
Iris dodged quickly and started attacking Oscar by saying "Fire Magic Dragon's breath." After saying those words huge flames started coming out of a magical circle. The flames were a mix of red, orange and yellow with a tinge of blue. The flames started swallowing Oscar but as a person once quoted, a good offense is the best defense, Oscar started counter-attacking Iris as he said "Undead Magic Sword of Agony". Suddenly a huge black sword with details of skulls and other things related to death came into Oscar's hands and he started swinging it to the flames. A huge wave of black matter started eating the flames as Iris withdrew her spell. Iris quickly cast a magical circle and said "Fire Magic Shield of Life". White flames consumed the black matter as Oscar started laughing and started saying "Interesting, Interesting. I wonder how long it will take to break you. Maybe I should keep you alive and feed the other undead. Or how about I keep you alive and make you kill these people? Ahh, I will enjoy seeing the look on your face as you slowly torture them and kill them. I wond." Iris interrupted Oscar and said "Stop speaking, you bastard. I will kill you and I will make sure of it." Iris then said "Fire Magic Flames of annihilation."

A sea of blue flames started enveloping Oscar. He had a face that showed us that he was afraid. Oscar started saying random spells but none of them worked as the flames devoured him.  But before he died he said, "If I am going to die here I will take some people with me." He used a spell and suddenly Lucas and Alan were grabbed by black matter. They were brought to the flames and they died within seconds. We could still hear the screams of agony as he was dying. The rest of the undead were killed by those flames as Iris calmly walked over to the place we were standing and said "Let's go". We started going to the other side of the mountain. We all had bittersweet expressions on our faces as the guy that was responsible for the loss of our loved ones was dead. But 2 of our friends were killed with him.

We then walked over the mountain and I started throwing grenades filled with sleeping gas.

After a few minutes, I went over to their base to confirm all the police officers and soldiers were asleep. 

I walked over to our hiding place to tell everyone they were asleep. After telling them the officers and soldier were asleep. We finally escaped to another state. We quickly found ourselves a hotel and we slept there for hours. When we woke up the time was 1:32 pm. I did my morning routine and went to the other room to call the boys. As expected none of them were awake. I woke them up and went downstairs. I then bought food from a restaurant and returned.

Everybody ate their fill. I checked my phone but couldn't see any messages related to the "virus". Then I realized that the message was probably sent only to the phones that were in that state as the government doesn't want the public to panic. From what hear from the locals. The state we survived on had a new disease that make people very ill so that's why that state will be on lockdown for 3 months.

I share this info with everyone. I then asked Iris "How does your magic work?" She said "I don't know exactly how. But when we consume a special crystal. We unlock a certain type of magic. We may get something useless like Soap Magic or something like mine. I ate the crystal when I was 7. I started training it every day. Till it evolved and became a wonderful magic. I can use other magic but only small ranked ones as I have no affinity towards them."

"So what are we going to do now? I have nothing to do. I lost everything. My house, job, friends, colleagues. So can I join your group of supernatural hunters, Iris ?" I asked.

"Sure, you can join whenever you want," Iris said quickly.  "Shouldn't you think about this stuff?" I asked as I was confused. She then said "Not really. We are short on members. Most of them are already dead so we need some recruits." Iris said. 

The rest of them asked the same question but Iris said they are young so they will be just a trainee. They were ok with that as all they wanted was revenge. Revenge against the Undead King. The person behind the list of their friends and family.

After that, we relaxed and took a break. We all did our own thing. I bought some clothes and then slept. I couldn't sleep as I remembered the face of Oscar. I also had a dream about. In the dream, he killed everyone close to me as I continued begging him to stop but he laughed maniacally sparing no attention to my words.

He then killed my parents in front of me over and over again. Then he killed this team. He also made me kill all people who are close to me.

I then woke up in cold sweat as I remembered the nightmare. I put the nightmare at the back of my death as I did my morning routine.  But I couldn't forget about it. I pushed all of my memories about him to the back of my mind as I forgot about him. 

The rest noticed my behaviour but seeing me okay later decided to speak about it. 

We then spent the mornings talking about our old life and our hobbies. We learnt new things about each other. After a week we decided it was time to go and train in magic to hunt that King. Iris then spoke the words "Space Magic Portal. A tear in the space in front of me increased as I could see a portal forming. At that moment I knew that this was just the beginning.