Chapter 6.  “Long Live the Queen!”

The people of Hanna were talking in the streets, gossiping down the alleys about how their king got bullied and let his royal commander get captured- how some woman from northern lands was forcing them to give up their new slaves/ servants… the palace's walls were shaking from the distrust and criticism from its people.

Behind the palace walls, Queen-mother was losing her mind over Maan's decision to round up all the slaves acquired from Maythene. It made her realize that even though he was a namesake he was still a king and she couldn't do anything from within the palace walls, a rather brutal reality for her.

To distract the public's attention queen-mother had sped up the selection process for the future queen. She threw the bait and the masses took it. Soon the noble families and wealthy merchants were more focused on getting their daughters into the palace and becoming the queen or concubines.

The king was aware of the rumor amongst the people and what was going on in the palace. He had sources and ears around the capital and palace but sometimes too much information adds to the struggle. He had always known what people thought about him and it had weighed heavily on his decisions and consciousness. He wanted to do good and look at the bright side but was it possible when he kept dwelling in the dark and cold paths?


Outskirts of Shaom (capital city of Hanna):

Sum-In Jheng, the inspector general had used his sources and officer network to gather all the legally and illegally acquired slaves and servants at the camps outside the capital city. He had no complaint regarding this particular decision but he hated that his sister, Ru-mi was happy about becoming Maan's wife, an incompetent bastard's wife. He couldn't let his sister jump in the well knowingly.

"I must talk to Father soon." Sumin thought while he supervised the junior officers who were gathering the Maythene slaves into several lines ready to be sent off to their lands. He was eager to return home and talk to his father since his job was done.

The king was once again ready with even bigger troops of soldiers than the last time.

Most of the Hanna nationals were angry and displeased by the king's decision to return the abducted villager back to their queen. The nobles and wealthy were upset with their newly acquired slaves being taken away and the merchants were mourning over the loss where as the smugglers were locked in the dark prisons even after having connections within the palace.

To avoid any possible conflicts the king and the slaves were set to meet at the city borders and then depart together to reach Maythene army base.

While on the way to meet Maythene's army base the king had a lot of time to think about his next move. Years ago, since he didn't have any choice but to accept the king's position he had thought to use it as an opportunity to fulfill his father's dream of making Hanna a land of peace and prosperity but it was easier said than done.

It didn't take him long to realize that the throne was a swamp that was swallowing him, slowly, inch by inch and if he didn't fight hard to stay afloat he was going to die or get killed. That was what the palace had taught him.

Maan was thinking about how to expose the ones involved with illegal slave trading and who would they be working under, someone who was the partner in crime from within the palace.



Jwala was standing under a tree shade watching Bela graze around the marsh. Mitra was also present next to her like always but they had another companion with them, the royal commander who was sporting a frown and wasn't very appreciative of the honor to share a walk with either of them.

A soldier came on a horse, got off, and ran to Jwala to hand her a scroll before taking his leave.

"Royal commander, Many many congratulations," Jwala said after reading the message that had the seal of Hanna's King and Rei clan. "After all your king cares about you. He is sending my subjects."

Royal commander was relieved to hear that, he was missing his home and job.

"You don't look happy. Do you wish to stay with us?" Jwala said seeing no change in the royal commander's expression.

"Mitra, he looks upset to me. What do you think?"

"I think it's how his face is- likes of a tired sheep," Mitra said with a small smirk.

Jwala chuckled. "I apologize on her behalf. She is just very straightforward."

"We shouldn't laugh at our guests doesn't matter how sore their face is to look at," Jwala said pretending to scold Mitra.

The Royal commander was confused as to whose remark was more offensive. He was already struggling to ignore the urge to steal the grazing horse and run away and on top of that their mean remarks.

"She won't let anyone else near her except Me and Mitra," Jwala said when she noticed that the royal commander had been long staring at Bela.

He stretched his neck acting normal and looking around.

Jwala scoffed internally. She looked at him once again and she noticed that there was something familiar about his face. "Have I met him before?" she thought.



Outcast village:

Jwala was waiting with her army at the entrance of the village when she heard something. It was the sound of the army marching her way. Soon the incoming army was visible too as was the reason for their arrival.

Jwala could see a smile appearing on the captives' faces upon seeing someone familiar. Their bruised and sunken faces had lit up to find someone waiting for them, someone looking for them when they had lost all hope of ever seeing their families and motherland.

A soldier came forward and said out loud, "People of Maythene, your queen, her highness, Jwala Chitra Bhanu welcomes you. You are safe and under Maythene army's protection."

The Maythene villagers ran towards the Maythene army and bowed in front of the queen joining their hands in gratitude. Tears of happiness flowed from their eyes as they screamed, "Long live the queen! Long live the queen!"

Jwala was beaming with pride and her heart warmed up to their words. She raised her hand in the air.

When the cheering crowd fell silent she said, "Your loved ones wait for you in Maythene, wipe your tears and smile, that you will be soon going back to your motherland. A grand meal is being prepared to celebrate your return. Welcome home."

The villagers bowed again chanting 'long live the queen!' and followed the soldiers that took them to their camping place to clean up before eating.

Maan was witnessing all this, the genuine happiness and gratitude from the villagers, their respect for the queen even though they had met her for the first time was something he had always wished he could have.

Not only that the way their queen had warmly welcomed them as if she had known them was impressive. He was in awe. The royals he knew were all fake and selfish and the few that cared about the subjects were weak and powerless.

It was the first time that he had witnessed genuine care and power in one place, in one person. At that moment he could see what his father had said to him- A king that protects his people, a guardian, a father… all that made sense.

He couldn't help but wonder what would happen if the situation were reversed. If Maythene had captured Hanna's daily wagers and poor farmers, he could bet that no one from Hanna would care let alone raid another kingdom just to free some small farmers and traders.

On the contrary, Hanna was known to sell its poor and orphans in their own nation to the wealthy and nobility… even the palace was known to purchase slaves and force them into eternal servitude.

The stark contrast was like a slap on Hanna which claimed to be a great nation of prosperity and culture. The thought alone was making him laugh.

"Your commander is free, your highness," Jwala said out loud releasing the royal guard who was stoic to look at but his mind had many questions for his king.

"Your Highness…" Maan chuckled hearing those words coming from Jwala. "I believe I have earned 'that' respect," Maan said to himself.

While the exchange was going on Jwala and Maan had their eyes locked like they were waiting for something.

Maan contemplated for a second then came forward on his horse. He waited, still looking at Jwala.

Jwala also came forward. It looked like the king has something to say.

"Greetings, your highness." He said.

"Greetings to you too," she took a pause. "…Your Highness."

"What will the queen do now? Leave the Hanna villages?" He said in a low voice.

"The king's subjects are quite fond of me and I am of them."

"Then allow me to bribe you," he said in a whisper-like voice.

"The king will bribe me to leave?" She sang, "I will decide after I see the bribe."

"Just a bag of gold and precious gems." Maan gestured to a soldier to hand the bag in his possession.

The soldier gave the bag to Mitra, who checked the contents and informed Jwala right away.

"That was the compensation for not paying attention to the Maythene ambassador." she smiled knowingly, "Now... Where is the bribe?"

He noticed that the tone of her voice was different, she sounded sweet instead of bold. He smiled, "She isn't trying to charm me, is she?" he thought.

He pressed his lips like he had made a mistake, "In that case, I will have to invite you to have dinner with me…"

Her eyes narrowed.

"I was hoping we could talk after I present the queen with the …" he whispered the word 'bribe' then continued normally, "There was too much tension last time."

She nodded slowly and said, "I will see if I want to or not…" her horse slowly started to back away.

He could sense she was playing, "I will wait!" he said as he watched her go farther away from him.
