Chapter 5

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?

So with the new year, I decided to begin my life again with new surroundings and people, I welcomed 2014. With that thought

I didn't mention it before but my mother is a teacher and I shifted to the school she was teaching at the moment which was why everybody at the school knew me. I was not very happy but I had no choice, my parents didn't force me but asked for a good reason not to change school.

It was typical of the new kid at school I was open but guarded which was expected as I was scared before but my mother being a teacher in the school give me an advantage of not being bullied like before also people there were much more friendly and accepting and soon I buried all my first and begin with an optimistic mindset.

I was welcomed with open arms because of two reasons, first, they liked me second, they loved my mother I was and still, I am told that I and mom have similar personalities but I feel I am an equal mixture of both my parents. The first 6 months were awkward and foreign but after 6 months I made good friends. This was also when I met three of my best friends Alia, Khushi and Varun.

Me being a good student became A teacher's pet and was loved by them. This is when I discovered my love for biology, history and psychology I think they very well shaped me. Soon through mutual friends, I met a coward, we liked each other and agreed to get into a relationship. We were in a relationship for a month before he broke up with me stating the dumbest reason I can ever think of. His so-called reason was that there were other people attracted to me so I was not his and that means that I was cheating on him, I still get speechless whenever I think about it.

But I knew the culprit behind this, A few months back, my family was invited to one of Dad's parties; we were always invited but Dad never felt comfortable taking us until now. There I met Rohan. he was the son of one of Dad's friends(client), and he was a typical spoiled brat, I hated him and dreaded meeting him on any occasion but we were always at the same place at the same time. I had a feeling he was behind the breakup, so I decided to confront him the next time we meet.

That day came sooner than I had thought our conversation went something like this:

"Stupid bitch," he spat.

"Ungrateful twat," I responded, not hesitating a second.

The names dug deeper and came harsher, but I didn't mind. I didn't think he did either.

He was annoying, but annoying him was fun.

"God, I think I've called you every name in the book," he sighed, shaking his head.

Strands of midnight black hair fell from their slicked-back position on his head.

my fingers twitched, as I resisted tucking the hair back.

we had stopped in front of a great oak tree, long and limbering, with its crooked arms and mangled trunk. It provided shade from the blistering heat of midday and time for me to admire his features.

His crooked nose, his bright hazel eyes.

"And you've yet to name one that's true," I teased back, crossing my arms as I smirked in delight.

He fell silent for a second, angling his head slightly to the right as if to see me better.

"Beautiful," he whispered, after a moment's silence.

my breath caught in my throat.

"What?" I asked, the sound barely making it out.

Surely he hadn't meant me...

His boyish grin came over his face, the one that I had always dreaded. But this time it was soft, not mischievous. It was sweet.

"That's something I haven't called you before, huh?"

I couldn't respond.

What type of response was I to give to that?!

He ignored my silence for once, pushing in closer so his face hovered over mine.

"My apologies," he said, smiling wryly, "It took me far too long.... beautiful."

I was shocked, to say the least, but when I think about it now, I was blind. Anyways after that little encounter, I tried to avoid how I felt. I was attracted but I didn't completely trust him. but he made sure to make me comfortable around him and trust him. We became friends, and slowly we both started to open up to each other. We went out for movies, coffee, food and even arcades. we hang out a lot not only with our mutual friend group but also with each other. we found we had a lot in common and became close. Soon we started to develop feelings for each other but both were nervous to confess as we both thought the other didn't like us in the same way. We were idiots. In the end, Rohan got tired of it and asked me on a date which I gladly accepted. By the end of the date, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I knew that I liked him but still wanted time to reflect on my feelings and if they were just attraction or if I genuinely liked him. After two days of thinking, I said yes. We started dating.