
In the next second, purple energy with black details started to come out of the giant skeleton's chest cavity.

The energy soon transformed into a ball of energy and was destroyed.

After it was destroyed both of us immediately closed our ears with our hands as we could hear the shrilling cries of souls as they got destroyed.

Gashadokuro didn't die though it got smaller. It seems that my magic was too weak to kill the main soul.

I can't use that attack again as I don't have enough mana. I looked in Iris's direction and saw her getting ready to kill this skeleton.

Iris said "Fire Magic Flames of Annihilation. Wind Magic Mini Tornado. Axel, control it like you did before. Hit the skeleton's chest cavity this time."

I said "Okay. Manipulation Magic Mana Strengthening. Manipulation Magic Mana Shaping. Manipulation Magic Mana Overload.

The first spell strengthened the magic as the fire glowed red and the wind glowed green. The second spell shaped both magic into a single ball of destruction. Lastly, with the third spell, I added my raw mana to amplify the effects.

I controlled the ball of mana to the skeleton's chest and hit the center.

The skeleton growled out in pain as he attacked in a berserk stage.

I said "Iris dodge." But Iris couldn't escape as she was hit with a finger and she crashed down at a wall.

3rd PoV

Suddenly Axel's aura changed. It changed from a panic, worried aura to a menacing one.

Axel was growling a bit. Even the skeleton noticed the change in atmosphere and tried to attack Axel.

Axel dodged and said in a cold voice "Manipulation Magic Mana Overload".

This time his entire body got covered in a blue almost white energy that you won't see if you didn't look closely.

Then he said "Chi- Aura". The next second Axel was covered with a bluish-white aura to a yellow aura. This aura was more visible than the aura before.

Even the skeleton was tense seeing the aura.

Axel soon ran in a zig-zag way and kicked the skeleton. Soon a crack was heard in the dungeon as Axel managed to almost break one of the skeleton's bones.

The Skeleton was in pain as he looked at Axel in rage and tried to kick him with his injured leg. Axel moved sideways and punched the crack. The Skeleton lost his balance and fell.

Seeing the chance Axel didn't care about his safety, ran and jumped at the skeleton's head. Axel just as jumped said "Mana focus. Mana overload. Chi Focus Kick."

The first spell focused Axel's mana on his leg. The second spell made the energy in the leg have more mana. The last one made Axel's entire aura gone as it was focused on his leg.

The second Axel hit the skeleton's head. The sounds of bones breaking were heard. It was so loud that Iris woke up after hearing it. Seeing Axel kicking the skeleton was shocking enough as Iris worriedly asked "Axel are you okay?"

Axel had a small forced smile on his face as he said "I am fine. Don't worry."

The next second sounds of bones cracking were heard as Axel said "Maybe not. Maybe I am not fine."

After saying those words Axel passed out. Iris had a small smile on her face as she slowly got up and dusted herself. She walked up to the skeleton and made sure it was dead. She checked Axel's injuries and found out he had his entire leg broken and had mana and chi exhaustion as he overused both of these energies. Soon she lay beside Axel and took a rest.

After a few hours, Iris recovered but Axel didn't wake up. She carried Axel by supporting his arms into her shoulder. It took a bit of time but soon they were both outside using the door she saw behind the skeleton. After that, she said "Spatial Magic Portal."

A tear in space appeared as both of them entered the tear. Both of them appeared in a hospital-like place as a nurse asked Iris "What happened to him?"

Iris replied "Mana Exhaustion. Chi Exhaustion. His entire right leg is broken."

The nurse nodded and went to get a stretcher. She and Iris laid down Axel and he was moved to a room. Soon a mage came inside the room and examined Axel's injuries. He said "Healing Magic Heal."

A golden light was covering Axel's entire body as Axel's small injuries like cuts and bruises to big injuries like bone fractures were healed. The next the mage examined Iris and said "Healing Magic Heal."

This time the same process happened to Iris's body as her entire body was covered with golden light and soon the light faded and Iris was completely healed.

The mage then said "He had broken his limits in the fight you had earlier. So he overused his chi and mana. It will take a few more hours to be alright and he needs attention when he wakes up but since he is not in a severe case you can discharge him and nurse him in his home."

Iris nodded as she paid for the expenses. She then wrote the formalities for discharging him. Since she didn't have the energy to carry him, Iris used Spatial Magic to get into Axel's house.

Iris laid down Axel in his bed and sat in the chair looking at him. She had a small smile on her face. She quickly used Spatial Magic to buy some fruits to make a smoothie and bought a large serving of chocomarsh.

Iris then returned using Spatial magic and went to the kitchen and made the smoothie. She also made porridge.

After doing this she returned seat and read a book as she was waiting for Axel to wake up.

After many hours Axel woke up. The first thing he was greeted with was a punch in the shoulder. Axel grunted in pain and said, "Not even a thank you for saving your life."