Mottie City

I made my way through the woods as best I could. The underbrush was grabbing at and wrapping around my legs as I kept walking. I almost fell several times as I got further everything seemed to get thicker around me. The rifle being on my shoulder had to be taken off for me to fit in several places. At some point I found myself sitting in the center of a destroyed suburb over grown with all kinds of plants. Looking around is when I finally found an old sign that said "Mottie City this way" With an arrow below it.

It felt way to convenient to be real. I still followed the path seeing that the sign was aged and beaten by the weather itself. The path was covered with small plants, but still no creatures walked the ground itself besides bugs. It was off putting to me in an uncanny way. The best way I could describe it was that the planet was alive, but felt very dead at the same time. It is almost like I shouldn't be here at all.

Something about the surroundings I find myself in feels alien to me. It's peaceful compared to the rest of the world, but you can find the chaos in the lack of sounds. Many people around the world are used to people talking, fighting, screaming, and other human noises around them. Now all of that is gone and replaced by something more primal compared to what once was.

I have come to the conclusion that I am just surviving for as long as I could. I don't think that I will come out of this in the end. Not really seeing anyone of us still being here after the war. If you can even call it a war at this point. I think it is more of a slaughter at this point. I don't think we have gained any ground recently. We have done more of a structured ourselves around what is left behind after the battles.

Sad to see that many places haven't been able to recover. I guess hope does exist with even small amounts of places thriving at all. Hopefully something could come out of this if it ever ends.

I kept walking through the forest until night fell. I found myself sleeping in a tree this time. It was a nice change until the rain came pouring down on me at midnight. The surprise caused me to fall out of the tree. I found a low laying tree to put my tarp in for some cover. I collected firewood hoping that I can start a fire for warmth.

Sleep seemed far away from me as the rain continued to fall. It was something I wasn't used to hearing. It was keeping me awake from how loud it was and seemed to be getting louder over time. Louder and louder until it was a continues roar of sound. The thoughts couldn't seem to rise over the rain either as my eyes failed to stay open. Soon I found myself falling to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up the sun was high in the sky. It was long past time to get moving. I packed away my tarp before leaving for Mottie City. Hopefully I will find people there.

The forest gave way to a plains area. It was a large rolling field dotted with flowers that in a different time animals would be eating right now. Stuff like this would make everyone cry if they had seen it.

It didn't take long for me to walk through the area. On the other end I found a road with another sign pointing me in the right direction. I followed the road until I saw massive buildings rising in the horizon. Finally the mysterious Mottie City had been found.

As I entered the city off in the distance you could hear a loud crash followed by a tower of smoke. Best guess was that a building or part of it had collapsed to the ground below. This had to be the first big city I had ever been in. Too bad its dead here.

Above I heard a creaking noise slowly starting to turn into a scream of bending metal. Nearby I found a manhole cover and nocked on it as the screaming started to pair with a crumbling noise. The manhole cover opened as a hand grabbed my leg and pulled me down before I heard it slide back in place. The whole place shook as the sound of the building collapsing sounded above.

"Welcome to the Mottie City underground."

I couldn't see anyone but the voice was bright and cheerful. It was nice to hear another persons voice. It also helped that she sounded happy as well. A light came on revealing an older woman with a big smile on her face.

"Let's get you some food you look very thin."