CP to spend, alongside the item stipend. The personalities of these AIs may range from butlers to friends or even lovers, but rest assured, they'll always have your best interests in mind. (Lo and behold it is not just any ai its Vaneria.)

The System (free):

As the name suggests, this is the system that is in place in Neolife, and will soon be introduced to the real world as well. It allows people to do things such as cast spells, manipulate mana, use runes, cultivate affinities, increase their physical qualities beyond anything they could've dreamed of before, and so much more. After reaching the apex of their class or a skill they might possess, and grasping near the level cap of 999, one could throw entire mountains, move at massively hypersonic speeds, ignore whatever damage people with the same power output might dish out, create illusions that are more convincing than reality itself, and affect entire planets or even solar systems. You gain access to this System for no charge, and may grant it to to other people in any settings you might visit in the future. It will adapt itself to anything you encounter, allowing you to cultivate affinities not found in this universe, or create spells and maybe even entire schools of magics focusing on forces absent here. This includes things such as the Kingdom or Ship management menu some people here have access to, though you might freak people out if you use it and they don't know of its existence. You'll also gain the ability to introduce this world's mana, including the System, monsters, Souls, and Auras, to other universes, though the consequences of doing this will fall upon you.

Freebies (free):

All people playing Neolife may choose two schools of magic to start with, and so do you.

There's a school of magic for pretty much everything, including Gravity, Sound, Barrier, Blood, Aura, Origin (the creation of matter ex nihilo), Solar, and Summoning magic. Of course, there's also a field of magic for any element you can think of and more, such as Fire and Earth magic, and even Nature magic and Technomancy exist. You can also pick two affinities to start off with at 5%. Affinities, in case you don't know yet, can be literally anything. If something exists, it has a mana signature. And if something has a mana signature, the signature can be forged (cultivated) and controlled. Be it an affinity for life, fur, time, leaves, bark, a specific fetish, or something more abstract like luck, order, madness, or chaos, the variety of affinities is truly endless.

What's in a Soul? (free/-200):

To anyone used to other kinds of souls, the composition of the soul in Neolife and beyond might seem strange, signifying the ability of something or someone to grow and learn within the bounds of the System in addition to also being their metaphysical essence. But there's no need to worry, as instead of ending up with two or more different souls held together only by spiritual duct tape, you'll be able to decide what aspect of this new kind of soul you'll take on, either choosing just the best parts or those you desire, combine them into one functional whole better than the sum of its parts, or disregard some parts entirely. For 200 CP, you'll be able to do the same to any future or past souls you may get or have gotten through either backgrounds or other ways, with the decision of how your soul works in your hands evermore from this point on.